
From Infinite Nomic Wiki
Revision as of 15:50, 17 July 2023 by Veganzombeh (talk | contribs)

Append the following to the list of Ritual Components in the "Ritual Compenents" rule:

🧠 Sanity

In the "Ritual Components" section, amend:

Unlike other Ritual Components, ⚡️ cannot be traded.

to read:

Unlike other Ritual Components, ⚡ and 🧠 cannot be traded.

Add a new section entitled "Steel Self" in the "Tasks" rule:

As a Task, a player can attempt to steel themselves for the fight against the Obelisk. That player gains 1🧠 for each 3+ rolled on 10d6.

The following conditions add or subtract dice from the above roll:

Dice Condition +1d3 Where N is the Experience the Player has in this Task. +1d6 If the season if Calm Spring.

Append the following to the "Rituals" rule:

When a Gathering is completed, a random contributor is selected. The effect of a random Curse with a 🧠 threshold greater or equal to the the amount of 🧠 the selected player owns is then applied.

Add the following as a new rule entitled "Curses":.

A Curse is an action the Obelisk can take to harm players.

The following are Curses with their associated threshold and effect.

Curse of Paranoia 20🧠 Selected player loses 5🧠.

Curse of Unease 20🧠 All players lose 1🧠.

Curse of Flight 8🧠 All Grebes aiding players are destroyed.

Curse of Futility 8🧠 If gains are boosted, they are no longer boosted.

Curse of Snow 8🧠 The current season is set to Winter.

Curse of Stone 5🧠 The Obelisk loses 1 Cut.

Curse of the Mind 5🧠 Each player loses 3🧠.

Curse of Ruin 5🧠 Select a random type of Ritual Component. All Ritual Components of that type are destroyed.

Curse of Ruin Select a random type of Ritual Component. All Ritual Components of that type are destroyed.