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Revision as of 13:25, 16 September 2022 by miraheze>Logistic-bot (Just some fixup)


Global ruleset

The game

The game is played on a series of countries. Each player is always inside of a single country. Players may be members of multiple countries.


A country is a location that has a name, rules, and members.

Country naming criteria

The name of a country must follow all following requirements:

  • the name may not impersonate a player
  • the name may not violate Discord's terms of service or the rules of the Infinite Nomic Discord server
  • the name must be longer than 0 characters and shorter than 250.
  • the name may not be illegal according to other global rules
  • the name may not impersonate another country
  • the name may not be "Jeffery"

Country rules

The members of each country may define country rules. These rules may apply to players residing in that country, or members of that country. These rules may not apply to players who are both not residing in that country, and are not members of that country. However, these rules may regulate how players can gain entry or membership of this country.

Country members

Each country has zero or more member. Players may become members of a country only if country rules of that country and all countries that this player is already member of explicitly allow it.

Dissolving countries

If a country has zero members, and it is impossible for that country to gain new members, that country is dissolved. A country may also be dissolved by agreement of all its members.

Global ruleset improvement proposals

Countries can create a global ruleset improvement proposal by sending it in #proposals, specifying a title. Country rules must define how global ruleset improvement proposal can be created.

Each country gets one vote. Country rules must define how this vote is determined.

Creating new countries

Unless country rules of these players forbid it, a coalition of three or more players may create a new country. They must specify a name for that country, as well as all founding members. If no starting country rules are specified, default rules specified in the global ruleset will be used.

The same founding members may not create multiple countries.

Two countries may not have identical founding member lists.

A player may only create a new country once per day.

New country default ruleset

All rules under this heading are the default rules when creating a new country and no starting rules are specified.


Any player may enter this country by getting the approval of one of the founding members.

Global ruleset improvement proposal

Any member of this country may create and submit a Global ruleset improvement proposal.

Global ruleset improvement proposal voting

On each Global ruleset improvement proposal, each founding member may vote yay or nay. If there are less than one vote, this country will not vote on this Global ruleset improvement proposal. If the number of yays is greater or equal than the number of nays, this country will vote yay. If all other cases, this country will vote nay.

Gaining new members

A request from a player wishing to gain membership of this country will be granted if at least two founding members approve of it.

Country rules improvement proposals

Members may create proposals to modify the rules of this country, specifying a title.

Each member gets one vote. If a simple majority is achieved, the Country rule proposal is adopted.

Travel between countries

A player may travel from one country (the starting country) to another (the destination country), by announcing it in #game-actions. That player may only choose starting countries in which they are currently residing. That player may only choose destination countries in which they are not currently residing.

For that action to succeed, all of the following conditions must be true, as well as any other applicable rule:

  • the country rules of the starting country allow travel to the destination country
  • the country rules of the destination country allow travel from the starting country
  • the global rules allow travel from the starting country to the destination country


This is an example for how gamestate may be stored.

Country list, members & global country data
Country name Members other data...
The great Kingdom of Example some_person, someone_else blabla
Republia a_person bla?
Player list & global player data
Player name Member countries Country of residence global data
some_persone The great Kingdom of Example The great Kingdom of Example bla
someone_else The great Kingdom of Example Republia blabla
a_person Republia Republia bla. bla?

The great Kingdom of Example


Country specific state. Maybe a list of members and positions in that country?


Some rule

bla bla bla

Some other rule

bla bla bla