Community Garden/Gamestate

From Infinite Nomic Wiki
Revision as of 00:43, 12 January 2022 by miraheze>Nyhilo (🌸💮🌼 Photosynthesis 💐🌷🌹)

The Plant Keeper

The current Plant Keeper is Nyhilo


Is is currently the Growth season.

The current Growth pool, including season bonuses, looks like this:

Entries Result
6 Nothing Happens.
3 The plant becomes eligible for a development roll today.
2 The trunk grows 1 centimeter.
2 The trunk sprouts 1 new leaf at its current height.
1 If the trunk has not grown a bud within 5 centimeters of its current height, the trunk grows a new bud at its current height. Otherwise, the trunk sprouts 1 new leaf at its current height.

The Plant

The Plant is currently 14 cm tall. Its total length, including all branches, is 16 cm.

The plant is not currently in a photosynthesis cycle. The last cycle ended on 2022-1-18.

Position Features Attempts to Develop Bud
7cm 4 Leaves, 1 Branch 1
10cm 1 Leaf
11cm 1 Leaf
13cm 2 Leaf, 1 Branch 1
14                        |
13                      &\|&
12                        |
11                       &|
10                        |&
09                        |
08                        |
07                      &&|&&-
06                        |
05                        |
04                        |
03                        |
02                        |
01                 _______|_______
                   \             /  
                    \           /
                     \         /
Plant Legend
& Leaf
-,/,\ Branch
° Bud