Round 10/Gamestate

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Revision as of 00:14, 2 September 2021 by miraheze>CodeTriangle (→‎Secret Actions: delet)


It is currently Monday, so it is the Auction Phase. The Bartering Phase starts on Thursday. Click here to update.


Nyhilo is the current judge.


Summary of Stakes Players involved Link to contract
A promise for Acorns Nyhilo, Fitzyiii Link


Player Chips Inventory Cards
Random Internet Cat 638 3 Standard Proposal-Makers, 13 Trungs [A] [8] [4] [T] [3] [6] [9] [9] [8] [U] [4] [H] [4] [O] [A] [T] [5] [H] [3] [4] [U] [6] [4] [A] [9] [O] [2]
Klink 356 20 Trungs, 1 Standard Proposal-Maker [7] [Q] [6] [K] [7] [K] [7] [6] [B] [D] [4] [6] [O] [3] [3] [8] [2] [4] [5] [5] [8] [3] [A] [7] [2] [U] [A] [N] [B] [B] [O]
Gaelan 640 1 Standard Proposal-Maker [K] [T] [T]
Veganzombeh 522 12 Trungs [O] [2] [9] [A] [3] [A] [9] [9] [A] [7] [U] [A] [O] [7] [H] [U] [9] [K] [E] [7] [N] [T] [B] [6] [D] [U]
Emerald 886 3 Trungs [2]
ATMunn 140 3 Trung [E] [4] [Q] [D] [R] [O] [U] [H] [K] [D] [8] [4] [B] [E] [The Hermit] [E] [U] [D] [The Moon] [H] [Q] [K] [The Hermit]
surprise 813 - [7] [T] [T] [T] [T]
Trungle 313 10 Trungs [Q] [3] [T] [A] [Q] [2] [4] [7] [4] [Q] [4] [6] [5] [E] [4] [E] [Q] [9] [6] [7] [Q] [5] [Q] [A] [8] [U] [3] [D] [D] [D] [R]
Phoenix King 900 - -
MonarchMan 900 - -
Duck God 573 6 Trungs [2] [A] [H] [8] [O] [4] [U] [O] [3] [H] [3] [7] [R] [E] [9] [6] [4] [9] [O] [4] [8] [T] [2] [3] [3] [D] [D]
Jasenerd 900 - -
Nyhilo 231 7 Trungs, 1 Standard Proposal-Maker [K] [K] [K] [K] [K] [K] [K] [K] [K] [K] [K] [K] [K] [7] [E] [Q] [K] [B] [K] [N] [K] [K] [5]
Kubby 783 1 Standard Proposal-Maker [5] [8] [8]
Zephnik 900 - -
Gabrioski 900 - -
bookshelf 900 - -
Eulengi 840 - [A] [7]
ITerminal 700 - -
fitzyiii 506 3 Trungs, 1 Standard Proposal Maker [4] [A] [K] [D] [O] [N] [9] [7] [3] [T] [K] [5] [6] [O] [R] [O] [H] [N] [H] [T] [H] [3] [D] [U] [9] [R] [N] [D] [R] [B] [A]
Pawelpiotr 252 2 Trung [2] [A] [6] [Q] [A] [R] [E] [9] [6] [T] [8] [4]
Raven1207 338 1 Standard Proposal-Maker [Q] [Q] [O] [Q] [9] [R] [E] [T] [K] [A] [6] [5] [2] [D] [7] [H] [N] [3] [Q]
OpportunaWeekly 554 - [H] [7] [R] [9] [4] [5] [B] [7] [N]
Telna 176 13 Trungs, 2 Standard Proposal Makers [D] [6] [U] [O] [6] [R] [H] [6] [3] [H] [O] [E] [3] [T] [4] [O] [A] [B] [5]


Current Lots

Lot# Normal Cards Tarot Cards
Lot 01 [A] [4] [The Hierophant]
Lot 02 [O] [A] [D] -
Lot 03 [H] [R] [The Star]
Lot 04 [E] [8] [The Sun]
Lot 05 [9] [6] [6] -
Lot 06 [5] [6] [Wheel of Fortune]
Lot 07 [N] [The High Priestess] [Death]
Lot 08 [D] [O] [U] -
Lot 09 [O] [Q] [N] -
Lot 10 [R] [K] [R] -
Lot 11 [3] [D] [Q] -
Lot 12 [5] [N] [6] -
Lot 13 [2] [A] [The Fool]
Lot 14 [N] [U] [Q] -
Lot 15 [4] [7] [The High Priestess]
Lot 16 [D] [6] [Q] -
Lot 17 [5] [Q] [6] -
Lot 18 [8] [T] [H] -
Lot 19 [T] [K] [R] -
Lot 20 [E] [2] [The Hanged Man]
Lot 21 [N] [U] [9] -
Lot 22 [B] [9] [A] -


Symbol Rank Symbol Suit
A Ace Leaves
T 10 Diamonds
E 11 Cups
D 12 Clubs
H 13 Acorns
U Unter Knave Roses
O Ober Knave Bells
N Knight Swords
B Bishop Shields
R Rook Hearts
Q Queen Coins
K King Spades

Secret Actions


No bids have been bid.


No hands have been submitted.