
From Infinite Nomic Wiki
Revision as of 01:14, 11 November 2023 by Veganzombeh (talk | contribs)

Foreword; This is intended as a secret role game nomic. The vague intention is sort of that it would be played in the background alongside another cycle so there's enough activity on the server that messages don't stand out too much.

There are two teams, Red and Blue. When the game starts each player is assigned a team at random by the GM.

Proposals are submitted privately to the GM, who will then share them publicly. The voting period of a proposal is one week from the time it is publicly posted. Only one proposal at a time should be in it's voting period.

Only one proposal can be in its voting period at a time. Proposals should enter their voting period in the order they were created. Each player may only have one queued proposal at a time.

Proposals go into effect at the end of their voting period if at least two thirds of votes were in favour.

Each team shall, amongst themselves, decide on 3 codewords. One for votes in favour, one for votes against, and one for abstentions. These codewords must then be given to the GM.

A vote is cast by including the codeword in public message on the infinite nomic discord server.

If a player fails to vote on a proposal before the voting period ends, they are removed from the game and count as having abstained.

Players' goal is to identify members of the opposing team by trying to identify codeword usage. The winner is team of the player who first identifies all members of the opposing team. To do so a list of suspects must be sent privately to the GM. Each player can only attempt this once.