5D Nomic With Multiverse Time Travel
This rule is known as the Constitution. Players can propose amendments to the Constitution by stating as such in #proposals. Players may vote on Constitutional proposals by reacting to the message in #proposals. :+1: constitutes a positive vote and :-1: constitutes a negative vote. If the message is deleted or editted during it's voting period, the proposal fails. The voting period for a proposal begins when Moment processing occurs, and ends the next time Moment processing occurs. When the voting period ends, if the Proposal has more positive votes than negative votes, the proposal becomes a Rule. Otherwise, the Proposal is destroyed. Hereafter "proposal" refers only to proposal items, rather than constitutional proposals.
Variants and Moments
Variants are representations of a Player in a particular Moment. Players control and may take actions on behalf of all Variants of themselves.
A Moment is a unique set of Variants and items representing the gamestate at a particular point in time. Moments can either be Present or Past. Variants may only take actions in Moments that are Present, and have a
When a new Player joins the game, a Variant of them is created in each Present Moment.
At the end of every week, a copy of each Present Moment is created and becomes Past, and then the existing Present Moments is processed. Any actions taken by Variants do not apply until the moments are processed.
Variants may Travel from any Moment they are in to any other Moment, as long as the rules of both Moments allow for it. If a Variant travels to a Past Moment, a copy of that Moment is created, and then the original becomes Present.
Proposals are items that contain a body of text specified by their creator. Variants may create a proposal in any Present Moment that they exist in by stating as such in #proposals. If the message is deleted or editted during it's voting period, the proposal is destroyed. Variants may only possess one proposal per Moment at a time. The voting period for a proposal begins when its Moment is processed, and ends the next time it's Moment is processed. When the voting period ends, if the Proposal has more positive votes than negative votes, the proposal becomes a Rule. Otherwise, the Proposal is destroyed.
Each Variant in a Moment may vote on Proposals in that Moment by reacting to the message in #proposals. :+1: constitutes a positive vote and :-1: constitutes a negative vote.
When a proposal passes, a copy of the Moment it passed in is created. The copied Moment is created, in which the proposal is destroyed instead.
Rules are items that contain a body of text that applies to the Moment the rule is currently in. Rules are only evaluated during Moment processing, and cannot cause things to occur outside of that time.
Items may have an owner that is a Variant. Variants may exchange items with other Variants so long as both Variants consent.