Round 5/Final Ruleset

From Infinite Nomic Wiki
Revision as of 23:41, 30 November 2023 by Aerievee (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Global Rules == Rule 1: Becoming a member Each player begins the game as a member of the world and as a member of one nation. Players must obey the global rule-set as well as their nation's rule-set. Rule 2: Joining the game If a player is not a member of the Red, Blue or Yellow nation, they may join a nation by having an administrator of this game witness them stating their intent to do so. The administrator shall then randomly assign that player to a nation that...")
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Global Rules[edit | edit source]

Rule 1: Becoming a member

Each player begins the game as a member of the world and as a member of one nation. Players must obey the global rule-set as well as their nation's rule-set.

Rule 2: Joining the game

If a player is not a member of the Red, Blue or Yellow nation, they may join a nation by having an administrator of this game witness them stating their intent to do so. The administrator shall then randomly assign that player to a nation that does not already contain more than 1/3 of the world's members.

Rule 3: Three nations

There are three nations: Red, Yellow, and Blue.

Rule 4: Winning the game

"When a nation a masses 1000 Victory Points or more, the nation with the most points wins the game collectively."

Rule 5: Meta - points and winning, conflicting rules

Only rules in the global rule-set (this rule-set), may define win conditions or deal with Global Credits or Victory Points. If a rule in the global rule-set conflicts with a rule in a local rule-set, the global rule takes priority.

Rule 6: Proposing

A proposal is a document that is publicly accessible, clearly intended to be part of the game of Infinite Nomic, and is clearly labeled as a proposal. The previous notwithstanding, a document that is clearly intended to be a proposal under a Local Ruleset is not a proposal under this ruleset.

When a proposal is passed, the changes to the game-state specified within that proposal take effect. For clarity, a proposal that simply declares something without specifying how the gamestate is altered has no effect. As an example, a proposal that states "Voting is illegal." or "Proposals cannot kill people" has no effect, as they do not specify any changes to the gamestate.

When more than two-thids of players vote in favor of a proposal, that proposal is passed.

For the purposes of Rule 5, proposals are a method to make changes to the Global Ruleset.

Rule 7: Gaining points

Each time a global rule-change is passed, an administrator shall roll one six-sided die for each nation and each nation gains the respective amount of points.

Rule 8: Voting

Once a player has cast their vote on a proposal, they may not change it. Players may cast their vote by reacting to the proposal with either ✅ or ❎.

Rule 9: Inactivity

A player is considered inactive if they have not sent a message in any text channel within the last 7 days. Inactivate players are considered active again once they send a message into a text channel.

Rule 10: Leaving the game

A player may leave the game (stop being a player and stop being a member of any nation) by indicating their desire to do so. This rule is retroactive.

Rule 11: Retroactivity

No proposals, global or otherwise, including this one, may have retroactive effect.

Rule 12: The Map

The official global map for this game shall be maintained at and shall be editable by all players in the game. If this proposal is passed, a die shall be rolled to assign each nation to one of the three territories on the map.

Each nation will have the power to regulate via its local rules its own cells on the map and how to edit them. Unless a nation's rules explictly grant permission, no player from a different nation may change any part of its territory.

The initial cells found on the map are of the following types: empty, water, mountain, and forest. The borders between cells may represent rivers or national borders (or both).

Rule 13: Validating & invalidating proposals

   Global proposals are marked with a no_entry_sign if a rule determines that they have failed or been invalidated
   A global proposal being edited will automatically invalidate it
   Failed or invalidated proposals cannot pass under any circumstances
   Global proposals may be invalidated by the player that proposed them at any time as long as the proposal has not already passed
   A global proposal that is not invalidated and does not meet the normal criteria for passing can pass if it meets the following special criteria: *72 hours have passed since the proposal was made *At least one third of the games active players have voted on the proposal *At least two thirds of the votes have been positive

Rule 14: Retracting proposals

You may retract a proposal. Before the proposal has solidified, you can remove it. You may do so however you like, as long as you clarify that you retract it and that it is no longer up for voting.

Rule 15: Impassible Terrain

Any cell on the global map of either the mountain or water type are impassible by default.

Nations can purchase climbing gear for traversing mountains, and boats for traversing water from the server for 3 points, or from each other for an agreed upon amount of points.

Rule 16: Accurate Census Act

Each time the total number of players is adjusted, the user who makes the adjustment must proclaim the following in the global-forum:

   The total number of players before the change being made
   The most recent Global Proposal Number
   The new total number of players
   The total number of The Fire Nation Citizens
   The total number of The Yellow Nation Gulings
   The total number of The Blue Nation Members

Rule 17: Leaving the Game 2 (The Redundancyinging)

A player may leave the game (stop being a player and stop being a member of any nation) by indicating their desire to do so.

Rule 18: Best in Show

On a voting day, a delegate from each nation must publically cast a vote on which other nation has the best nation ruleset. The nation with the most votes recieves 2d6 points. In the event of a tie, no points are awarded.

Delegates may not vote for their own nation, nor abstain, nor withdraw or change a vote once cast. Nations may appoint their delegates however they choose, and may regulate their delegate’s criteria or vote however they choose without contradicting the global rules.

A voting day may be designated by any nation’s delegate by posting public notice of the voting day with a minimum of six day’s notice

Rule 19: Proposal Marking

Whenever a propasal in #global-proposals has achieved the required amount of votes to come into effect, a Moderator will mark it with ⭕ to show that the proposal is in effect. If the proposal fails to come into effect through too many negative votes or timing out, it is marked with ❌ by a Moderator and any further votes have no affect.

Rule 20: War

If two nations agree they should start a war, both enter a state of war with each other. Each nation has the right to establish it's own decision process on wether ir not It should go to war. During war each nation may wager something agreed upfront on a game decided by both of the nations , the winner receives the full prize waged in the war.

Rule 21: Proposal Timeout

If after 72 hours a proposal doesn't pass, it fails.

Rule 22: Typo Correction

If a typo's intended meaning is undisputable, then it may be ignored. Modmins may fix any such typos in the rules on GitHub.

Rule 23: Equal woods and mountains distribution

The map shall be edited to make sure that each nation has the same number of forest and mountain tiles within its borders. The map shall also be edited to change "forest" tiles to "woods" tiles. The map shall also be edited to add a new type of tile called "prairie" tiles, and each nation shall have the same number of prairie tiles within its borders.

Rule 24: Exclusive Victory

No more than one nation can win the game.

Rule 25: Foreign Currency Production Ban

A nation may not produce currency that was created by a different nation.

Rule 26: Materials

Materials, their buying and selling prices, each nation's stock of each; as well as buildings, their material costs, material production, production costs, and other requirements, shall be maintained at

Materials labeled under Buyables can be purchased from the server for points, determined by Points Cost. All materials listed can be sold back to the server for points, determined by Points Sell. Materials can be traded or sold between nations for points or other materials.

Buildings take up 1 tile of empty land in the global map. Some buildings require specific terrain types to be adjacent, as determined by Requires. Buildings require materials to build, as determined by Building Cost.

When a nation decides to use a building, three things must be true:

   the nation must have at least 1 stock of Meal.
   the nation must have the required stock from that building's Consumption.
   if the building is a Shipyard, the nation must have at least 1 boat to use this building, as specified by Requires. Once those requirements are met, 1 Meal is removed from the nation's stock, the building adds Materials to the nation's stock, as determined by Production, and removes Materials from the nation's stock, as determined by Consumption.

Each nation is given an initial stock of 5 Logs, 10 Meals, and 3 Stone.

Blue Rules[edit | edit source]

Rule 1: Proposing

All members of this nation may propose changes—repeals, additions, or amendments—to this nation's rule-set. Proposed changes are passed if they receive majority approval.

Rule 2: Referencing in proposals

No rule may reference a specific player or players as a separate entity from the whole nation, or have a similar effect, unless it benefits the greater good of the nation. Rule 3: Voting

Once a player has cast their vote on a proposal, they may not change it. Players may cast their vote by reacting to the proposal with either 💚 or ❌.

Rule 4: Changing existing proposals

If a proposal is edited to change something other than a typo, players who have already voted may change their vote one time.

Rule 5: Azulars as a currency

At the beginning of each day(00:00 UTC) all members of this nation gain 1 unit of a currency called Azulars.

Rule 6: Proposal Editing

If a proposal is edited to change someting other than a typo, players who have already voted may change their vote one time.

Rule 7: Azular Trading

Players who own more than 0 Azulars may give them to any other player by saying so in #global-forum or #blue-forum. A player may not give away more Azulars than they currently have. Players may trade Azulars for other entities or services if both parties publicly agree.

Rule 8: IndigoVernment as Name

The government of the Blue Nation shall be called the IndigoVernment. It has the power to employ members of the Blue Nation to improve general welfare.

Rule 9: Treasurer Position

The Treasurer shall be an IndigoVernment employee. Their job is to track any time Azulars or Gules previously or now owned by members of the Blue Nation change hands. Once each week they shall publish a statement and balance listing all the transactions that have ocurred that week and how many Azulars are owned by each player who has any and if any members of the Blue Nation don't have any or are in debt. The treasurer shall also track the gules owned by members of the Blue Nation.

When members of the Blue Nation gain their one Azular each day, it shall be considered that the treasury automatically prints and distributes them.

The treasurer's salary shall be 1 Azular per week paid on Fege. Any player who thinks the treasurer has made a mistake may point that out and the treasurer shall fix it. If the treasurer, makes an error on a given week, they shall give 2 Azulars to the person who pointed out the mistake. If the mistake is not actually, the person who pointed it out shall give 1 Azular to the treasurer.

The treasurer is elected by popular vote among members of the Blue Nation. Any player may call for another election once two weeks have passed of the current treasurer's term.

Rule 10: Self Voting

No one may vote for themselves in any IndigoVernment election.

Rule 11: Model Comrade

The representative doesn't have any actual functions inside the nation but works as if he was an admin or formal leader of the Blue Nation for global purposes.

Rule 12: One Role Policy

No member of the Blue Nation can have more than one role in the IndigoVerment.

Rule 13: Overrulling Compensation

If any accepted proposal is contradicted by global events or passed global rules , who suggested that proposal gets 1 Azular.

Rule 14: Unified Voting

For global votes, the nation all votes the same, as agreed in a majority.

Rule 15: Blank Voting

If members of the Blue Nation don't know what to vote for a rule they can use a ⚪ to symbolize they saw and considered the rule, but their vote is blank.

Rule 16: Azular Divisions

Azulars are divisible. They may be dealt with in units as small as 0.01 Azulars, although no smaller. 0.01 of an Azular is called an Azul.

Rule 17: Map Editing

Except where specifically allowed by blue nation rules, no player may edit the blue nation's portion of the map.

Rule 18: National Secretary Position

The National Secretary shall be an employee of the IndigoVernment. They shall receive the same wage as the treasurer and be elected in the same manner. It is the National Secretary's job to track all national proposals passed in the proper manner on Github.

Rule 19: Days of the Week

The Blue Nation Week consists of 6 days: Faga Fege Figi Fogo Fugu Fygy All weekly duties are carried on Faga unless sated otherwise

Rule 20: Azular Recollection

If any player who owns any Azulars leaves the game, their Azulars will be transferred to the IndigoVernment treasury welfare fund. Any time the welfare fund has as many or more azulars in it than there are members of the blue nation, they will be distributed evenly to the members of the nation. Any remainder will stay in the fund.

Rule 21: Election Candidates Declaration

Any time there is an election for any position in the IndigoVernment, all members of the blue nation will be pinged and given 24 hours to decide if they want to run. After 24 hours to declare their candidacy, or if everyone has made their intentions clear, voting will commence and will last another 24 hours. Whoever has the most votes at the end of the second 24 hour period wins.

Rule 22: Welfare Fund

If any transaction enforced by law would cause a member to have a negative number of Azulars, the excess of the transaction is covered by the National Welfare Fund. If this is not possible, the member shall be stripped of their daily winnings a number of days equal to the number of Azulars in excess

Rule 23: International Trade

Any player may trade 2 Azulars by 3 Gules and vice-versa by asking the treasurer to do so.

Red Rules[edit | edit source]

Rule 0: Voting laws

All members of this nation may propose changes to this nation's rule-set: new rules, or repeals or amendments of existing rules. Proposed changes are passed if more than half of voters indicate their approval and take immediately. Rule 1: Fire Nation

"Fire Nation" and "Red Nation" are interchangeable terms.

Rule 2: The Council

"The Council" shall consist of three seats, which shall be held by the original three members of The Fire Nation:

Firelord Karen HeureyAlone Aquilla

Rule 3: Veto Power

If any member of The Council votes against a proposal, that proposal fails.

Rule 4: Fire Nation Citizenship

   A citizen is defined as any player who has been assigned to the Fire Nation.
   Fire Nation will maintain a citizenship log displaying Active/Inactive citizens of the Fire Nation.

Rule 5: The Fire Lord

The Firelord is responsible for ensuring the citizenship log is updated, as well as proclaiming when a proposal has passed. Proposal proclamations will include the proposal number, as well as the ratio of votes. ( Yes / No / Total citizens). The first Firelord is @Firelord Karen

Rule 6: Hell children

All players belonging to red nation are children of hell.

Citizenship Log

Total active: 6

   Firelord Karen
   HeuryAlone the Phoenix King
   Your Friendly Neighbourhood Rat
   Sylvia, Dazzling Flames

Yellow Rules[edit | edit source]

Rule 1

The term "member of the Yellow Nation" can be interchanged with "Guling".

Rule 2

Gulings may propose to add a new rule, remove a rule or change an existing rule in the Yellow ruleset. A Guling who indicates a vote for or against by respectively reacting to a proposal with 🟡 or 😶 is called a voter. If more than 2/3 of Gulings vote for it, the proposal "passes" and is effective immediately.

Rule 3

There is a currency called Gules. A player receives 1d10 Gules upon joining the Yellow Nation. All Gulings receive 1d10 Gules when this rule takes effect, and this sentence is removed from this rule.


   Telonius: 7
   Zephnik: 4
   Nexus Darkshade: 5
   Phizoshren: 5 
   Random Internet Cat: 2
   Termite: 6