Community Garden/Ruleset

From Infinite Nomic Wiki



All times mentioned in this ruleset are in UTC. Days start at 00:00 UTC.


Any person may become a player by sending any message in any channel in The Community Garden category. A player may stop being a player by announcing their intent in any channel in The Community Garden category or by leaving the Discord server.


Unless otherwise specified, all measurements of the plant are conducted using centimetres.


Players and non-player persons may perform actions. Any player rolling dice or randomly selecting from weighted pools to resolve the result of a previous action is not, itself, an action.

Garden Supplies

Bags of Fertilizer are a tracked integer quantity.

The Plant

The plant is a cellular automata.


Each cell has an integer position, which is related to the number of cells it is away from the origin.


The plant may have any number of additional features, created via interaction with role-specific and plant-specific actions. The following type of features exist:

  • Leaves (represented as &)
  • Buds (represented as °)
  • Branches (represented as -,/, or )
  • Flowers (represented as @)


Players may have a role. The roles a player may have are defined by the rules with 'Role:' in their title, and actions defined with that rule are actions specific to that role. Players may perform actions specific to their role by posting their intent to do so as a single message in #plant-actions.

If a player does not have a role or has not changed roles within the past 7 days, the player may change roles by posting their intent to perform any action specific to that role as a single message in #plant-actions. The players role is changed, and then the action is performed.

The Plant Keeper

The Plant Keeper is a player. There is never more than one Plant Keeper at a time. The Plant Keeper is responsible for resolving rules disputes. The Plant Keeper may cease being such by stating so in #plant-keeper.

A request for clarification is an action that shall take the form of a question or statement. The proper response to a question is an action in the form of an answer to that question, and the proper response to a statement is the truth value of that statement.

Upon formal request by a player other than themself, the Plant Keeper shall, as quickly as possible, issue a response to the request. This response shall be binding only to the extent that it reasonably directly pertains to the request, and only to the extent that it does not blatantly and obviously contradict rules text.

In order to be the Plant Keeper, a player must be a Gardener. The Plant Keeper cannot change roles or perform actions specific to a role other than a Gardener under any circumstances.

Any Gardener may attempt to become the Plant Keeper by posting their intent to do so as an action in #plant-keeper. If after 7 days the message sent by the player has at least 3 :+1: reactions, and has more :+1: reactions than :-1: reactions, that player becomes the new Plant Keeper.


Any person may make a proposal by sending a message as an action in #plant-proposals. If that message is deleted or modified during its voting period, the proposal is retracted. If there is an active proposal made by a person in the last 7 days, any new proposal they make is immediately retracted. An "active proposal" refers to any proposal that hasn't been retracted and is still in its 7-day voting period.

The voting period for proposals is 7 days. Once a proposal's voting period ends, if there are more votes in favor than against, the proposal takes effect.

A 👍 or 👎 reaction on a Proposal message at the time when the voting period ends constitutes a vote in favor or against, respectively.