Round 10/Proposal Ideas/The Auction Casino Part II

Revision as of 18:34, 12 September 2021 by miraheze>Nyhilo (Remove leftover comment italics)

Changes to Auctions

In rule "Phases", replace the text "The Bartering Phase" with "The Resolution Phase".

In rule "The Auction Casino" subrule "Prizes", replace the text "the Bartering Phase" with "the Resolution Phase".

In rule "The Auction Casino", replace subrule "Lots" with subrule "The Auction House" containing the following text:

There is an entity called the Auction House, also known as the House. The House can own items and holds the weekly Auction. The weekly Auction has a number of House Lots and a number of Player Lots. If a player wins a bid on a lot, the House gives the items in that Lot to the winning player. If there is ever a Lot that does not contain any items, that Lot is removed from the Auction House.

House Lots can contain only exactly 3 cards. If, at any time during the Resolution Phase, the number of House Lots currently in the weekly Auction is less than the Participation value of the Auction Casino, any player may generate a new House Lot by generating 3 cards to fulfill that lot.

During the Resolution Phase a player may create a Player Lot entity in the Auction House, clearly assigning the items to be owned by that Player Lot. The items assigned are transferred from the Player to the Player Lot.

If a Player Lot is won at the Auction House, then a number of chips equal to the value of the winning bid is transferred from the player that placed the winning bid to the player that created the Player Lot. When an Auction Phase ends, any Player Lots that have no Secret Bid Actions awaiting their revelation date transfer all items they own to the player that created them, and then cease to exist.

In rule "The Auction Casino", add subrule "Bidding on Works of Art" with the following text:

During the Resolution Phase, so long as there is still at least one Secret Bid Action awaiting its revelation date, any player may generate the bid of a Third-Party Auctioneer on a given Lot containing a Work of Art. The bid of the auctioneer must be generated as a random integer between 75% of the Value of the Work of Art and 150% of the Value of the Work of Art.

If a bid for a Work of Art is won by a player and the Value of that Work of Art is less than the winning bid amount, then the Value of that Work of Art is increased to match the winning bid amount. If a Third-Party Auctioneer wins the bid on a Lot containing a Work of Art, then the Work of Art is removed from its Lot and gets placed in the Gallery.

In rule "The Auction Casino" subrule "Participation", replace the following text:

"2 of every player who bid in the previous auction for card lots"


"2 for every player that bid in the previous weekly Auction"

In rule "Phases" add a bullet point to this list after the sentence "The wealth value of an asset-owning entity is the sum of the following:":

  • The total wealth value of the items in Player Lots that were created by that player

Base changes to Tables

In rule "Tables" amend the following text:

"A player may sit down at a Table by announcing their intent to do so in the appropriate channel (#tables, unless otherwise specified)."


A player may sit down at a Table by announcing their intent to do so in the appropriate channel (#tables, unless otherwise specified), specifying clearly which table they are sitting at.

and add the following sentence to the end of that same paragraph:

"If a player has been sitting at a table for more than 24 hours, they automatically stand up."

Supply names for Existing Tables

In subrule "Slots" amend the following line to the beginning of the subrule:

"Available tables: Raven's Quest, Klinko Plinko, Disciple's Revenge, Father Frack, Rose Garden"

In subrule "War" amend the following line to the beginning of the subrule:

"Available table: The Great War, The Trojans, Attack on Trungle"

Add the Studio Table

In rule "Tables" add the following subrule:

The Studio

Available Tables: Haiku Night, Canvas Randy, Ex Nihilus, Zepho Studios

The Studio is a Limited Access Table that a player may sit down at once per week by announcing their intent to do so in #the-studio.

Works of art have the following attributes: A Title, a Description, and a Value.

While sitting at the Studio Table, a player may spend 50 chips to create a single Work of Art in their possession. To create a Work of Art, the player must post a message to #the-studio, providing a Title for the Work of Art no more than 30 characters in length and a Description of the Work of Art no more than 400 characters in length. A player's attempt at creating a Work of Art fails if they do not have at least 50 chips to lose.

The initial Value of a Work of Art is determined by generating an integer between 1 and the Participation Value of the Auction Casino when the Work of Art is created, then multiplying by 4.

Tweak Slots a Bit

In subrule "Slots" amend the following sentence:

"Values of the same kind must be sequential in the rolls to count."


"Values of the same kind do not need to be sequential."

In subrule "Slots" amend the Roll table with the following table:

Roll Value
17-19 🔺
14-16 🃏
6-9 🤔
1-5 🦆

and amend the Payouts table with the following table:

Values Payout
🦆🦆🦆 Machine broke, you may not play the slots any more times this week. Gain no payout
♾♾♾ Gain 500 chips
♾♾ Gain 200 chips
🔺🔺🔺 Gain 150 chips
🔺🔺 Gain 80 chips
✨✨✨ Gain 75 chips
🃏🃏🃏 Gain a random card
🃏🃏 Gain 50 chips
🤔🤔🤔 Gain 50 chips