Round 10/Proposal Ideas

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Revision as of 23:37, 13 July 2021 by miraheze>Nyhilo (Bullet point formatting fix)

Feel free to expand ideas, write them out in more detail, add new ideas, etc.

Less Fleshed-Out Ideas

  • Win condition (Victory points, potentially poker/card themed?)
  • Secondary currency to allow special actions including buying victory points, changing lots in some way?
  • Increasing the number of lots generated to be two times the number of players that bid in the previous auction
  • Increase the number of cards per lot to 3
  • Scaling the payout of placements (Total bet amounts distributed across placements?) and increasing the number of placements
  • Let new players get coins right away in a way that is minimally exploitable
    • Explicitly legislate that players lose their items when they leave the game
    • Add non-tradable chips that players gain when they first join (babychips). Only gained during the auction phase.
    • Timeout period to rejoin if you leave?

Currently Being Drafted

Booster Pack

With this proposal I want to make the game more competitive. As it stands, you can somewhat easily expect to collect a five-of-a-kind by winning a couple of auctions and trading a bit. I want to remove this strategy as a viable option because it's boring. I will do this by adding and reorganizing a whole bunch of stuff.

  • Add a bunch of suits.
    • I was thinking that we could take inspiration from other European card decks.
    • The cards we currently use are the French deck. We have Hearts, Diamonds, Clubs, and Spades.
    • The Spanish deck and the Italian deck use Swords, Cups, Coins, and Clubs.
    • The German deck uses Acorns, Leaves, Hearts, and Bells.
    • The Swiss deck has Bells, Shields, Roses, and Acorns.
    • Combining these all together we can create a full twelve-suited deck with Hearts, Diamonds, Clubs, Spades, Swords, Cups, Coins, Acorns, Leaves, Bells, Shields, and Roses.
  • Add a bunch of ranks.
    • It will be to get N-of-a-kind hands if it's less likely for any given card to be chosen.
    • We could also pull from real-life decks for this, specifically the royalty.
    • Spanish decks have Sota, Caballo, and Rey. The Sota is a Page or Jack character, but the Caballo is a Knight. We can steal that.
    • Swiss and German decks have the Unter and Ober -- two servants instead of one servant and a queen or one servant and a knight. I'm not too big a fan of this, but we could take it anyway.
    • Some variations of the card game 500 use a French-suited deck that has numbered cards going up to 13. Only red 13s are found in this version.
    • Very strange idea: chess pieces? King, Queen, and Knight are already attested. Could we bring in Bishops and Rooks? Pawns can just be the pip cards. --CodeTriangle (talk) 05:58, 8 July 2021 (UTC)
    • The biggest source for new ranks is probably the Tarot deck's Major Arcana, which can provide 22 new ranks.
      • These should probably be treated a bit differently than most other cards.
      • Real life Tarot decks don't assign suit to the Major Arcana. It may make sense to follow.
      • If we do that, we could make them less probable to appear and have several hands to create just out of the different Tarot cards.
      • This could potentially complicate the act of drawing cards. Having a split between the normal cards and the major arcana could also complicate rules-writing to a messy degree.
  • Change hands to be variable-size.
    • This will lower the commitment for the average player trying to join in on the bidding round.
    • It will also allow us to create more complicated hands.
    • You should be able to just submit the number of cards that make up the hand you're submitting.
  • Change the hand rankings and add some.
    • In a departure from poker, we will want to change the rankings to reflect what hands are actually the hardest to create.
    • We may want to dip into Non-standard poker hands.
    • I think we should focus on combinations of specific ranks and/or suits as trading for particular cards rather than any random card adds more strategy.
      • I have no ideas for this. Maybe a lot of jokes about the roles the cards play? Things in the vein of Nyhilo's suggestion of "So only 1 Klink, Rose, and Zeph is needed to create a Modteam. 3 card hand"
      • They don't have to be unique types of hands, though. Like a Royal Flush is just one kind of flush, some of these can be a specific version of another, broader type of hand. A king plus two or more knights could be a round table, for instance. --CodeTriangle (talk) 05:58, 8 July 2021 (UTC)
    • Hand ideas:
      • Regional hands: include every suit from one of the four decks that we pull suits from (French, German, Swiss, or Spanish). For example, a Spanish four-of-a-kind could be the tens of Clubs, Swords, Cups, and Coins. This makes Hearts, Clubs, Bells, and Acorns the most valuable cards since they can be used in multiple regions' hands. This works best for four-card hands.
      • Same-suit N-of-a-kind: it will no longer be trivial to collect a lot of cards of the same suit and rank. If you have five kings of swords, for example, that would rank much higher than a normal five-of-a-kind.
      • Even longer sets and runs: Drawing inspiration from rummy, what if you can put out any set or run of cards, as long as you want (up to some reasonable maximum; for runs this is clearly just the number of distinct ranks, for sets the number of suits seems appropriate). To make this work, we might need to switch to a system where hands are scored based on multipliers rather than ranked from a table -- that would also allow us to implement the other set variants described above on lots of different hand types with maybe a little less overhead. --CodeTriangle (talk) 05:58, 8 July 2021 (UTC)

I'd love to hear everyone's ideas on this. Make sure to sign your name if you make any comments on the above. --CodeTriangle (talk) 23:36, 6 July 2021 (UTC)

Building the Auction Casino

This proposal aims to add a number of activities, called Games, for users to take part in in an official manner in their down time. During this drafting process, comments will be left below in italics, and are not meant to be included in the final proposal.

But first, some groundwork:

Rename rule "Auctions" to "The Auction Casino"

In rule "Auctions" add section "Participation" with the following text:

The "Participation" value of the Auction Casino is given by one of the following criteria, whichever is higher:

   * 10
   * 2 for every 3 players
   * 2 of every player who bid in the previous auction for card lots

In rule "Auctions" section "Lots, amend the following text:

"Each lot consists of three cards. Each auction has the higher option of:

   * Ten lots
   * 2 lots for every 3 players
   * 2 lots for every player who bid in the previous election "


"Each lot consists of 3 cards. Each auction has a number of lots equal to the Participation of the Auction Casino at the time the lots are generated."

Add rule "Games" with the following text:

There are two types of Games that players can participate in, Limited Access Games and Limitless Access Games. Unless otherwise specified, a player may only participate in a Limited Access Game at most 1 time in a given week. A player may participate in a Limitless Access Game as many times as they like, so long as they are not participating in multiple games at the same time. A player may begin participating in a game by announcing their intent to do so in the appropriate channel (#game-actions, unless otherwise specified). A player ceases participating in a game when there is no reasonable action left to take in the game, or when they announce their intent to cease participation in #game-actions.


Slots are a Limited Access Game that a player may participate in at most 3 times per week.

When a player chooses to play the slots, they must put 6 chips in the machine (losing them in the process). A player may not play the slots if they do not have enough chips to do so. Then the player rolls 3 times on the following table:

I have not crunched the numbers on either of the following tables, more research is required for balancing purposes.

Roll Value
20 โ™พ
17-19 ๐Ÿ”บ
14-16 ๐Ÿƒ
10-13 โœจ
6-9 ๐Ÿค”
1-5 ๐Ÿฆ†

Afterwards, compare your 3 Values with the chart below and claim your payout, if any. Values of the same kind must be sequential in the rolls to count. If multiple payouts apply at the same time, you gain the effect of the payout higher in the chart.

Values Payout
๐Ÿฆ†๐Ÿฆ†๐Ÿฆ† Machine broke, you may not play the slots any more times this week. Gain no payout
๐Ÿฆ†๐Ÿฆ† Gain no payout
โ™พโ™พโ™พ Gain 100 chips
โ™พโ™พ Gain 50 chips
โ™พ Gain 25 chips
๐Ÿ”บ๐Ÿ”บ๐Ÿ”บ Gain 24 chips
๐Ÿ”บ๐Ÿ”บ Gain 20 chips
๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿƒ Gain 18 chips
๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿƒ Gain 12 chips
โœจโœจโœจ Gain 10 chips
โœจโœจ Gain 6 chips
๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค” Gain 3 chips
๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค” Gain 1 chips

The Studio

This is a rimworld joke.

Participating in The Studio is a Limited Access Game that a player may participate in once per week by posting their intent to do so in #the-studio.

Works of art have the following attributes: A Title, a Description, and a Value

While participating, a player may enter the studio and create a work of art. To create a work of art, the player must post a message to #the-studio, providing a Title for the work of art no more than 30 characters in length, and the Description of the work of art no more than 200 characters in length.

The initial value of a work of art is determined by generating a number between 1 and the Participation value of the Auction Casino when the work of art is created, then multiplying by 10.

I want to create a system for auctioning off the painting to player and ai bidders. The ai bidders will bid random values after the players have placed their bids, and the highest wins of course. I just need to work out a reason for why players would want to buy a painting, other than just the desire to own art.


Each of two players consent to a bet, which doesn't need to be equal in nature and can consist of any tradeable item. Each participating player then draws a card, the one with the highest value then wins the pot. If the cards drawn are of equal value, then a "war" is triggered, causing additional cards to be drawn.


A dealer sets up a "table" that people can pay to play on. Normal blackjack activities then ensue.

Poker/texas holdem

A dealer is given write access to the "seat" channels, and each player has viewing access only to a given seat. This then allows the dealer to secretly deal cards to each player, and we can otherwise play a normal game.

The complexity of setting up the channels can be solved with a bot. The primary issue here is that moderators can't be players, since they can see all channels and can cheat as a result. Which sucks. This might just not be feasible.

Off to The races

Each player submits an existing card to be their horse in the race. A race consists of a number of legs with a finish line at the end, and each horse starts at leg 0. Cards are repeatedly drawn, and each horse that matches the suit or rank of that card moves up a leg. After all horses move above a given leg, an "obstacle" card is drawn and each horse that matches that card's suite or rank moves down a leg. The horse that reaches the finish first is the winner.

Winners place a bet on their horse before a race. There is a multiplicative payout on the bet based on the odds that a card benefiting that horse will be drawn. Players, horse-owning or not, may also place bets on other horses.

For example, if you have 140 possible cards (after booster packs get passed), and your horse is one of 22 Tarot cards (22 ranks but no suit), then that horse's payout odds would be 22:140.

Completed Proposals

Sealed Bid Auctions

  • To avoid issues with time zones and sniping at the end, eliminate live bidding. Instead, each player secretly bids, and the person with the top bid wins, for the second-highest price.
  • Submit bids secretly by posting a (salted) hash in #auctions
  • Reveal bids at the end

Current draft

In the rule "Phases" replace the second and third paragraph with:

The Auction Phase: Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
The Bartering Phase: Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday

Create a rule with the title "Secret Information" and the text:

When the rules authorize a set of players to "secretly" take an action (a "secret action") then those players can only take that action by posting in the relevant channel the type of game action to be performed, along with an SHA-256 hash containing a clear and unambiguous declaration of the action that the player is performing. It is strongly recommended to make the text to hash unpredictable, for instance by adding unrelated text to the end of the declaration. Since hashes are irreversible it is also strongly recommended to store the exact text that you hashed so that you can post it later.
Secret actions have the following properties, subject to modification by the rule that defines the secret action:
  • a channel in which the action must be performed (by default #game-actions).
  • a maturation date (by default the beginning of the next rules-defined phase after the action's performance).
  • a revelation date (by default three days after the maturation date).
During the period after the maturation date but before the revelation date of a secret action, the player who took that action must post the unhashed text corresponding to what they posted when taking the action (including the actions and the salt), and other players should verify that the unhashed text correctly matches up to the hashed text.
A secret action fails immediately after any of the following occur:
  • If, at the revelation date, the player has not revealed the unhashed text, that action fails.
  • If it is before the maturation date and the message in which the hashed text was sent was edited, that action fails.
  • The player posts an attempt to perform a secret action and they already have an attempt which has not failed at the time of posting the new attempt, then the former attempt fails.
Players may generate SHA-256 hashes by any method that results in a hash verifiable to be computed from the original message by other players. For convenience, here are a few unaffiliated websites that can be used to generate SHA-256 hashes:

Amend Rule "Auctions", subrule "Bidding" so that it reads in full:

During an Auction Phase, as a secret action in #auctions with default maturation and revelation dates, players can place bids on one or more distinct active lots. When a bidder ceases to be a player, all of their bids on active auctions are withdrawn and cease to be bids, and the bidder ceases to be a bidder.
In addition to normal failure conditions for secret actions, bids fail if any of the following occur:
  • If, when a player reveals their bids, one or more of those bids are not a natural number greater than zero if more than one of them are on a single lot, then all such bids fail immediately.
  • If, at the revelation date for the bidding the set of a player's bids that would otherwise succeed add up to a number more than how many points they have, then all of their bids fail.
Priority on a lot is a total order over bidders on that lot, considering only bids that are successful as of the revelation date, and is defined as follows:
  • If two bidders have different bids, the one with the higher bid has priority over the other.
  • Otherwise, the bidder whose most recent start or increase of their bid was least recent has higher priority over the other.
At the revelation date of each week's bids, after Prizes are given out for Hands and after it is decided which bids were successful, the auction concludes, and for each lot the following occur in the order listed:
  • The lot is transferred to the possession of the sole bidder with the highest priority on that lot (if one exists).
  • The player who received that lot loses the amount of points they bid.

Amend Rule "Auctions", subrule "Presenting A Hand" by changing its name to "Submitting a Hand" and changing its text to read, in full:

During an Auction Phase, as a secret action with default channel, maturation date and revelation date, players can Submit a Hand, specifying five distinct cards in their possession.
If, when a player reveals the Hand they submitted, they do not possess all the cards contained inside, then that Hand submission fails.

Amend Rule "Auctions", subrule "Prizes" by replacing the first paragraph with:

At the revelation date of each week's Hand submissions, before it is decided which bids were successful and lots are given out for auctions, but after it is decided which Hand submissions were successful, all players who have successfully Submitted a Hand in the week prior receive a placement according to the contents of their most recently Submitted Hands. Better hands get a lower rank number. Then:
  • The cards the players presented are destroyed.
  • The players then gain the prize(s) corresponding to their placement.

Card And Reward Development (CARD)

  • The purpose of this is to both increase the number of cards in circulation to allow more activate participating, and to increase the rewards to make playing a better investment

Working draft

In rule "Auctions" section "Lots" Amend the following text:

"Each lot consists of two cards. Each auction has ten lots."


"Each lot consists of three cards. Each auction has the higher option of:
  • Ten lots
  • 2 lots for every 3 players
  • 2 lots for every player who bid in the previous election "

In rules "Phases", "Auctions" and "Items" replace all instances of the word "points" with the word "chips".

Each player gains chips equal to their point total the instant before this proposal passed

In rule "Items" create section "Trung", with the following text:

"Trungs are fungible items. Trungs may be exchanged at the following rates:
  • 10 Trungs for 1 Gold Star
  • 2 Trungs for 1 Standard Proposal Maker"

In rule "Items" create section "Gold Star" with the following text:

"Gold Stars are items that cannot be traded."

Create rule "Victory" with the following text:

If a player has 10 Gold Stars in their possession at any time, they become the winner of Round 10, ending the round."

In Rule "Auctions" section "Prizes" replace the following:

Placement Prizes
1 1 Standard Proposal-Maker and 20 points
2 1 Standard Proposal-Maker and 10 points
3 30 points
4 20 points
5 or above The cards the player presented during the Bartering Phase.


Placement Prizes
1 5 Trungs, 1 Standard Proposal Maker, and 10 chips
2 4 Trungs, 1 Standard Proposal Maker, and 20 chips
3 3 Trungs and 30 Chips
4 2 Trungs and 40 Chips
5 1 Trung and 50 Chips
6 50 chips
7 or above 20 Chips and the cards the player presented during the Bartering Phase.

Amend the section "Scoring" of the rule "Auctions" by replacing

"Hands are ranked as follows: (2 and A are treated as sequential for the purposes of ranking hands, hands higher on the list have better ranking)"
"Hands are ranked as follows. Ranks that appear earlier in the table have better ranking. A hand's rank is considered to be the best rank that it satisfies the criteria for (not all cards must be used in satisfying the criteria, i.e. extraneous cards are acceptable). For the purpose of determining rank, A and 2 are treated as sequential."

Amend the same section by replacing the criteria of the hands in the table as follows:

Straight Flush: "Five cards of sequential rank, all sharing the same suit."
Five-of-a-Kind: "Five cards of the same rank."
Four-of-a-Kind: "Four cards of the same rank."
Full House: "Three cards of one rank and two cards of another rank."
Flush: "Five cards of the same suit."
Straight: "Five cards of sequential rank."
Three-of-a-Kind: "Three cards of the same rank."
Two Pair: "Two cards of one rank and two other cards of another rank."
One Pair: "Two cards of one rank."
High Card: "Always satisfied."