Cycle 15/Proposal Drafting

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Revision as of 00:24, 16 February 2024 by Xenon dichloride (talk | contribs) (Party Time! Implemented.)
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Space Claiming Section

Because space identifiers can only be integers, in order not to step on each others' toes, this section exists to mark interest in drafting a proposal using ranges of spaces. Place the spaces you want to claim here as well as the date that you claimed them. If enough time has passed since someone claimed spaces and you need those spaces for something you're doing, reach out to them and see if they're still interested in those specific spaces.

Date Spaces Claimant Reason
5 Jan 2024 200 - 220 Trungle #Party Game Nomic Wheel
5 Jan 2024 666000 - 666999 Trungle #Hell
6 Jan 2024 -39 - -1 and -220 - -200 Xenon dichloride #Antiloop


Add proposals you're currently working on here.


Read the discussion here

Create a new subrule of rule Board entitled Hell with the text:

Spaces whose IDs are within the range 666000 to 666999 are in Hell. There are ten circles of Hell, numbered starting at 0. The Nth circle of Hell contains the spaces 666000 + N*100 through 666000 + N*100 + 99.

A space with identifier 666000 always exists, and is created immediately with the "Blank" space type if it does not. This space can be referred to as the Gates of Hell.

At the beginning of each phase, the set of successors for each space in Hell are modified such that no space not in Hell succeeds a space in Hell.

If no player has done so this phase, any player can, in #game-actions, select two random circles of Hell, then select a random space in each chosen circle. Space 1 becomes a successor of each chosen space.

Create a new subrule of rule Spaces entitled Hell Portal with the text:

"Hell Portal" is a type of space. When a player lands on a Hell Portal space, their location is set to the Gates of Hell.

Create a new subrule of rule Spaces entitled Deal with the Devil with the text:

"Deal with the Devil" is a type of space. When a player lands on a Deal with the Devil space, then the Curse is transferred to them and their location is set to Space 0.

Create a new rule entitled Curse with the text:

The Devil is an entity.

The Curse is an item ownable by players and the Devil. If a player owns the Curse, they cannot win the game, rules to the contrary notwithstanding.

If the Curse ever lacks an owner or its owner is indeterminate, it is immediately transferred to the Devil. If there is ever no Curse, then a new Curse is created in the possession of the Devil. If there is ever more than one Curse, the most recently created Curses is destroyed until there is only one Curse.

Create space 667000 with type Deal with the Devil.

For N from 0 through 9:

  • Let X=666000 + N*100 and let Y=X+9.
  • Create spaces X through Y with type Blank.
  • Create a loop from X to Y.
  • If N is not equal to 0, then for each space with identifier Z between X and Y, let space Z succeed space Z - 100.
  • If N is 9, for each space with identifier Z between X and Y, let space 667000 succeed space Z.


  • Add an alternate escape route from Hell that doesn't involve the Curse (maybe randomized each phase?)
  • Add traps all over the place (once more trap space types exist)
  • Add more flavor text (this proposal begs for some flavorful descriptions)

Simpler rolls verbiage

Read the discussion here

Dice Rolls

A roll of a K-sided die, is a value selected among integers from 1 to K, using a uniform random distribution. Multiple rolls, or multiple dice, are independent such selections.

A rule that requires a selection of an NdK value, for non-negative (≥0) integer N and positive (>0) integer K, is requiring the random selection of N rolls of a K-sided die.

  • (If not otherwise specified) the resulting value is the sum of those rolls. If N is 0 the sum is 0.
  • If a rule requires an NdK dice roll with a target number x (abbreviated as "x+"), the resulting value is instead the number of N independent 1dK rolls that meet or exceed the target number.

Skill Upgrades

Create a new subrule of Players entitled Hearts with the text:

All players have 2 maximum hearts initially.

When a player takes damage, they loose that many hearts. This does not decrease their maximum hearts.

If a player has less than 1 heart, they die.

Create a new subrule of Hearts entitled Death with the text:

If a player dies, they are sent to space 0 and their hearts are restored to their maximum hearts.

Create a new subrule of Players entitled Level with the text:

Experience Points are an item. They cannot be traded.

Skill Points are items. They cannot be traded.

All players have a level equal to ⌊√(x)⌋, where x is the number of Experience Points possessed by that player. When a player's level increases to the succeeding integer, they gain 1 Skill Point.

Create a new subrule of Players entitled Attributes with the text:

All attributes are items that cannot be traded.

A player may use 1 Skill Point to select an attribute and grant themself 1 of it.

Attributes do not have to be used and their effect is always applied to the player that owns it.

The following table details the available attributes and the effect that possessing them has on the player.

Name Effect
Vitality Increases the your maximum hearts by 1.
Speed Roll 1 additional d4 when moving.
Perseverance Select 2 additional spaces when moving.
Rizz You gain a +10% chance to roll again when gambling (values over 100% are treated as 100%).
Insightfulness Gain 1 additional garbage if you gain garbage when landing on a Garbage Pile space.

Create a new subrule of Attributes entitled Traits with the text:

A trait is a type of item that cannot be traded.

If a player would have multiple of the same trait, they are removed until they have only 1.

Traits are obtained by performing a specific method, as outlined below.

Name Effect Obtaining
Infernal Heart When you have 1 heart, select between 0 and 3 (you may choose) additional spaces when moving. Land on or pass through a Hazard type space (with non-blank pseudo-type) whilst having 1 heart and not dying from it.
Double Trouble For each set of the same values rolled in movement, roll kd6, where k is the number of same values. Roll at least two of the same number in movement.
Dice Deuce If you roll any 2s in moving, you may reroll those dice. This applies recursively. Roll at least two 2s in movement.

Create a new subrule of Spaces entitled EXP with the text:

"EXP" is a type of Space. When a player lands on an EXP type space, they gain 3 Experience Points. When a player passes through an EXP type space, they gain 1 Experience Point.

Change spaces -212, -207, -35, -25, -15, 15, 35, 200 and 209 to type EXP. Create a new subrule of Spaces entitled Thorns with the text:

"Thorns" is a type of Space. When a player passes through a Thorns type space, they take 1 damage.

Append "Thorns" to the list in Hazard. Create a new subrule of Spaces entitled Molten Coals with the text:

"Molten Coals" is a type of Space. When a player lands on a Molten Coals type space, they take 1 damage.

Append "Molten Coals" to the list in Hazard. Create a new subrule of Spaces entitled Caltrops with the text:

"Caltrops" is a type of Space. When a player passes through or lands on a Caltrops type space, they take 1 damage.

Append "Caltrops" to the list in Hazard.

Implemented Proposals

Once your proposal has gone into the ruleset, place it here for posterity.

Party Game Nomic Wheel

Read the discussion here

Add a subrule to the rule Spaces entitled Spinner with the text:

"Spinner" is a type of space. When a player lands on a spinner space, they must roll 1d4. This number is then added to the Wheel Rotation.

Add a subrule to the rule Spaces entitled Crystal Beam with the text:

"Crystal Beam" is a type of space. When a player lands on a crystal beam space, they must choose one of the following sets of spaces:

  • Spaces 200 through 204 and all successors of space 204.
  • Spaces 205 through 209 and all predecessors of space 205.
  • Spaces 210 through 214 and all predecessors of space 210.
  • Spaces 215 through 219 and all successors of space 219.

All players on any space in the selected set lose one crystal.

Add a subrule to the rule Board entitled Wheel Rotation with the text:

Wheel rotation is an integer that tracks the rotation of the wheel spaces within the board's main loop. If the wheel rotation is less than 0, then 40 is automatically added to the wheel rotation. If the wheel rotation is greater than 39, then 40 is automatically subtracted from it.

For wheel rotation WR, the following connections should exist:

  • Space 204 precedes space WR.
  • Space 205 succeeds space (WR+10) mod 40.
  • Space 210 succeeds space (WR+20) mod 40.
  • Space 219 precedes space (WR+30) mod 40.

When the value of wheel rotation changes, remove successors from spaces as specified by the list above, using the previous value of the wheel rotation as WR, then add successors as specified by the list above using the current value of the wheel rotation as WR.

For each integer N between 200 and 219, inclusive, create space N with the following types:

  • If the last digit of N is 1, 4, 5, or 8: Spinner.
  • Otherwise, Blank.

Create space 220 with the space type Crystal Beam.

Create the following lines:

  • from space 200 to space 204
  • from space 205 to space 209
  • from space 210 to space 214
  • from space 215 to space 219

Also, add successors such that space 220 follows space 209 and space 214 and that space 220 precedes spaces 200 and 215.

Set the Wheel Rotation to 5. Create connections as specified in Wheel Rotation, if they do not already exists.


Add a sub-rule to the rule Spaces entitled Spin-up Spinner with the text:

"Spin-up Spinner" is a type of space. When a player lands on a spin-up spinner space, they must roll 1d4. This number is then added to the Wheel Rotation.

Add a sub-rule to the rule Spaces entitled Spin-down Spinner with the text:

"Spin-down Spinner" is a type of space. When a player lands on a spin-down spinner space, they must roll 1d4. This number is then subtracted from the Wheel Rotation.

Replace all "Spinner" type spaces with "Spin-up Spinner" type spaces.

Remove Spinner, the sub-rule of Spaces.

Amend Crystal Beam to state:

"Crystal Beam" is a type of space. When a player lands on a crystal beam space, they must choose one of the following sets of spaces:

  • Spaces 200 through 204, all successors of space 204, spaces -204 through -200 and all successors of space -200.
  • Spaces 205 through 209, all predecessors of space 205, spaces -209 through -205 and all predecessors of space -209.
  • Spaces 210 through 214, all predecessors of space 210, spaces -214 through -210 and all predecessors of space -214.
  • Spaces 215 through 219, all successors of space 219, spaces -219 through -215 and all successors of space -215.

All players on any space in the selected set lose one crystal.

Amend Wheel Rotation to state:

Wheel rotation is an integer that tracks the rotation of the wheel spaces within the board's main loop. If the wheel rotation is less than 0, then 40 is automatically added to the wheel rotation. If the wheel rotation is greater than 39, then 40 is automatically subtracted from it.

For wheel rotation WR, the following connections should exist:

  • Space 204 precedes space WR.
  • Space 205 succeeds space (WR+10) mod 40.
  • Space 210 succeeds space (WR+20) mod 40.
  • Space 219 precedes space (WR+30) mod 40.
  • Space -204 succeeds space -WR.
  • Space -205 precedes space (-WR+10) mod 40.
  • Space -210 precedes space (-WR+20) mod 40.
  • Space -219 succeeds space (-WR+30) mod 40.

When the value of wheel rotation changes, remove successors from spaces as specified by the list above, using the previous value of the wheel rotation as WR, then add successors as specified by the list above using the current value of the wheel rotation as WR.

Create spaces -39 through -1 with type Blank. Change the type of space -20 to Treasure. Change the type of spaces -21, -14, -7, -3, -1 to Hazard. Change the type of spaces -32, -22, -12, -2 to Spin-down Spinner. Create a loop from -39 to 0.

For each integer N between -219 and -200, inclusive, create space N with the following types:

  • If the last digit of N is 1, 4, 5, or 8: Spin-down Spinner.
  • If the last digit of N is 0, 3, 6, or 9: Hazard.
  • Otherwise, Blank.

Create space -220 with the space type Crystal Beam.

Create the following lines:

  • from space -204 to space -200
  • from space -209 to space -205
  • from space -214 to space -210
  • from space -219 to space -215

Also, add predecessors such that space -220 precedes space -209 and space -214 and that space -220 succeeds spaces -200 and -215.

Create connections as specified in Wheel Rotation, if they do not already exists.

Append the following text to Garbage:

Antimatter Wormhole "You move to the space with identifier equivalent to the negative of your space's identifier, if it exists."

Brakes "Subtract 1d4 from the wheel rotation."

Archgarbage "This item cannot be used, rules to the contrary notwithstanding. If it is somehow used anyways, you are granted 2 Archgarbage, to negate the effect of using it twice over. If you have 'Actual Garbage' and 'Archgarbage' at the same time, 1 of each is destroyed."

Antitwop :)

Change the type of space -5 to Boulder Trap, with boulder path on spaces {-6, -4, -3, -2, -1} and safe haven on space 0.

Change the type of spaces -30 and -10 to Utility.

Change the type of space -26 to Teleporter.

Literally just puts garbage in a table


Garbage effects cannot change gamestate prior to the phase in which the Garbage is used. Each row in the table below defines an item alongside it's description. If the effect of one of these items cannot be determined, it instead does nothing, because it is garbage.

Name Description
Summoning Whistle If the space you are on is Blank, it gets covered in garbage, and thereby becomes of type Garbage Pile.
Disembodied Arm of Teleportation The arm drags you through spacetime directly to a random space between 1 and 100. (This is not movement.)
Significant Pause You move directly to the space you are on.
Time Bean Chili You move again.
Mysterious Ontological Hole You swap places with the specified player. (This is not movement.)
Draught of Fudging You add or subtract 1 from the specified die roll.
Synergistic Scent-sation You transform a crystal into 2 random items.
Tickle-me-elmo The specified player moves directly to space 0.
Phlegmatic Porpoise A random player is granted a Phlegmatic Porpoise. Ping them.
Pop-and-Lock Tutorial CD The specified player moves directly to the space you are on.
Mauve Not the best color, but not the worst either.
+6 Sword of Edging You add 6 to a specified die roll. Additionally, roll 1d100. On 100 or higher, you move immediately and directly to the Gates of Hell (which is space 666000).
Actual Garbage This item cannot be used, rules to the contrary notwithstanding. If it is somehow used anyways, you are granted 2 Actual Garbage, to negate the effect of using it twice over.
Get Out of Jail Free Card You leave jail.
Steering Wheel Add 1d4 to wheel rotation.
Brakes Subtract 1d4 from the wheel rotation.
Bottle of Holding The space you are on becomes Blank. Modify this description by replacing all instances of Blank with the type the space you are on was prior to it becoming Blank.
NEW ITEM Create a new space that follows your current space.
Dimensional Bacon Roll 2d100 to select 2 spaces randomly. The higher numbered space selected now succeeds the lowered number space.
Fish Drop on the deck and flop like a fish!
Antimatter Wormhole You move to the space with identifier equivalent to the negative of your space's identifier, if it exists.
Actual Garage You are granted 5 random items defined by Garbage.
Archgarbage This item cannot be used, rules to the contrary notwithstanding. If it is somehow used anyways, you are granted 2 Archgarbage, to negate the effect of using it twice over. If you have 'Actual Garbage' and 'Archgarbage' at the same time, 1 of each is destroyed.
Anti-type Randomly select an item defined by Garbage. You are granted -1 of it.
Synesthesia Randomly select an item defined by Garbage. You are granted Navy Blue of it.
Top Hat For the rest of the game, you are wearing a top hat.
Banana Yes, you have eaten the banana.
Gorilla If you have 3 bananas, you win the cycle.
Blank Card Specify a name and description, and permanently append that to Garbage
Sick Burn Permanently amend Garbage by removing the specified item.
Demonic Tutor You are granted one of any specified item.
Nickelback 🎵 Look at this graph 🎵
❤️‍🔥 ❤️‍🔥
This is a Totally Normal Item Yes, yes it is.
Six Inch Eyebrow of Mansplaining Makes all your answers long and incorrect.
Rainbow Gun Doesn't make stuff gay, unfortunately. Instead, changes the type of space you are on to whatever you specify.
Gay'nbow Gun Makes stuff gay.
Veil Vacuum Change the rule of blank spaces to read [When a player lands on this space, grant them a Blank Card].
Big wheel Add 1d40 to the Wheel Rotation
Death Ray Garbage to the Contrary Notwithstanding, the specified player loses SO HARD that if they have already won the cycle, they have no longer won the cycle. (They can still win again though, WATCH OUT!).


Once per phase, a player can MacGyver by posting to #⁠game-actions and specifying 2 different items in their possession, then granting themselves a random item defined by Garbage. This destroys the specified items.

Party Time!

Create a new rule entitled Party with the text:

It's Party time!!! If a party is started it is deemed to be party time. If another party is started it is no longer party time.

Create a new subrule of Movement entitled Combos with the text:

If it is party time and multiple players roll the same number on any of their dice, any of these players may choose to combo. When a player combos, they gain a 'Party Pizza' and a random garbage item.

Create a new subrule of Movement entitled Dancing with the text:

If it is party time and a player lands on a space with other players, grant each player on that space N 'Time Bean Chilis', where N is one less than the number of players on that space.

Create a new subrule of Movement entitled Doubles with the text:

If you roll multiple of the same number when moving, grant yourself a 'Time Bean Chili'.

Create a new subrule of Spaces entitled Dance Pad with the text:

"Dance Pad" is a type of space. When a player lands on a Dance pad space, they may choose to start a party.

Change the type of space 20 to Dance Pad. Create a new subrule of Spaces entitled Disco Ball with the text:

"Disco Ball" is a type of space. When a player lands on a Disco Ball space during party time, they may randomly select a Blank space to change it's type to Dance Pad.

Change the type of space 10 to Disco Ball.

Append the following to Garbage:

Birthday Cake Start a party.
Present Select a player. Randomly select 1 Garbage item and grant them it. A party is then started.
Party Pizza You move again with a roll of 2.
Saxophone If it is party time you are cool and sexy. This means you grant yourself 2 Crystals.
Beer You are now tipsy. If you are tipsy or drunk when this is used, you are drunk.
Vodka You are now drunk.
Magic Water You are not tipsy or drunk. You are also reminded to water the plant.

Append the following to Casino:

If it is party time you must be drunk to gamble.