Round 10/Gamestate

From Infinite Nomic Wiki
Revision as of 17:33, 28 August 2021 by miraheze>CodeTriangle (→‎Hands: add hand hashes and contents)


It is currently Monday, so it is the Auction Phase. The Bartering Phase starts on Thursday. Click here to update.


Nyhilo is the current judge.


Summary of Stakes Players involved Link to contract
A promise for Acorns Nyhilo, Fitzyiii Link


Player Chips Inventory Cards
Random Internet Cat 593 2 Standard Proposal-Maker, 9 Trungs [A] [N] [8] [4] [T] [3] [6] [9] [9] [B]| [8] [U] [4] [H] [4] [O] [A] [T] [5] [H] [3] [4] [U] [6] [4] [A] [9] [O] [2] [R]
Klink 405 20 Trungs, 1 Standard Proposal-Maker [Q] [6] [K] [7] [K] [7] [6] [B] [D] [A] [A] [4] [6] [O] [3] [3] [8] [2] [4] [5] [5] [8] [3] [A]
Gaelan 620 1 Standard Proposal-Maker [K] [T] [T]
Veganzombeh 589 12 Trungs [2] [9] [A] [3] [A] [9] [9] [A] [7] [U] [A] [O] [7] [H] [U] [9] [7] [K] [E] [Q]
Emerald 886 3 Trungs [2]
ATMunn 300 1 Trung [E] [4] [Q] [D] [K] [R] [6] [6] [O] [U] [H] [K] [D] [8] [K] [4] [B] [E]
surprise 813 - [7] [T] [T] [T] [T]
Trungle 426 7 Trungs [Q] [3] [T] [A] [T] [Q] [2] [4] [7] [4] [Q] [4] [6] [5] [E] [4] [E] [Q] [9] [6] [E] [7] [Q] [5] [Q]
Phoenix King 900 - -
MonarchMan 900 - -
Duck God 644 6 Trungs [2] [A] [H] [8] [O] [4] [U] [O] [3] [H] [3] [7] [R] [E] [9] [6] [4] [9] [O] [4] [8]
Jasenerd 900 - -
Nyhilo 360 7 Trungs, 1 Standard Proposal-Maker [K] [K] [K] [K] [K] [K] [K] [K] [K] [K] [K] [K] [K] [7]
Kubby 783 1 Standard Proposal-Maker [5] [8] [8]
Zephnik 900 - -
Gabrioski 900 - -
bookshelf 900 - -
Eulengi 840 - [A] [7]
ITerminal 700 - -
fitzyiii 436 3 Trungs, 1 Standard Proposal Maker [4] [A] [K] [D] [O] [N] [9] [7] [3] [T] [K] [5] [6] [O] [R] [O] [H] [N] [H] [T] [H] [3] [D] [U] [9] [R] [N] [D] [R] [B] [A]
Pawelpiotr 280 1 Trung [7] [U] [2] [7] [A] [6] [U] [Q] [A] [R]
Raven1207 238 1 Standard Proposal-Maker [Q] [Q] [O] [Q] [9] [U] [R] [E] [T] [K] [A] [6] [5] [2] [D] [7] [H] [N] [3]
OpportunaWeekly 525 - [H] [7] [R] [9] [4] [5]
Telna 127 8 Trungs, 1 Standard Proposal Maker [D] [6] [Q] [U] [O] [6] [R] [R] [H] [B] [6] [3] [H] [N] [O] [E] [3] [T] [4] [O]


Current Lots

Lot# Cards
Lot 01 [E] [Q] [K]
Lot 02 [A] [9] [8]
Lot 03 [B] [K] [N]
Lot 04 [The Hermit] [E] [U]
Lot 05 [U] [3] [D]
Lot 06 [D] [The Moon] [H]
Lot 07 [E] [9] [6]
Lot 08 [T] [2] [3]
Lot 09 [Q] [K] [The Hermit]
Lot 10 [D] [D] [R]
Lot 12 [3] [D] [D]
Lot 13 [7] [N] [T]
Lot 14 [7] [2] [O]
Lot 15 [T] [8] [4]
Lot 17 [B] [7] [N]
Lot 18 [K] [K] [5]
Lot 19 [A] [B] [5]
Lot 20 [B] [6] [D]
Lot 21 [U] [A] [N]
Lot 22 [B] [B] [O]


Symbol Rank Symbol Suit
A Ace Leaves
T 10 Diamonds
E 11 Cups
D 12 Clubs
H 13 Acorns
U Unter Knave Roses
O Ober Knave Bells
N Knight Swords
B Bishop Shields
R Rook Hearts
Q Queen Coins
K King Spades

Secret Actions


No bids have been submitted.


Player Hashed Hand Revealed Equation Score
Pawelpiotr 2a1c847d8c1143862a23641f6f5fac20be16a95ef9770a95a8ac27a08a7b2ab7 [7] [7] [U] [U] (20*4*(2+2))+14 334
Cat 12229d17721de5ed2f4a1c7b6151781ea7fdad17e99b9d554225a6bd0c8bcc9d [N] [B] [R] (20*3*(18*3))+18 3258
Klink d867c86dc7d97ba993dd47d47196464ac844f4bbe13ac85eb9b228c70e5f43e2 [A] [A] (20*2*(1+2)+1 121
ATMunn 61c33b0fda1390892cb9aa398eccaea8ad11e9254dc0e6ad414e51abf2e67d51 [6] [6] [K] [K] (20*4*((2+2)*3))+20 980
Veganzombeh e8e77bf1d36826c4e402167d90c621085a217f812224fe0ac8564ab8f208cb26 [13] [U] [O] (20*3*(15*3))+15 2715
Trungle dabbeda2acbbee98254cacad77d4809a212e2ed8e50457b118d757ff54178d09 [9] [10] [11] (20*3*(11*3))+11 1991
Nyhilo 98d31f4ef7dc815114edb6bfd63c721cdeba277777773e9877c87d81191f3530 [7] (20*1*(1))+7 27
Telna 1211f475a20c1e013b63221b48730e89c67d6ade46990670d5969177979b5478 [N] [B] [R] [Q] (20*4*(19*3))+19 4597