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Community Garden/Gamestate: Difference between revisions

From Infinite Nomic Wiki
Place some features on the plant
It is the frigid season
Line 37: Line 37:

== Season ==
== Season ==
It is currently the '''Blossom''' season. The Seasonal bounty '''has''' been collected this season.
It is currently the '''Frigid''' season. The Seasonal bounty '''has not''' been collected this season.

==The Feature Pile ==
==The Feature Pile ==

Revision as of 00:01, 1 January 2025

How to Water the Plant - A quick tutorial

Want to water the plant but don't want to read the rules? Just follow these instructions!

These steps were last updated on 2024-02-01. If any proposals have passed since then, have someone update this section and the date marked in bold here.


  1. Go to #plant-actions and state that you are watering the plant or taking care of/admiring it in some other way. Everybody can do this every day, and every player's contribution counts :D
  2. Roll 2d(6+X) in that same channel. These are the number of growth points you have contributed to the plant for this day. X is the number of fruits on the plant.


  1. Check this page to see if the plant has at least 10 Growth Points, and check #plant-actions to confirm that it hasn't grown today. If it does, type the command &pool roll growth in #plant-actions
  2. Edit this wiki page to subtract 10 Growth Points add the feature you got to the Feature Pile below.


  1. If there is a feature in the Feature Pile below, remove it and add it to the plant somewhere. Look at the rule Actions -> Placing to see how this is done.
    1. If there are any Bugs in the Feature Pile, they must be put somewhere before any other feature can.

Updating this wiki:

  1. Don't feel any stress to update this wiki if you decide to water the plant. Someone else will get to it!
  2. If you do update this wiki, please make the effort to ensure the Growth Points are updated.
  3. Put a green checkmark ✅ on the actions on #plant-actions that you have updated here.

That's it! Love the plant and take it easy!


The Plant Keeper

The current Plant Keeper is Nyhilo


The Plant's current Era is 2, meaning that individuals may currently roll 2d6 to care for the plant.

The cost for Growth is currently 7 * 2 + 3.5 * (2^2) = 28 growth points


It is currently the Frigid season. The Seasonal bounty has not been collected this season.

The Feature Pile

There are 7 bags of fertilizer available.

Leaf 0
Bud 1
Flower 0
Fruit 1
Branch 0
Stem 0
Bug 0

The Plant

Growth Points: 454
Fruits on Plant (should match the number of * in the ASCII below): 0
40                        |&
39                       &|
38                        |&
37                        |
36                        |
35                        |&
34                        |@
33                       &|&
32                        |&
31                      @\|
30                        |&/
29                       &|/@
28                  &\   &|&
27                    \@ &|
26                    -\& |@
25                     @\&|&&
24                      -\|&
23                      & |
22                      &&|&&
21                       &|   /&
20                       &| @/---
19                        |&/@&&@
18                       &|/&
17                        | 
16                    &   |
15                   &\@  |
14                  & @\& |
13                 &\ &-\&|
12                  &-/@&\|&
11                        |    &
10                   &\&  |   &/@
09                    &\--|  &/&&/
08                    &/&&|  /---@
07                   -/&  |&/@ &
06                    @   |/
05                        |
04                        | 
03                        |
02                        |
01                        |&
00                 _______|_______
                   \             /  
                    \           /
                     \         /
  `^^`^``^``^``^ 9876543210123456789 ``^```^^`^``^``
Plant Legend
Leaves &
Buds °
Flowers @
Branches -, /, or \
Stems |
Fruit *