
From Infinite Nomic Wiki
Revision as of 01:13, 8 April 2022 by miraheze>Klinkplink (Creating accessibility and customs page)
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Customary things

Miraheze Wiki Pages

The miraheze wiki is a reflection of the rules to our best knowledge, but not an official source of truth (in case miraheze stops existing or our pages get lost, to avoid people bad faith editting the wiki and legally changing the rules, etc).

Links to specific revisions of a page are often used as a source of immutable information as well.

Bot functionality

Should not be hard-written into the rules in the chance that the bot itself stops working, as the game would simply break at that point. Bots should be used for accessibility and utility, to simplify or automate the manual processes outlined in the rules.

Bot things

....sanctify (thread ID) (insert explanation text here)

other people please add things here