User:Xenon dichloride/C15 Prospective Board: Difference between revisions

From Infinite Nomic Wiki
Legends have all been coloured
(6 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
Line 26: Line 26:
| style="background: yellow" |'''205'''
Line 34: Line 34:
| style="background: #551a8b" |'''26'''
Line 44: Line 44:
| style="background: #A18F5E" |'''14'''
| style="background: cyan" |Crystal
| style="background: cyan" |Crystal
Line 55: Line 55:
| style="background: #A18F5E" |'''207'''
Line 65: Line 65:
| style="background: yellow" |'''211'''
| style="background: yellow" |'''208'''
Line 90: Line 90:
| style="background: #A18F5E" |'''11'''
| style="background: #A18F5E" |Garbage Pile
| style="background: #A18F5E" |Garbage Pile
Line 98: Line 98:
| style="background: yellow" |'''214→'''
|style="background: red" |'''220↓→'''
Line 114: Line 114:
| style="background: yellow" |'''215'''
| style="background: yellow" |'''201'''
Line 134: Line 134:
| style="background: yellow" |'''204→'''
| style="background: orange" |Stop Sign
| style="background: orange" |Stop Sign
| style="color: green" |'''33'''
Line 154: Line 154:
| style="color: #CFC600" |'''34'''
| style="color: #CFC600" |'''35'''
| style="background: yellow" |'''218'''
Line 170: Line 170:
| style="color: #CFC600" |'''36'''
| style="color: #CFC600" |'''37'''
| style="background: #551a8b" |'''219↓'''
Line 187: Line 187:
| style="color: #CFC600" |'''38→'''
| style="background: brown; color: #CFC600" |'''39'''
| rowspan="2" |'''0→←'''
| rowspan="2" style="background: cyan; color: green" |'''0→←'''
Line 204: Line 204:
| style="color: magenta" |'''-1'''
| style="color: #CFC600; background: yellow" |'''-2'''
Line 216: Line 216:
| style="color: magenta" |'''-219'''
| style="color: magenta" |'''-3'''
| style="color: #CFC600" |'''-4'''
Line 231: Line 231:
| style="background: yellow" |'''-218'''
Line 237: Line 237:
| style="background: brown; color: #CFC600"|'''-5'''
| style="color: #CFC600" |'''-6'''
| style="background: #836539" |Geyser
| style="background: #836539" |Geyser
Line 253: Line 253:
| style="color: magenta" |'''-7'''
| style="background: yellow" |'''-32'''
| style="color: magenta" |'''-216'''
| style="color: magenta" |'''-203'''
| style="background: yellow" |'''-204'''
Line 278: Line 278:
| style="background: yellow" |'''-215↓'''
| style="background: yellow" |'''-201'''
Line 287: Line 287:
| style="background: #ffc0cb; color: magenta" |'''-30'''
| style="background: yellow" |'''-214'''
| style="background: red" |'''←↓-220'''
| style="color: magenta" |'''←-200'''
| style="background: #d4af37; color: magenta" |'''-10'''
Line 306: Line 306:
| style="color: magenta" |'''-213'''
| style="color: magenta" |'''-209'''
Line 318: Line 318:
| style="color: magenta; background: #836539" |'''←-210'''
| style="background: yellow" |'''-211'''
| style="background: yellow" |'''-208'''
| style="background: yellow" |'''-12'''
Line 348: Line 348:
| style="background: #551a8b" |'''-26'''
Line 355: Line 355:
| style="color: magenta" |'''-206'''
| style="color: magenta; background: #836539" |'''-14'''
Line 370: Line 370:
| style="background: yellow" |'''-205↓'''
Line 381: Line 381:
| style="background: yellow" |'''-22'''
| style="color: magenta" |'''-21'''
| style="background: lime; color: magenta" |'''-20'''
| style="background: #A18F5E" |'''-18→'''
Line 1,206: Line 1,206:
| colspan="2" |
| colspan="2" |
== Small ==
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center;"
| style="background: lime; color: magenta" |'''-10'''
| style="color: magenta" |'''-11'''
| style="background: #551a8b" |'''-14'''
| style="background: red; color: magenta" |'''-15'''
| colspan="5" rowspan="5" |
| rowspan="11" |
| colspan="2" |'''Types'''
| style="color: magenta" |'''-9'''
| colspan="4" rowspan="4" |
| style="color: magenta" |'''-16'''
| style="background: yellow" |Casino
| style="background: #4b5828" |'''-8'''
| style="background: cyan" |Crystal
| style="background: #551a8b" |Teleporter
| style="background: #4b5828" |'''-18'''
| style="background: brown" |Boulder Trap
| style="background: #836539" |Geyser
| style="color: magenta; background: #836539" |'''-6'''
| style="background: #4b5828" |Garbage Pile
| style="background: pink" |Dance Pad
| style="background: ; color: magenta" |'''-5'''
| style="color: #CFC600" |'''-4'''
| style="background: brown; color: #CFC600" |'''-3'''
| style="color: magenta; background: #ddddff" |'''-2'''
| style="color: magenta" |'''-1'''
| style="background: cyan; color: green" |'''0↑→'''
| style="background: pink" |'''5'''
| style="background: lime" |Crystal Orb
| style="background: silver" |Disco Ball
| colspan="5" rowspan="5" |
| style="background: brown; color: #CFC600" |'''19'''
| colspan="4" rowspan="4" |
| style="background: #4b5828" |'''6'''
| style="background: orange" |Stop Sign
| style="color: #CFC600" |'''18'''
| style="background: #545454" |Oil Spill
| style="color: magenta" |'''17'''
| style="background: #ddddff" |Thin Ice
| style="color: #CFC600" |'''16'''
| style="background: #4b5828" |'''9'''
| style="background: blue" |Shard Pile
| style="background: silver; color: green" |'''15'''
| style="background: #551a8b" |'''14'''
| style="color: magenta" |'''10'''
| style="background: red" |Crystal Forge
* Repeal '''Crystal Beam''', '''Spin-up Spinner''', '''Spin-down Spinner''' and '''Wheel Rotation'''.
* Amend '''Movement''' by replacing all instances of "2d6" with "2d4".
* Remove "Oil Spill" from the list in '''Hazard'''.
* Delete all spaces.
* For each integer N between -19 and 19 inclusive, create space N with type Blank.
* Create a loop from space 1 to space 0. Create a loop from space -19 to space 0.
* Change the type of space 0 to Crystal, Spaces -18, -8, 6 and 9 to Garbage Pile, -14 and 14 to teleporter, -16, -11, -9, -6, -2, -1 and 17 to Hazard, -15 and 10 to Utility, -10 and -5 to Treasure, 5 to Dance Pad and 15 to Disco Ball. Change the type of space -3 to Boulder Trap with boulder path {-4, -2, -1} and safe space on 0. Change the type of space 19 to Boulder Trap with boulder path {18, 17, 16} and safe space on 15. Change the pseudo-type of space -15 to Crystal Forge, -10 to Crystal Orb, -6 to Geyser, -5 to Casino and -2 to Thin Ice.
* For each player, take the Identifier of the space they are on and halve it. If the magnitude of this is less than 10, round the value up. If it is greater than 10, round the value down. If this does not correspond to an identifier of a space, consider the direction/sign of the value. If negative, set it to -8, if positive, set it to 12. This value is their new position.
* Grant each player 1 Magic Mirror.

Latest revision as of 04:08, 10 February 2024

Figure Eight[edit | edit source]

22 21 20 19 ←↓18 Types:
24 23 205 17 16 Blank
26 25 206 15 14 Crystal
27 207 13 Boulder Trap
28↓→ 210 211 208 12 Crystal Beam
29 212 213 209↓ 11 Garbage Pile
30 214→ 220↓→ 200 10 Spinner
31 215 201 202 9 Crystal Orb
32 216 203 204→ 8↑ Stop Sign
33 217 7 Oil Spill
34 35 218 5 6 Thin Ice
36 37 219↓ 3 4 Shard Pile
38→ 39 0→← 1 2 Crystal Forge
←↓-38 -39 -1 -2 Casino
-36 -37 -219 -3 -4 Teleporter
-34 -35 -218 -5 -6 Geyser
-33 -217 -7
-32 -216 -203 -204 ←↑-8
-31 -215↓ -201 -202 -9
-30 -214 ←↓-220 ←-200 -10
-29 -212 -213 -209 -11
-28↓ ←-210 -211 -208 -12
-27 -207 -13
-26 -25 -206 -15 -14
-24 -23 -205↓ -17 -16
-22 -21 -20 -19 -18→
Types: Blank Crystal Boulder Trap Crystal Beam Garbage Pile Spinner
Crystal Orb Stop Sign Oil Spill Thin Ice Shard Pile Crystal Forge
Casino Teleporter Geyser

Infinity Loops[edit | edit source]

-12 -11 -10 -9 -8↓→ 8→ 9 10 11 12
-14 -13 -204 -7 -6 6 7 204↑ 13 14
-16 -15 -203 -5 -4 4 5 203 15 16
-17 -202 -3 3 202 17
-18↑ ←-205 -206 -201 -2 2 201 206 205 ←↓18
-19 -207 -208 -200↓ -1 1 200 208 207 19
-20 -209 ←↓-220 ←-215 0↓ ↑ 215 ←↑220 ←209 20
-21 -214 -216 -217 -39 39 217 216 ↑214 21
-22 -213 -218 -219 ←↓-38 38↑ ←219 218 213 22
-23 -212 -37 37 212 23
-24 -25 -211 -35 -36 36 35 211 25 24
-26 -27 -210↓ -33 -34 34 33 210 27 26
←-28 -29 -30 -31 -32 32 31 30 29 ←↑28
Types: Blank Crystal Boulder Trap Crystal Beam Garbage Pile Spinner Crystal Orb Stop Sign Oil Spill Thin Ice Shard Pile Crystal Forge
Casino Teleporter Geyser

Squares[edit | edit source]

-20 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 -27 ←-28 -29 -30 Types
-19 -210↑ -31 Blank
-211 Crystal
-18↓ ←-205 -206 -212 -32 Boulder Trap
-17 -207 -213 -33 Crystal Beam
-16 -208 -214 -34 Garbage Pile
-15 -209 ←↑-220 ←-215 -35 Spinner
-14 ↑-200 -216 -36 Crystal Orb
-13 -201 -217 -37 Stop Sign
-12 -202 -218 -219 ←↑-38 Oil Spill
-11 -203 -39 Thin Ice
-204 Shard Pile
-10 -9 -8↑→ -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0↑→ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8→ 9 10 Crystal Forge
39 204↑ 11 Casino
203 Teleporter
38↑ ←219 218 202 12 Geyser
37 217 201 13
36 216 200 14
35 215 ←↑220 ←209 15
34 ↑214 208 16
33 213 207 17
32 212 206 205 ←↓18
31 211 19
30 29 ←↑28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20
Types: Blank Crystal Boulder Trap Crystal Beam Garbage Pile Spinner Crystal Orb Stop Sign Oil Spill Thin Ice Shard Pile
Crystal Forge Casino Teleporter Geyser

Small[edit | edit source]

-10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 Types
-9 -16 Blank Casino
-8 -17 Crystal Teleporter
-7 -18 Boulder Trap Geyser
-6 -19 Garbage Pile Dance Pad
-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0↑→ 1 2 3 4 5 Crystal Orb Disco Ball
19 6 Stop Sign
18 7 Oil Spill
17 8 Thin Ice
16 9 Shard Pile
15 14 13 12 11 10 Crystal Forge
  • Repeal Crystal Beam, Spin-up Spinner, Spin-down Spinner and Wheel Rotation.
  • Amend Movement by replacing all instances of "2d6" with "2d4".
  • Remove "Oil Spill" from the list in Hazard.
  • Delete all spaces.
  • For each integer N between -19 and 19 inclusive, create space N with type Blank.
  • Create a loop from space 1 to space 0. Create a loop from space -19 to space 0.
  • Change the type of space 0 to Crystal, Spaces -18, -8, 6 and 9 to Garbage Pile, -14 and 14 to teleporter, -16, -11, -9, -6, -2, -1 and 17 to Hazard, -15 and 10 to Utility, -10 and -5 to Treasure, 5 to Dance Pad and 15 to Disco Ball. Change the type of space -3 to Boulder Trap with boulder path {-4, -2, -1} and safe space on 0. Change the type of space 19 to Boulder Trap with boulder path {18, 17, 16} and safe space on 15. Change the pseudo-type of space -15 to Crystal Forge, -10 to Crystal Orb, -6 to Geyser, -5 to Casino and -2 to Thin Ice.
  • For each player, take the Identifier of the space they are on and halve it. If the magnitude of this is less than 10, round the value up. If it is greater than 10, round the value down. If this does not correspond to an identifier of a space, consider the direction/sign of the value. If negative, set it to -8, if positive, set it to 12. This value is their new position.
  • Grant each player 1 Magic Mirror.