Cycle 14/Ruleset: Difference between revisions

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Implement Proposal **We're All Gambling Addicts Here**
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Phase II: Friday, Saturday, and Sunday
Phase II: Friday, Saturday, and Sunday
=== Seasons ===
There is always a Current Season.
If the Current Season ever cannot be reasonably determined, then it is "Calm Spring" instead.
At the end of the week, after proposals have come into effect, the Current Season changes to the subsequent one in the list.
"During [season]" means "if the Current Season is [season]".
"During early/late [season]" means the same as above, but only in Phase I and Phase II respectively.
The following is the list of all Seasons, in order:
* Calm Spring
* Winter
* Long night


Any person may become a player by posting a message setting forth their intent to do so in the channel ⁠game-actions, provided they have not been a player at any point in the past seven days. A player may cease being a player by sending a message that sets forth their intent to do so in ⁠game-actions.
Any person may become a player by posting a message setting forth their intent to do so in the channel ⁠#game-actions, provided they have not been a player at any point in the past seven days. A player may cease being a player by sending a message that sets forth their intent to do so in #⁠game-actions.

When a person becomes a player, they gain 1⚡.
When a person becomes a player, they gain 1⚡.
Dying Experience is also tracked based on person, and is initially 0. When a player ceases to be a player, increase that person's dying experience by 1. When a player ceases to be a player, their transferable items are transferred to the Community Storehouse.
=== Banishment ===
A player can be Banished through a banishment proposal for a set period of time known as the Banishment Duration. Other rules notwithstanding, a Banished player cannot Start, Contribute to, or Complete Gatherings, and a Banished player cannot trade with a non-Banished player. A Banished player can End their Banishment by sending a message in ⁠#game-actions setting forth their intent to do so if they have been continuously banished for at least as long as their Banishment Duration, thereby ceasing to be banished.

==The Obelisk==
==The Obelisk==
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For the Obelisk to move a distance closer is for its distance from the gate to be reduced by that amount. If this would result in the distance becoming negative, it instead becomes 0.
For the Obelisk to move a distance closer is for its distance from the gate to be reduced by that amount. If this would result in the distance becoming negative, it instead becomes 0.

Once per week, one player can peek through the gate window and observe the Obelisk, and roll 1d2. When they do so, the obelisk's position becomes that many kilometers closer (it had moved mysteriously in the middle of the night), then each player gains 1⚡ (evidence of their renewed resolve).
Once per week, one player can peek through the gate window and observe the Obelisk, and roll 1dN where N is the number of Cuts the Obelisk currently has (to a minimum of 1). When they do so, the obelisk's position becomes that many kilometers closer (it had moved mysteriously in the middle of the night), then each player gains 1⚡ (evidence of their renewed resolve).
Winter: During winter, the  Obelisk's N referenced above is lesser by 1 (still to a minimum of 1).
When the Obelisk is observed it gains an amount of 🩸 equal to the number of Cuts it has plus the number of 🐦 it has.
=== Grebes ===
On the observation of the Obelisk each phase, if an odd number is the result of the dice roll that happens after the observation of the Obelisk, the Obelisk summons a 🐦 to aid it, gaining 1 🐦, in addition to moving the distance as per the rules when said odd number is rolled. The Obelisk can not have more than 5 🐦. If the amount of 🐦 it owns ever exceeds this amount, the extra 🐦 immediately cease to exist (due to some mysterious existential force).

Items are entities defined as such by the rules. Items can only be owned by players. By default, items can be traded. When an item's owner cannot reasonably be determined using publicly available information, or if it would be owned by a non-player, it is instead destroyed.
Items are entities defined as such by the rules. Items can be owned by players. When an item's owner cannot reasonably be determined using publicly available information, or if it would be owned by a non-player, it is instead destroyed.

For an entity to gain an item is for that item to be created in that entity's possession. To grant an entity an item is to create it in that entity's possession.
For an entity to gain an item is for that item to be created in that entity's possession. To grant an entity an item is to create it in that entity's possession.

For an entity to lose an item is for that item to be destroyed from that entity's possession. To revoke an item from an entity is to destroy it from that entity's possession.
For an entity to lose an item is for that item to be destroyed from that entity's possession. To revoke an item from an entity is to destroy it from that entity's possession.
Reputable players can trade items with other reputable players.

=== Trading ===
=== Trading ===
A trade is an exchange or transfer of items between two entities, with each entity giving a specified finite set of items to the other. Reputable players can trade items with other reputable players.
A trade is an exchange or transfer of items between two entities, with each entity giving a specified finite set of items to the other.

When otherwise authorized, a trade between two players takes place when both players explicitly consent to the trade in #trades within 7 days of each other.
When otherwise authorized, a trade between two players takes place when both players explicitly consent to the trade in #trades within 7 days of each other.
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*🩸Blood of Stone
*🩸Blood of Stone
*🖤Black Heart
*❤️‍🔥Infernal Heart
Unlike other Ritual Components, ⚡ cannot be traded.
*🐦 Grebes
*🪨 Brimstone
*💤 Restfulness
Unlike other Ritual Components, ⚡, 💤 and 🐦 cannot be traded.
No player should have more than 4⚡, If at any point a player owns more than 4⚡, the superfluous ⚡ are transformed into 💤.
=== Community Storehouse ===
The Community Storehouse is an entity that can own items. As an action, a player who is not Banished may transfer any number of tradable Components (that is, any component that is not ⚡) in their possesion to the Community Storehouse. Similarly as an action, a player who is not Banished may transfer any number of Components that are in the Community Storehouse to themself.

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=== Dice Rolls ===
=== Dice Rolls ===
A rule that requires a selection of an NdK value, for non-negative integral N and positive integral K, is requiring the random selection of the sum of N rolls of a K-sided die; that is, the sum of N independent selections of integers from 1 to K, using a uniform random distribution. If N is zero, the sum is zero.
A rule that requires a selection of an NdK value, for non-negative integer N and positive integer K, is requiring the random selection of N rolls of a K-sided die.
If not otherwise specified, this produces the sum of N rolls of a K-sided die; that is, the sum of N independent selections of integers from 1 to K, using a uniform random distribution. If N is zero, the sum is zero.
If a rule requires a dice roll with a target number x, this instead produces the number of independent selections that meet or exceed the target number and can be abbreviated as "x+". For example, if a rule requires a dice roll with a target number of 3, this can be abbreviated to "3+".

== Tasks ==
== Tasks ==
Tasks are Actions that cost ⚡ to perform. A player must have at least 1⚡ to perform a Task, and when a player performs a Task, they automatically lose 1⚡.
Tasks are Actions that cost ⚡ to perform. A player must have at least 1⚡ to perform a Task, and when a player performs a Task, they automatically lose 1⚡. If the Task is specified as being a Recreational Task, the player also gains 3💤.

Each Player has an Experience value in each Task, which is initially 0. Whenever a Player is performing a Task that utilizes Experience, that Player should substitute their Experience value in that Task as appropriate. After a Player performs a Task their Experience in that Task is incremented by 1, or 2 if they have any 💤, in which case they lose 1 💤.
As a Task, a player can enter the Crystal Quarries to mine for 💎. That player gains 1d3 - 1💎.
Subsections immediately under this rule describe Tasks.
A player can enter the Crystal Quarries to mine for 💎. That player gains 1💎 for each 4+ rolled on 2d6 and 1 🪨 for each 6+ rolled.
The following conditions add or subtract dice from the above roll:
{| class="wikitable"
| +1d6
|If the Gains are Boosted.
| -1d6
|If the current Season is Winter.
| +1d6
|If the current Season is not Winter.
| +Nd4
|Where N is the Experience the Player has in this Task.

As a Task, a player can cultivate Herbs from the Greenhouse Botania. That players gains 1d6🌿.
As a Task, a player can cultivate herbs/plants from the Greenhouse Botania.
====Greenhouse Botania====
The greenhouse Botania initially holds 4 pots. When a player performs the herbalism task, they may do one of the following:
* Propagation: Any unoccupied pot in the Greenhouse Botania can have herbs placed in it, where this player selects up to 1 herb per pot from the Horticultural Encyclopaedia, removing the appropriate resources from their inventory to do so.
* Hydration: Any pot with a herb in it can be selected (once per pot) by this player, incrementing its growth stage by 1 (initially 0) and receiving the rewards as listed in the Horticultural Encyclopaedia. If a herb's growth stage would be incremented beyond its 'Stages of Growth', this instead does not occur.
* Harvesting: Any herb can be selected to be removed. If it is on its final growth stage ('Stages of Growth'), you receive rewards (refer to Horticultural Encyclopaedia). After harvesting the relevant pot is empty.
If a player attempts to interact with a pot and this would cause them to lose more of a component than they own, the interaction instead does not occur.
====Horticultural Encyclopaedia====
The following table details the possible herbs/plants and their attributes (where all instances of N refers to the number of experience in herbalism that player has):
{| class="wikitable"
!Resource Cost
!Stages of Growth
!Reward at each growth stage
!Reward upon harvesting
|Feather Fluff
|1 - ⌊N/12⌋ 🌿
|⌊N/4⌋ 🌿
|3 🌿
|Kraken Root
|3 🌿
|2N + 3d8 🌿
|5 - ⌊N/2⌋ 🌿
|⌊N/6⌋ + 1 🌿
|⌊N/4⌋ + 1d3 🌿
|Porcupine Tree
|13 - N 🌿
|N + 1d6 🌿
| N - 1d5 🌿
|1d3 - ⌊N/3⌋ 💎
|N + 3d3 🌿
|9 🌿 or 5 🌿 and 2 💎
|1d(N + 3) 🌿
|N + 1d6 🌿 and 1dN 💎
|Ponzi Plant
|6 🌿 or 6 💎
|Roll 1d(N + 2); if the result is 1,2 or 3, reward is nothing; otherwise, 12 🌿 or 12 💎 (player's choice)
|4 🌿 and 1 🩸
|2dN 🌿
|1 ⚗️
|99 🌿
|1d6 🌿
|1 ❤️‍🔥
|}If a resource cost would be negative due to experience, it is instead 0.
Only within Herbalism, the following modifiers conditionally apply:
* If the season is Winter, N is decreased by 3 to a minimum of 0.
* If the season is Calm Spring, N is increased by 2.
* If the gains are boosted, N is increased by 4.

As a Task, a player with sufficient items can combine 1💎 and 5🌿 in their possession to create 1⚗️.
A player with sufficient items can combine 1💎 and 5🌿 in their possession to perform alchemy. That player gains 1⚗️ for each 6+ on 1d24.
The following conditions add or subtract dice from the above roll:
{| class="wikitable"
| +Nd6
|Where N is the Experience the Player has in this Task.

=== Beating of the Black Heart ===
=== Beating of the Infernal Heart ===
As a Task, a player with sufficient items can combine 1🩸, 1⚗️, and 1⚡ in their possession to create 1🖤.
A player with sufficient items can combine 1🩸, 1⚗️, and 1⚡ in their possession to create 1'''❤️‍🔥'''.

=== Blood Acquisition ===
=== Blood Acquisition ===
As a Task, a player can approach the Obelisk to try to collect its essence. That player rolls NdK, where N is the number of Cuts the Obelisk has (see Rituals, below) and K is the integer number of Kilometers the Obelisk is from the Gates. For each 1 that player rolls in this way, they gain that many 🩸.
That player rolls a number of d2 and for each resulting 2, a 🩸 is transferred from the Obelisk to the player.
The following conditions add or subtract dice from the above roll:
{| class="wikitable"
| +Nd2
|Where N is the amount of 🩸 the Obelisk has.
| +Nd2
|Where N is the Experience the Player has in this Task.
(For example. If the obelisk had 2 🩸 and the player had 3 Experience, the player would roll 5d2 and transfer 1🩸 from the obelisk for each 2 rolled. Note that in this example, a maximum of 2 would be transferred.)
=== Befriend a Grebe ===
As a Task, a Banished player who currently has no 🐦 can attempt to get to know and befriend a 🐦 in the Obelisk's possession. If the player gets at least 1 6+ on 1d10, 1 🐦 is transferred from the Obelisk to the player.
The following conditions add or subtract dice from the above roll:
{| class="wikitable"
| +Nd6
|Where N is the Experience the Player has in this Task.
=== Instructing a Grebe ===
A player that has a 🐦 can attempt to have their 🐦 collect materials from the wastes outside of the gates. That player rolls 6d6 and gains (or suffers) the following effects:
* +1💎 for each 5+ rolled
* +1🌿 for each 3+ rolled (this is additive with the former).
* If the Player got 3 or more 1s on the above roll, they lose 1 🐦. (It becomes wild and flees into the wastes.)
The following conditions add or subtract dice from the above roll:
{| class="wikitable"
| +Nd6
|Where N is the Experience the Player has in this Task.

===Start a Gathering===
===Start a Gathering===
As a Task, a player can Start a Gathering by posting their intent to do so in #rituals, specifying its associated ritual type.. A Gathering can only be started if the Ritual's prerequisite (if any) is met.
A player can Start a Gathering by posting their intent to do so in #rituals, specifying its associated ritual type.
A player can forage for Herbs from the wastes. That players gains 1🌿 for each 4+ on 3d6. The following conditions add or subtract dice from the above roll:
{| class="wikitable"
| +3d6
|If the Gains are Boosted.
| +2d6
|If the current Season is Calm Spring.
| -2d6
|If the current Season is Winter or the Long Night.
| +Nd4
|Where N is the Experience the Player has in this Task.
===Pot Synthesis===
A player with sufficient items can combine ⌈M/2⌉ - 1 🪨 and 2M - 5 💎 in their possession to add an additional pot to the Greenhouse Botania, where M is the number of pots in the Greenhouse Botania.
As a Recreational Task, a player can hike in the wilderness surrounding the Town, creating a new Landmark. The player must determine the following attributes of the new Landmark:
* Name: a unique name of the player's choice.
* Description: a description of the player's choice.
* Distance from Town: the result of a d100/10.
* Bearing from Town: the result of a d360.

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A Gathering is a single instance of a ritual. It has an associated ritual type.
A Gathering is a single instance of a ritual. It has an associated ritual type.

A player can Contribute to a Gathering by reacting to the message in which the Gathering was initiated with the corresponding Emoji of a Ritual Component they possess, provided they possess at least one of that Ritual Component. When they do so, one of that Ritual Component is revoked from them, and they become a Contributor of that Ritual Component to that Gathering. A current Contributor of a Ritual Component to a Gathering cannot again contribute that same Ritual Component to that same Gathering.
A player can Contribute to a Gathering by reacting to the message in which the Gathering was initiated with the corresponding Emoji of a Ritual Component they possess, provided they possess at least one of that Ritual Component. When they do so they become a Contributor of that Ritual Component to that Gathering. A current Contributor of a Ritual Component to a Gathering cannot again contribute that same Ritual Component to that same Gathering.

A Contributor of a Ritual Component to a Gathering can Withdraw that component from that Gathering by removing the corresponding reaction. When they do so, they are granted the amount of contributed Ritual Component they have previously contributed to that Gathering but has not yet been refunded, then cease to be such a Contributor.
A Contributor of a Ritual Component to a Gathering can Withdraw that component from that Gathering by removing the corresponding reaction. When they do so, they cease to be a Contributor of that Component.

While sufficient Ritual Components are contributed (having not been withdrawn) to a Gathering to satisfy its associated ritual type's cost, the player who started that Gathering can complete it. When this occurs, the effect of its ritual type is applied. A Gathering cannot be completed more than once.
While sufficient Ritual Components are contributed (having not been withdrawn) to a Gathering to satisfy its associated ritual type's cost, and while those components are still sufficiently possesed by their Contributors, the player who started that Gathering can complete it. When this occurs, the effect of its ritual type is applied and all contributed Components are revoked from their Contributors. A Gathering cannot be completed more than once.

If a Gathering is not completed by the end of the phase in which it was started, it fails, and each Contributor of each Ritual Component Withdraws said Ritual Component.
If a Gathering is not completed by the end of the phase in which it was started, it fails, and each Contributor of each Ritual Component Withdraws said Ritual Component. A Gathering can only be completed if the Ritual's Prerequisite (if any) is met.
When a Gathering is completed, a random contributor and a random curse are chosen. That curse is then applied to that contributor.
Subsections immediately under this rule describe Ritual Types.

===Ritual that Displaces the Obelisk===
===Ritual that Displaces the Obelisk===
The following is a ritual type:
'''Prerequisite''': None.
'''Prerequisite''': None.

'''Cost''': 1 💎, 3 🌿
'''Cost''': 1 💎, N🌿, where N is the Obelisk's distance from the Gates in kilometers

'''Effect''': The Obelisk is moved back 1 kilometer.
'''Effect''': The Obelisk is moved back 1 kilometer.

===Ritual that Rends the Obelisk===
===Ritual that Rends the Obelisk===
The following is a ritual type:
'''Prerequisite''': A Gathering of the Ritual that Rends the Obelisk has not yet been completed this week.

'''Prerequisite''': None.
'''Cost''': 1⚡, 3💎, 4🌿 2⚗️. The amount of ⚡ needed to successfully perform the Ritual is increased for each 🐦 the Obelisk has as follows, from left to right: 1, 1, 2, 2, 3 (for example, if there were to be three Grebes aiding the Obelisk, the cost would be 5, as 1⚡, the starting amount, + 1⚡+ 1⚡+ 2⚡= 5⚡)
'''Effect''': The obelisk recieves 1 Cut. 1 🪨 for each different contributor to the ritual is added to the Community Storehouse.
=== Ritual that Destroys a Grebe ===
'''Prerequisite''': The Obelisk has at least 1 🐦.
'''Cost''': 1⚡, or nothing if the gathering starter has at least 1 🐦
'''Effect''': The Obelisk loses 1 🐦
=== Ritual that risks our survival ===
'''Prerequisite''': None
'''Cost''': 5💎
'''Effect''': The Obelisk is moved forward 1 kilometer. All players who are a contributor to the ritual gain 1🌿.
=== Ritual that Boosts Yields ===
'''Prerequisite''': None
'''Cost''': 1⚡, 1 💎, 2🌿, 1 ⚗️

'''Cost''': 1⚡, 3💎, 4🌿, 2⚗️
'''Effect''': None

'''Effect''': The Obelisk receives 1 Cut, causing it to bleed.
If a Gathering for a Ritual of this type was completed in the previous calendar week the gains are Boosted

===Ritual that Frees Us===
===Ritual that Frees Us===
The following is a ritual type:
'''Prerequisite''': The Obelisk has received 10 cuts.
'''Prerequisite''': The Obelisk has received 10 cuts.

'''Cost''': 10⚡, 10💎, 10🌿, 10🖤
'''Cost''': 10⚡, 10💎, 10🌿, 10❤️‍🔥

'''Effect''': The Obelisk is destroyed.
'''Effect''': The Obelisk is destroyed.
=== Ritual of Murder ===
'''Prerequisite:''' The victim is tagged on their discord username as part of starting the ritual. The victim has not objected. 48 hours have passed since the start of the ritual.
'''Cost:''' 1 💎
'''Effect:''' The specified player (the victim) ceases to be a player. The Community Storehouse is granted 1 ❤️‍🔥, and is also granted N additional ❤️‍🔥, where N is the victim's Dying Experience.
=== Ritual to Appease the Obelisk ===
'''Prerequisite:''' At least a total of 20 ❤️‍🔥 exist in possession of players or the community storehouse.
'''Cost:''' 1 💎
'''Effect:''' Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, all players become winners of the game, the obelisk becomes a Good Boy, and the cycle ends.

==Winning and Losing==
==Winning and Losing==
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====Urgent Class Proposal====
====Urgent Class Proposal====
The voting period of an urgent proposal begins at the time it is submitted and ends two days after. An urgent proposal is popular if it has no more than two votes against it.
The voting period of an urgent proposal begins at the time it is submitted and ends two days (48 hours) after. An urgent proposal is popular if it has no more than two votes against it.

Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, only a reputable player can submit an urgent proposal. Urgent proposals should only be used to correct the game to its intended state and to maintain playability.
Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, only a reputable player can submit an urgent proposal. Urgent proposals should only be used to correct the game to its intended state and to maintain playability.
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====Standard Class Proposal====
====Standard Class Proposal====
The voting period for a standard proposal is the phase that started after the proposal was submitted. A standard proposal is popular if it has more votes in favor than votes against.
The voting period for a standard proposal is the phase that started after the proposal was submitted. A standard proposal is popular if it has more votes in favor than votes against.
==== Banishment Proposal ====
The voting period for a banishment proposal is the phase that started after the proposal was submitted. A banishment proposal is popular if it has more votes in favor than votes against. When a banishment proposal is created, it must specify a player as the target of the vote, as well as the intended Banishment Duration. When a banishment proposal takes effect, its only effect is to Banish the target for the specified duration. Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, neither votes from Banished players nor the proposal's target count as votes on a banishment proposal, and Banished players cannot create banishment proposals.
==== Sacrificial Proposal ====
The voting period for a Sacrificial Proposal is the same as if it were an Urgent Class Proposal. A Sacrificial Proposal is popular if it has no more than 3 votes against it.
Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, only a reputable player can submit a Sacrificial Proposal.
When a Sacrificial proposal is adopted, in addition to its other effects, the author ceases to be a player, and the Community Storehouse is granted 1 ❤️‍🔥.

== Judges ==
== Judges ==
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A request for justice shall take the form of a question or statement. The proper response to a question is an answer to that question, and the proper response to a statement is the truth value of that statement.
A request for justice shall take the form of a question or statement. The proper response to a question is an answer to that question, and the proper response to a statement is the truth value of that statement.

Upon formal submission of a request for justice by a person other than themself in #request-for-justice, the Judge shall, as quickly as possible, issue a response to the request. This response shall be binding only to the extent that it reasonably directly pertains to the request, and only to the extent that it does not blatantly and obviously contradict rules text.
Upon formal submission of a request for justice by a person other than themself in #request-for-justice, the Judge shall, as quickly as possible, issue a response to the request. This response shall be binding only to the extent that it reasonably directly pertains to the request, and only to the extent that it does not blatantly and obviously contradict rules text while still considering the expressed or clearly implied legislative intent.

Within 4 days of a judge issuing a ruling, a public vote of confidence on that ruling can be initiated in #request-for-justice. Votes may be cast in such a vote for a period of 2 days after initiation. Votes are to be cast by 👍 or 👎 reactions on a clearly designated poll message; if a person's vote is unclear, it is to affirm the judgement. A ruling is overturned if strictly more players vote in favor of overturning than affirming.
Within 4 days of a judge issuing a ruling, a public vote of confidence on that ruling can be initiated in #request-for-justice. Votes may be cast in such a vote for a period of 2 days after initiation. Votes are to be cast by 👍 or 👎 reactions on a clearly designated poll message; if a person's vote is unclear, it is to affirm the judgement. A ruling is overturned if strictly more players vote in favor of overturning than affirming.
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Any reputable player may become a candidate for the Judge by sending a message in the channel #judge-elections. If there are any Judge candidacies put forward during a week, the player whose message is both popular and has the most 👍 reactions from players becomes the Judge once that week ends. A Judge Candidacy message is popular if it has more 👍 than 👎 reactions from players on its initiating message. Ties are broken in favor of the player with the earliest text message during that week.
Any reputable player may become a candidate for the Judge by sending a message in the channel #judge-elections. If there are any Judge candidacies put forward during a week, the player whose message is both popular and has the most 👍 reactions from players becomes the Judge once that week ends. A Judge Candidacy message is popular if it has more 👍 than 👎 reactions from players on its initiating message. Ties are broken in favor of the player with the earliest text message during that week.
A Curse is an action the Obelisk can take to harm players. Curses have a cost in 🩸 and effect and are listed in the table below.
When a curse is applied to a player, if the Obelisk can afford the cost then it loses that many 🩸. After the cost has been paid, if the player has a 🐦, it protects them from the curse and they lose 1🐦. Otherwise, the curse's effect is applied.
In the table below XP refers to the experience of the starter of gathering that triggered the curse in the "Start a Gathering" task.
{| class="wikitable"
|Curse of Blood
|The Obelisk gains 5🩸.
|Curse of Return
|All 🩸 owned by the victim is transferred to the Obelisk.
|Curse of Moss
|All of the victim's 💎 turn into 🌿.
|Curse of Banishment
|The victim is banished for 7 days.
|Curse of Abandonment
|All 🐦 owned by the victim are transferred to the Obelisk.
|Curse of Futility
|If gains are boosted, they cease to be boosted.
|Curse of Frost
|The current season is set to Winter.
|Curse of Forgetfulness
|The player loses 2 experience in the Task (or Tasks) they have the most experience in.
|Curse of the Nests
|The Obelisk gains 1🐦, unless it already has 5 or more.
|Curse of the Murmuration
|All 🐦 owned by any players are transferred to the Obelisk.
|Curse of Haste
|The Obelisk advances 1km.
|Curse of Enduring
|The Obelisk loses 1 Cut.
|Curse of Ruin
|A random type of Ritual Component must be selected and then all Ritual Components of that type are destroyed

Latest revision as of 21:21, 30 August 2023

Time[edit | edit source]

General[edit | edit source]

All times mentioned in this ruleset are in UTC. Days start at 00:00 UTC. Weeks start on Monday 00:00 UTC.

Phases[edit | edit source]

Each week is divided into two phases:

Phase I: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday

Phase II: Friday, Saturday, and Sunday

Seasons[edit | edit source]

There is always a Current Season.

If the Current Season ever cannot be reasonably determined, then it is "Calm Spring" instead.

At the end of the week, after proposals have come into effect, the Current Season changes to the subsequent one in the list.

"During [season]" means "if the Current Season is [season]".

"During early/late [season]" means the same as above, but only in Phase I and Phase II respectively.

The following is the list of all Seasons, in order:

  • Calm Spring
  • Winter
  • Long night

Players[edit | edit source]

Any person may become a player by posting a message setting forth their intent to do so in the channel ⁠#game-actions, provided they have not been a player at any point in the past seven days. A player may cease being a player by sending a message that sets forth their intent to do so in #⁠game-actions.

When a person becomes a player, they gain 1⚡.

Dying Experience is also tracked based on person, and is initially 0. When a player ceases to be a player, increase that person's dying experience by 1. When a player ceases to be a player, their transferable items are transferred to the Community Storehouse.

Banishment[edit | edit source]

A player can be Banished through a banishment proposal for a set period of time known as the Banishment Duration. Other rules notwithstanding, a Banished player cannot Start, Contribute to, or Complete Gatherings, and a Banished player cannot trade with a non-Banished player. A Banished player can End their Banishment by sending a message in ⁠#game-actions setting forth their intent to do so if they have been continuously banished for at least as long as their Banishment Duration, thereby ceasing to be banished.

The Obelisk[edit | edit source]

The home of Infinite Nomic has come under threat by a great evil. At the beginning of the game, an Obelisk made of black stone stands a kilometer tall and 10 kilometers away from the Gates.

For the Obelisk to move a distance closer is for its distance from the gate to be reduced by that amount. If this would result in the distance becoming negative, it instead becomes 0.

Once per week, one player can peek through the gate window and observe the Obelisk, and roll 1dN where N is the number of Cuts the Obelisk currently has (to a minimum of 1). When they do so, the obelisk's position becomes that many kilometers closer (it had moved mysteriously in the middle of the night), then each player gains 1⚡ (evidence of their renewed resolve).

Winter: During winter, the Obelisk's N referenced above is lesser by 1 (still to a minimum of 1).

When the Obelisk is observed it gains an amount of 🩸 equal to the number of Cuts it has plus the number of 🐦 it has.

Grebes[edit | edit source]

On the observation of the Obelisk each phase, if an odd number is the result of the dice roll that happens after the observation of the Obelisk, the Obelisk summons a 🐦 to aid it, gaining 1 🐦, in addition to moving the distance as per the rules when said odd number is rolled. The Obelisk can not have more than 5 🐦. If the amount of 🐦 it owns ever exceeds this amount, the extra 🐦 immediately cease to exist (due to some mysterious existential force).

Items[edit | edit source]

Items are entities defined as such by the rules. Items can be owned by players. When an item's owner cannot reasonably be determined using publicly available information, or if it would be owned by a non-player, it is instead destroyed.

For an entity to gain an item is for that item to be created in that entity's possession. To grant an entity an item is to create it in that entity's possession.

For an entity to lose an item is for that item to be destroyed from that entity's possession. To revoke an item from an entity is to destroy it from that entity's possession.

Reputable players can trade items with other reputable players.

Trading[edit | edit source]

A trade is an exchange or transfer of items between two entities, with each entity giving a specified finite set of items to the other.

When otherwise authorized, a trade between two players takes place when both players explicitly consent to the trade in #trades within 7 days of each other.

Ritual Components[edit | edit source]

Ritual Components are Items. Each Ritual Component has an associated Emoji, as shown below. The following items are Ritual Components:

  • ⚡Resolve
  • 💎Crystals
  • 🌿Herbs
  • ⚗️Reagents
  • 🩸Blood of Stone
  • ❤️‍🔥Infernal Heart
  • 🐦 Grebes
  • 🪨 Brimstone
  • 💤 Restfulness

Unlike other Ritual Components, ⚡, 💤 and 🐦 cannot be traded.

No player should have more than 4⚡, If at any point a player owns more than 4⚡, the superfluous ⚡ are transformed into 💤.

Community Storehouse[edit | edit source]

The Community Storehouse is an entity that can own items. As an action, a player who is not Banished may transfer any number of tradable Components (that is, any component that is not ⚡) in their possesion to the Community Storehouse. Similarly as an action, a player who is not Banished may transfer any number of Components that are in the Community Storehouse to themself.

Actions[edit | edit source]

When defining a game action that can be performed by sending a message, the rules should specify a channel where the game action can be taken. If the rules enable performing an action by sending a message without providing for a specific channel, the action can be taken by sending a message in #game-actions. Similarly, if the rules provide that a game action can be taken without making any provision for any method to take that action, the action can be taken by sending a message in #game-actions.

Actions that are to be performed by sending a message are done by sending a message in the appropriate channel that clearly and unambiguously sets forth intent for the action to be taken.

A player is "reputable" if they have continuously been a player for the previous seven days or if they have continuously been a player from a time that was within 3 days of the round starting.

Whenever a player performs an action that would modify the information that the players generally agree should be tracked, that player should make a reasonable effort to track the outcome of the action in the generally-agreed-upon applicable location.

Random Choices[edit | edit source]

A person shall not deliberately select random values for a rules-defined action without intending to use those values to the best of their ability to resolve that action.

If a person has selected some or all of the random values necessary to perform an action, they shall not discard the valid specifications in order to attempt a substantially similar action with the goal of obtaining different random values. If there is consensus that a preponderance of the evidence exists, or if a Judge ruling, not overturned, finds that a player has done such a thing, all attempts other than the first are deemed to be invalid and to not have affected the gamestate.

Dice Rolls[edit | edit source]

A rule that requires a selection of an NdK value, for non-negative integer N and positive integer K, is requiring the random selection of N rolls of a K-sided die.

If not otherwise specified, this produces the sum of N rolls of a K-sided die; that is, the sum of N independent selections of integers from 1 to K, using a uniform random distribution. If N is zero, the sum is zero.

If a rule requires a dice roll with a target number x, this instead produces the number of independent selections that meet or exceed the target number and can be abbreviated as "x+". For example, if a rule requires a dice roll with a target number of 3, this can be abbreviated to "3+".

Tasks[edit | edit source]

Tasks are Actions that cost ⚡ to perform. A player must have at least 1⚡ to perform a Task, and when a player performs a Task, they automatically lose 1⚡. If the Task is specified as being a Recreational Task, the player also gains 3💤.

Each Player has an Experience value in each Task, which is initially 0. Whenever a Player is performing a Task that utilizes Experience, that Player should substitute their Experience value in that Task as appropriate. After a Player performs a Task their Experience in that Task is incremented by 1, or 2 if they have any 💤, in which case they lose 1 💤.

Subsections immediately under this rule describe Tasks.

Mining[edit | edit source]

A player can enter the Crystal Quarries to mine for 💎. That player gains 1💎 for each 4+ rolled on 2d6 and 1 🪨 for each 6+ rolled.

The following conditions add or subtract dice from the above roll:

Dice Condition
+1d6 If the Gains are Boosted.
-1d6 If the current Season is Winter.
+1d6 If the current Season is not Winter.
+Nd4 Where N is the Experience the Player has in this Task.

Herbalism[edit | edit source]

As a Task, a player can cultivate herbs/plants from the Greenhouse Botania.

Greenhouse Botania[edit | edit source]

The greenhouse Botania initially holds 4 pots. When a player performs the herbalism task, they may do one of the following:

  • Propagation: Any unoccupied pot in the Greenhouse Botania can have herbs placed in it, where this player selects up to 1 herb per pot from the Horticultural Encyclopaedia, removing the appropriate resources from their inventory to do so.
  • Hydration: Any pot with a herb in it can be selected (once per pot) by this player, incrementing its growth stage by 1 (initially 0) and receiving the rewards as listed in the Horticultural Encyclopaedia. If a herb's growth stage would be incremented beyond its 'Stages of Growth', this instead does not occur.
  • Harvesting: Any herb can be selected to be removed. If it is on its final growth stage ('Stages of Growth'), you receive rewards (refer to Horticultural Encyclopaedia). After harvesting the relevant pot is empty.

If a player attempts to interact with a pot and this would cause them to lose more of a component than they own, the interaction instead does not occur.

Horticultural Encyclopaedia[edit | edit source]

The following table details the possible herbs/plants and their attributes (where all instances of N refers to the number of experience in herbalism that player has):

Name Resource Cost Stages of Growth Reward at each growth stage Reward upon harvesting
Feather Fluff 1 - ⌊N/12⌋ 🌿 5 ⌊N/4⌋ 🌿 3 🌿
Kraken Root 3 🌿 9 Nothing 2N + 3d8 🌿
Yaqqip 5 - ⌊N/2⌋ 🌿 2 ⌊N/6⌋ + 1 🌿 ⌊N/4⌋ + 1d3 🌿
Porcupine Tree 13 - N 🌿 4 N + 1d6 🌿 N - 1d5 🌿
Trungleweed 1d3 - ⌊N/3⌋ 💎 1 Nothing N + 3d3 🌿
Beetwood 9 🌿 or 5 🌿 and 2 💎 6 1d(N + 3) 🌿 N + 1d6 🌿 and 1dN 💎
Ponzi Plant 6 🌿 or 6 💎 3 Nothing Roll 1d(N + 2); if the result is 1,2 or 3, reward is nothing; otherwise, 12 🌿 or 12 💎 (player's choice)
Baneberries 4 🌿 and 1 🩸 4 2dN 🌿 1 ⚗️
Darkvine 99 🌿 20 1d6 🌿 1 ❤️‍🔥

If a resource cost would be negative due to experience, it is instead 0.

Only within Herbalism, the following modifiers conditionally apply:

  • If the season is Winter, N is decreased by 3 to a minimum of 0.
  • If the season is Calm Spring, N is increased by 2.
  • If the gains are boosted, N is increased by 4.

Alchemy[edit | edit source]

A player with sufficient items can combine 1💎 and 5🌿 in their possession to perform alchemy. That player gains 1⚗️ for each 6+ on 1d24.

The following conditions add or subtract dice from the above roll:

Dice Condition
+Nd6 Where N is the Experience the Player has in this Task.

Beating of the Infernal Heart[edit | edit source]

A player with sufficient items can combine 1🩸, 1⚗️, and 1⚡ in their possession to create 1❤️‍🔥.

Blood Acquisition[edit | edit source]

That player rolls a number of d2 and for each resulting 2, a 🩸 is transferred from the Obelisk to the player.

The following conditions add or subtract dice from the above roll:

Dice Condition
+Nd2 Where N is the amount of 🩸 the Obelisk has.
+Nd2 Where N is the Experience the Player has in this Task.

(For example. If the obelisk had 2 🩸 and the player had 3 Experience, the player would roll 5d2 and transfer 1🩸 from the obelisk for each 2 rolled. Note that in this example, a maximum of 2 would be transferred.)

Befriend a Grebe[edit | edit source]

As a Task, a Banished player who currently has no 🐦 can attempt to get to know and befriend a 🐦 in the Obelisk's possession. If the player gets at least 1 6+ on 1d10, 1 🐦 is transferred from the Obelisk to the player.

The following conditions add or subtract dice from the above roll:

Dice Condition
+Nd6 Where N is the Experience the Player has in this Task.

Instructing a Grebe[edit | edit source]

A player that has a 🐦 can attempt to have their 🐦 collect materials from the wastes outside of the gates. That player rolls 6d6 and gains (or suffers) the following effects:

  • +1💎 for each 5+ rolled
  • +1🌿 for each 3+ rolled (this is additive with the former).
  • If the Player got 3 or more 1s on the above roll, they lose 1 🐦. (It becomes wild and flees into the wastes.)

The following conditions add or subtract dice from the above roll:

Dice Condition
+Nd6 Where N is the Experience the Player has in this Task.

Start a Gathering[edit | edit source]

A player can Start a Gathering by posting their intent to do so in #rituals, specifying its associated ritual type.

Foraging[edit | edit source]

A player can forage for Herbs from the wastes. That players gains 1🌿 for each 4+ on 3d6. The following conditions add or subtract dice from the above roll:

Dice Condition
+3d6 If the Gains are Boosted.
+2d6 If the current Season is Calm Spring.
-2d6 If the current Season is Winter or the Long Night.
+Nd4 Where N is the Experience the Player has in this Task.

Pot Synthesis[edit | edit source]

A player with sufficient items can combine ⌈M/2⌉ - 1 🪨 and 2M - 5 💎 in their possession to add an additional pot to the Greenhouse Botania, where M is the number of pots in the Greenhouse Botania.

Hiking[edit | edit source]

As a Recreational Task, a player can hike in the wilderness surrounding the Town, creating a new Landmark. The player must determine the following attributes of the new Landmark:

  • Name: a unique name of the player's choice.
  • Description: a description of the player's choice.
  • Distance from Town: the result of a d100/10.
  • Bearing from Town: the result of a d360.

Rituals[edit | edit source]

A ritual type has a Prerequisite, a Cost, and an Effect.

A Gathering is a single instance of a ritual. It has an associated ritual type.

A player can Contribute to a Gathering by reacting to the message in which the Gathering was initiated with the corresponding Emoji of a Ritual Component they possess, provided they possess at least one of that Ritual Component. When they do so they become a Contributor of that Ritual Component to that Gathering. A current Contributor of a Ritual Component to a Gathering cannot again contribute that same Ritual Component to that same Gathering.

A Contributor of a Ritual Component to a Gathering can Withdraw that component from that Gathering by removing the corresponding reaction. When they do so, they cease to be a Contributor of that Component.

While sufficient Ritual Components are contributed (having not been withdrawn) to a Gathering to satisfy its associated ritual type's cost, and while those components are still sufficiently possesed by their Contributors, the player who started that Gathering can complete it. When this occurs, the effect of its ritual type is applied and all contributed Components are revoked from their Contributors. A Gathering cannot be completed more than once.

If a Gathering is not completed by the end of the phase in which it was started, it fails, and each Contributor of each Ritual Component Withdraws said Ritual Component. A Gathering can only be completed if the Ritual's Prerequisite (if any) is met.

When a Gathering is completed, a random contributor and a random curse are chosen. That curse is then applied to that contributor.

Subsections immediately under this rule describe Ritual Types.

Ritual that Displaces the Obelisk[edit | edit source]

Prerequisite: None.

Cost: 1 💎, N🌿, where N is the Obelisk's distance from the Gates in kilometers

Effect: The Obelisk is moved back 1 kilometer.

Ritual that Rends the Obelisk[edit | edit source]

Prerequisite: A Gathering of the Ritual that Rends the Obelisk has not yet been completed this week.

Cost: 1⚡, 3💎, 4🌿 2⚗️. The amount of ⚡ needed to successfully perform the Ritual is increased for each 🐦 the Obelisk has as follows, from left to right: 1, 1, 2, 2, 3 (for example, if there were to be three Grebes aiding the Obelisk, the cost would be 5, as 1⚡, the starting amount, + 1⚡+ 1⚡+ 2⚡= 5⚡)

Effect: The obelisk recieves 1 Cut. 1 🪨 for each different contributor to the ritual is added to the Community Storehouse.

Ritual that Destroys a Grebe[edit | edit source]

Prerequisite: The Obelisk has at least 1 🐦.

Cost: 1⚡, or nothing if the gathering starter has at least 1 🐦

Effect: The Obelisk loses 1 🐦

Ritual that risks our survival[edit | edit source]

Prerequisite: None

Cost: 5💎

Effect: The Obelisk is moved forward 1 kilometer. All players who are a contributor to the ritual gain 1🌿.

Ritual that Boosts Yields[edit | edit source]

Prerequisite: None

Cost: 1⚡, 1 💎, 2🌿, 1 ⚗️

Effect: None

If a Gathering for a Ritual of this type was completed in the previous calendar week the gains are Boosted

Ritual that Frees Us[edit | edit source]

Prerequisite: The Obelisk has received 10 cuts.

Cost: 10⚡, 10💎, 10🌿, 10❤️‍🔥

Effect: The Obelisk is destroyed.

Ritual of Murder[edit | edit source]

Prerequisite: The victim is tagged on their discord username as part of starting the ritual. The victim has not objected. 48 hours have passed since the start of the ritual.

Cost: 1 💎

Effect: The specified player (the victim) ceases to be a player. The Community Storehouse is granted 1 ❤️‍🔥, and is also granted N additional ❤️‍🔥, where N is the victim's Dying Experience.

Ritual to Appease the Obelisk[edit | edit source]

Prerequisite: At least a total of 20 ❤️‍🔥 exist in possession of players or the community storehouse.

Cost: 1 💎

Effect: Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, all players become winners of the game, the obelisk becomes a Good Boy, and the cycle ends.

Winning and Losing[edit | edit source]

If at the end of a week, the Obelisk has reached or gone past the Gate (that is, if its distance from the gate is zero or negative), all players lose and the cycle ends.

Once the Obelisk is destroyed, all players who contributed to the Ritual that Frees Us are the winners of the game and the cycle ends.

Proposals[edit | edit source]

Proposals are made by sending a message in the channel #proposals.

A 👍 or 👎 reaction from a player on a Proposal message at the time when the voting period ends constitutes a vote in favor or against, respectively. If a person's vote is unclear (excluding abstentions), it is considered to be against.

At the end of its voting period, a proposal takes effect if it is popular (as defined for its type) and the message in which it was submitted has been neither deleted nor edited. If more than one proposal would otherwise take effect simultaneously, they take effect in the order in which they were created.

The class of a proposal must be one of the classes listed below. When a proposal is submitted, the submitter may specify its class. if no class is specified, the proposal class defaults to Standard.

Urgent Class Proposal[edit | edit source]

The voting period of an urgent proposal begins at the time it is submitted and ends two days (48 hours) after. An urgent proposal is popular if it has no more than two votes against it.

Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, only a reputable player can submit an urgent proposal. Urgent proposals should only be used to correct the game to its intended state and to maintain playability.

Standard Class Proposal[edit | edit source]

The voting period for a standard proposal is the phase that started after the proposal was submitted. A standard proposal is popular if it has more votes in favor than votes against.

Banishment Proposal[edit | edit source]

The voting period for a banishment proposal is the phase that started after the proposal was submitted. A banishment proposal is popular if it has more votes in favor than votes against. When a banishment proposal is created, it must specify a player as the target of the vote, as well as the intended Banishment Duration. When a banishment proposal takes effect, its only effect is to Banish the target for the specified duration. Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, neither votes from Banished players nor the proposal's target count as votes on a banishment proposal, and Banished players cannot create banishment proposals.

Sacrificial Proposal[edit | edit source]

The voting period for a Sacrificial Proposal is the same as if it were an Urgent Class Proposal. A Sacrificial Proposal is popular if it has no more than 3 votes against it. Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, only a reputable player can submit a Sacrificial Proposal. When a Sacrificial proposal is adopted, in addition to its other effects, the author ceases to be a player, and the Community Storehouse is granted 1 ❤️‍🔥.

Judges[edit | edit source]

There shall be a sole Judge, responsible for resolving rules disputes. An incumbent Judge can be removed with the assent of two players, but they should not be removed except for abuse of office. A person can cease being the Judge by publicly stating so.

A request for justice shall take the form of a question or statement. The proper response to a question is an answer to that question, and the proper response to a statement is the truth value of that statement.

Upon formal submission of a request for justice by a person other than themself in #request-for-justice, the Judge shall, as quickly as possible, issue a response to the request. This response shall be binding only to the extent that it reasonably directly pertains to the request, and only to the extent that it does not blatantly and obviously contradict rules text while still considering the expressed or clearly implied legislative intent.

Within 4 days of a judge issuing a ruling, a public vote of confidence on that ruling can be initiated in #request-for-justice. Votes may be cast in such a vote for a period of 2 days after initiation. Votes are to be cast by 👍 or 👎 reactions on a clearly designated poll message; if a person's vote is unclear, it is to affirm the judgement. A ruling is overturned if strictly more players vote in favor of overturning than affirming.

A ruling may be overturned by the Judge who made it within one week of being made. When a ruling is overturned in this manner, the Judge shall then issue a new ruling on the initial request, which shall be binding in the same manner as the original ruling.

An overturned ruling shall have no bearing on the interpretation of the rules or of the gamestate.

Any reputable player may become a candidate for the Judge by sending a message in the channel #judge-elections. If there are any Judge candidacies put forward during a week, the player whose message is both popular and has the most 👍 reactions from players becomes the Judge once that week ends. A Judge Candidacy message is popular if it has more 👍 than 👎 reactions from players on its initiating message. Ties are broken in favor of the player with the earliest text message during that week.

Curses[edit | edit source]

A Curse is an action the Obelisk can take to harm players. Curses have a cost in 🩸 and effect and are listed in the table below.

When a curse is applied to a player, if the Obelisk can afford the cost then it loses that many 🩸. After the cost has been paid, if the player has a 🐦, it protects them from the curse and they lose 1🐦. Otherwise, the curse's effect is applied.

In the table below XP refers to the experience of the starter of gathering that triggered the curse in the "Start a Gathering" task.

Name Cost Effect
Curse of Blood 0🩸 The Obelisk gains 5🩸.
Curse of Return 0🩸 All 🩸 owned by the victim is transferred to the Obelisk.
Curse of Moss 1+XP🩸 All of the victim's 💎 turn into 🌿.
Curse of Banishment 2+XP🩸 The victim is banished for 7 days.
Curse of Abandonment 2+XP🩸 All 🐦 owned by the victim are transferred to the Obelisk.
Curse of Futility 2+XP🩸 If gains are boosted, they cease to be boosted.
Curse of Frost 2+XP🩸 The current season is set to Winter.
Curse of Forgetfulness 2+XP🩸 The player loses 2 experience in the Task (or Tasks) they have the most experience in.
Curse of the Nests 2+XP🩸 The Obelisk gains 1🐦, unless it already has 5 or more.
Curse of the Murmuration 3+XP🩸 All 🐦 owned by any players are transferred to the Obelisk.
Curse of Haste 4+XP🩸 The Obelisk advances 1km.
Curse of Enduring 6+XP🩸 The Obelisk loses 1 Cut.
Curse of Ruin 6+XP🩸 A random type of Ritual Component must be selected and then all Ritual Components of that type are destroyed