Cycle 15/Ruleset

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Revision as of 07:38, 15 January 2024 by Xenon dichloride (talk | contribs) (Swapped ordering of Spinners to reflect proposal order.)



All times mentioned in this ruleset are in UTC. Days start at 00:00 UTC. Weeks start on Monday 00:00 UTC.


Each week is divided into two phases:

Phase I: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday

Phase II: Friday, Saturday, and Sunday


A rule is a body of text which governs the state of the game. Rules that are in effect apply continuously. When a player joins the game, they agree to abide by the rules in effect.

A subrule is a rule that claims another rule as its parent. The subrule is not part of the parent; instead this relationship is to be used for organizational purposes.

A rule that is not a subrule is a top-level rule.


Any person may become a player by posting a message setting forth their intent to do so in the channel ⁠#game-actions, provided they have not been a player at any point in the past seven days. A player may cease being a player by sending a message that sets forth their intent to do so in #⁠game-actions.

A player is "reputable" if they have continuously been a player for the previous seven days or if they have continuously been a player from a time that was within 3 days of the round starting.

When a player becomes reputable, grant them a Summoning Whistle.


Proposals are made by sending a message in the channel #proposals.

A 👍 or 👎 reaction from a player on a proposal message at the time when the voting period ends constitutes a vote in favor or against, respectively. If a person's vote is unclear (excluding abstentions), it is considered to be against.

At the end of its voting period, a proposal takes effect if it is popular (as defined for its type) and the message in which it was submitted has been neither deleted nor edited. If more than one proposal would otherwise take effect simultaneously, they take effect in the order in which they were created.

The class of a proposal must be a class defined in the rules. When a proposal is submitted, the submitter may specify its class. if no class is specified, the proposal class defaults to Standard.

Urgent Class Proposal

The voting period of an urgent proposal begins at the time it is submitted and ends two days (48 hours) after. An urgent proposal is popular if it has no more than two votes against it.

Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, only a reputable player can submit an urgent proposal. Urgent proposals should only be used to correct the game to its intended state and to maintain playability.

Standard Class Proposal

The voting period for a standard proposal is the phase that started after the proposal was submitted. A standard proposal is popular if it has more votes in favor than votes against.


There shall be a sole Judge, responsible for resolving rules disputes. An incumbent Judge can be removed with the assent of two players, but they should not be removed except for abuse of office. A person can cease being the Judge by publicly stating so.

A request for justice shall take the form of a question or statement. The proper response to a question is an answer to that question, and the proper response to a statement is the truth value of that statement.

Upon formal submission of a request for justice by a person other than themself in #request-for-justice, the Judge shall, as quickly as possible, issue a response to the request. This response shall be binding only to the extent that it reasonably directly pertains to the request, and only to the extent that it does not blatantly and obviously contradict rules text while still considering the expressed or clearly implied legislative intent.

Within 4 days of a judge issuing a ruling, a public vote of confidence on that ruling can be initiated in #request-for-justice. Votes may be cast in such a vote for a period of 2 days after initiation. Votes are to be cast by 👍 or 👎 reactions on a clearly designated poll message; if a person's vote is unclear, it is to affirm the judgement. A ruling is overturned if strictly more players vote in favor of overturning than affirming.

A ruling may be overturned by the Judge who made it within one week of being made. When a ruling is overturned in this manner, the Judge shall then issue a new ruling on the initial request, which shall be binding in the same manner as the original ruling.

An overturned ruling shall have no bearing on the interpretation of the rules or of the gamestate.

Any reputable player may become a candidate for the Judge by sending a message in the channel #judge-elections. If there are any Judge candidacies put forward during a week, the player whose message is both popular and has the most 👍 reactions from players becomes the Judge once that week ends. A Judge Candidacy message is popular if it has more 👍 than 👎 reactions from players on its initiating message. Ties are broken in favor of the player with the earliest text message during that week.


Items are entities defined as such by the rules. Items can be owned by players. When an item's owner cannot reasonably be determined using publicly available information, or if it would be owned by a non-player, it is instead destroyed.

For an entity to gain an item is for that item to be created in that entity's possession. To grant an entity an item is to create it in that entity's possession.

For an entity to lose an item is for that item to be destroyed from that entity's possession. To revoke an item from an entity is to destroy it from that entity's possession.

Reputable players can trade items with other reputable players.


A trade is an exchange or transfer of items between two entities, with each entity giving a specified finite set of items to the other.

When otherwise authorized, a trade between two players takes place when both players explicitly consent to the trade in #trades within 7 days of each other.

Using Items

An item can be used by the player that owns it by posting to #⁠game-actions, specifying the item, and any other required details. When used, the item takes effect as specified in its description, then the item is destroyed. If an item's description references "you", it refers to the player who used the item. If it implies that a player does something, then the player who does it is the player who used the item.


Garbage effects cannot change gamestate prior to the phase in which the Garbage is used. Each of the following are items, with their description in quotes. If the effect of one of these items cannot be determined, it instead does nothing, because it is garbage.

  • Summoning Whistle "If the space the player is on is Blank, it gets covered in garbage, and thereby becomes of type Garbage Pile."
  • Disembodied Arm of Teleportation "The arm drags you through spacetime directly to a random space between 1 and 100. (This is not movement.)"
  • Significant Pause "You move directly to the space you are on."
  • Time Bean Chili "You move again."
  • Mysterious Ontological Hole "You swap places with the specified player. (This is not movement.)"
  • Draught of Fudging "You add or subtract 1 from the specified die roll."
  • Synergistic Scent-sation "You transform a crystal into 2 random items."
  • Tickle-me-elmo "The specified player moves directly to space 0."
  • Phlegmatic Porpoise "A random player is granted a Phlegmatic Porpoise. Ping them."
  • Pop-and-Lock Tutorial CD "The specified player moves directly to the space you are."
  • Mauve "Not the best color, but not the worst either."
  • +6 Sword of Edging "You add 6 to a specified die roll. Additionally, roll 1d100. On 100 or higher, you move immediately and directly to the Gates of Hell (which is space 666000)"
  • Actual Garbage "This item cannot be used, rules to the contrary notwithstanding. If it is somehow used anyways, you are granted 2 Actual Garbage, to negate the effect of using it twice over."
  • Get Out of Jail Free Card "You leave jail."
  • Steering Wheel "Add 1d4 to wheel rotation."
  • Bottle of Holding "The space you are on becomes Blank. Modify this description by replacing all instances of Blank with the type the space you are on was prior to it becoming Blank."
  • NEW ITEM "Create a new space that follows your current space."
  • Dimensional Bacon "Roll 2d100 to select 2 spaces randomly. The higher numbered space selected now succeeds the lowered number space."
  • Actual Garage "You are granted 5 random items defined by Garbage"
  • Fish "Drop on the deck and flop like a fish!"
  • Antimatter Wormhole "You move to the space with identifier equivalent to the negative of your space's identifier, if it exists."
  • Brakes "Subtract 1d4 from the wheel rotation."
  • Archgarbage "This item cannot be used, rules to the contrary notwithstanding. If it is somehow used anyways, you are granted 2 Archgarbage, to negate the effect of using it twice over. If you have 'Actual Garbage' and 'Archgarbage' at the same time, 1 of each is destroyed."


Once per phase, a player can MacGyver by posting to #⁠game-actions and specifying 2 different items in their possession, then granting themselves a random item defined by Garbage. This destroys the specified items.


When defining a game action that can be performed by sending a message, the rules should specify a channel where the game action can be taken. If the rules enable performing an action by sending a message without providing for a specific channel, the action can be taken by sending a message in #game-actions. Similarly, if the rules provide that a game action can be taken without making any provision for any method to take that action, the action can be taken by sending a message in #game-actions.

Actions that are to be performed by sending a message are done by sending a message in the appropriate channel that clearly and unambiguously sets forth intent for the action to be taken.

Whenever a player performs an action that would modify the information that the players generally agree should be tracked, that player should make a reasonable effort to track the outcome of the action in the generally-agreed-upon applicable location.

Random Choices

A person shall not deliberately select random values for a rules-defined action without intending to use those values to the best of their ability to resolve that action.

If a person has selected some or all of the random values necessary to perform an action, they shall not discard the valid specifications in order to attempt a substantially similar action with the goal of obtaining different random values. If there is consensus that a preponderance of the evidence exists, or if a Judge ruling, not overturned, finds that a player has done such a thing, all attempts other than the first are deemed to be invalid and to not have affected the gamestate.

Dice Rolls

A rule that requires a selection of an NdK value, for non-negative integer N and positive integer K, is requiring the random selection of N rolls of a K-sided die.

  • If not otherwise specified, this produces the sum of N rolls of a K-sided die; that is, the sum of N independent selections of integers from 1 to K, using a uniform random distribution. If N is zero, the sum is zero.
  • If a rule requires an NdK dice roll with a target number x, this instead produces the number of N independent 1dK rolls that meet or exceed the target number and can be abbreviated as "x+". For example, if a rule requires a dice roll with a target number of 3, this can be abbreviated to "3+".

Progressive Actions

Where the rules define a "progressive action", a person authorized to take that action may take that action as described in this rule. For this purpose, the "appropriate channel" is the channel specified by the rule defining the action (defaulting to #game-actions).

An authorized person may "commence" (syn. "begin") the action by sending a message in the appropriate channel. A person who has done so may then make any required selections (including, potentially, random choices) required for the action in the appropriate channel.

Upon the person making all required selections (that is, immediately after they make the final required selection), the action is deemed to be performed if all of the following are true at that time:

  • The time is in the same phase in which they commenced the action.
  • They are authorized to perform the action.
  • All other preconditions of the action specified in the rules are met.
  • All provided selections are valid (as required by the defining rule).

Where a person has commenced a progressive action that requires a selection, whether random or not, for which the choices are defined (e.g. they do not depend on another yet-unmade selection) and for which the rules permit a single possible option, that option is immediately deemed to have been selected, even without explicit action of the person.


Each player has a location (syn. "current space"), which is a space. For a player to "move to" a new space, other than their current location, is for their location to become the new space. Initially, or if a player would otherwise lack a location or have indeterminate location, a player's location becomes the initial space (as elsewhere defined by the rules, or otherwise the oldest-created existing space) if possible.


A space is an entity. Each space has an identifier, which is an integer unique among spaces. An attempt to create a space with an invalid or duplicated identifier fails, rules to the contrary notwithstanding. The space with identifier N is known as "Space N".

A space with identifier 0 always exists, and is created immediately if it does not. This space is the initial space.

Each space has a type or category as its type. The possible types are described by other rules. Initially, or if a space would otherwise lack a type or have indeterminate type, a space's type becomes Blank.

A line of spaces exists between space X and space Y if X is less than Y and if every space from space X to space Y-1, inclusive, precedes a space with an identifier one greater than its own. A loop exists from space X to space Y if a line exists from space X to space Y and space X succeeds space Y.


"Blank" is a type of space. Blank spaces have no effect that occurs when a player lands on or passes through them.


"Crystal" is a type of space. When a player lands on or passes through a crystal space, they gain 1 crystal.

Boulder Trap

“Boulder Trap” is a type of space. Each Boulder Trap space has a list of spaces called its Boulder Path, and a space called its Safe Haven. When a player lands on a Boulder Trap space, a boulder rolls through all of the spaces on its Boulder Path, causing all players on that space and any space in its Boulder Path to flee, moving them to its Safe Haven. When a player passes through a Boulder Trap space, nothing happens.

Boulder Trap spaces cannot have their type changed through the use of items. If the use of an item would cause a Boulder Trap to change its type, then the use of that item is cancelled without effect.

Unique Types

A unique space type is a space type defined as such by the rules. If 2 or more spaces have the same unique space type, then all but the last one become type "Blank" (where the last ones is the one with the greatest identifier).

Crystal Beam

"Crystal Beam" is a type of space. When a player lands on a crystal beam space, they must choose one of the following sets of spaces:

  • Spaces 200 through 204, all successors of space 204, spaces -204 through -200 and all successors of space -200.
  • Spaces 205 through 209, all predecessors of space 205, spaces -209 through -205 and all predecessors of space -209.
  • Spaces 210 through 214, all predecessors of space 210, spaces -214 through -210 and all predecessors of space -214.
  • Spaces 215 through 219, all successors of space 219, spaces -219 through -215 and all successors of space -215.

All players on any space in the selected set lose one crystal.

Garbage Pile

"Garbage Pile" is a type of space. When a player lands on a Garbage Pile space, a player may optionally select a random item defined by the rule "Garbage" to grant themself.

Spin-up Spinner

"Spin-up Spinner" is a type of space. When a player lands on a spin-up spinner space, they must roll 1d4. This number is then added to the Wheel Rotation.

Spin-down Spinner

"Spin-down Spinner" is a type of space. When a player lands on a spin-down spinner space, they must roll 1d4. This number is then subtracted from the Wheel Rotation.

Crystal Orb

"Crystal Orb" is a type of space. When a player lands on a crystal orb space, they gain 1 crystal.

Connections Between Spaces

Each space has a set of successors, each of which is a space. If such a set would ever contain non-spaces, or if one of its elements ceases to exist, the set is modified by removing any offending elements. Each space initially has no successors (that is, its set of successors is empty).

A space is said to "precede" each of its successors. A space "succeeds" (syn. "follows") each space that precedes it.


Types of spaces can be grouped together into categories. Spaces whose types are categories have a "pseudo-type" which may be assigned to a specific element of the group (or "Blank"), or randomly by selecting a random (with the possibility of weighting, though uniformly distributed unless stated) type from within the category. When a player lands on a space with a category as its type, the space's current pseudo-type applies, then that player must make a random selection for its new pseudo-type.

Whilst a category contains no elements, a space of that category is always pseudo-type "Blank". In the case of an ambiguous pseudo-type, any player may generate a random pseudo-type for that space. If a player creates a space with a category as its type or modifies a space's type to be a category, they must as part of that action generate that space's pseudo-type randomly.


"Treasure" is a category of spaces. It contains the following types:

  • Crystal
  • Crystal Orb


"Hazard" is a category of spaces. It contains the following types:

  • Stop Sign
  • Oil Spill
  • Thin Ice

Wheel Rotation

Wheel rotation is an integer that tracks the rotation of the wheel spaces within the board's main loop. If the wheel rotation is less than 0, then 40 is automatically added to the wheel rotation. If the wheel rotation is greater than 39, then 40 is automatically subtracted from it.

For wheel rotation WR, the following connections should exist:

  • Space 204 precedes space WR.
  • Space 205 succeeds space (WR+10) mod 40.
  • Space 210 succeeds space (WR+20) mod 40.
  • Space 219 precedes space (WR+30) mod 40.
  • Space -204 succeeds space -WR.
  • Space -205 precedes space (-WR+10) mod 40.
  • Space -210 precedes space (-WR+20) mod 40.
  • Space -219 succeeds space (-WR+30) mod 40.

When the value of wheel rotation changes, remove successors from spaces as specified by the list above, using the previous value of the wheel rotation as WR, then add successors as specified by the list above using the current value of the wheel rotation as WR.


Each player can, as a progressive action, move, provided they have not done so previously in the current phase. This requires the following selections:

  • First, a random choice of 2d6. Let the result be N.
  • Then, N selections of a space, where each space succeeds the prior selected space (and the first selected space follows the player's current space).

When a player moves, the following happen in order:

  • They are deemed to "leave" the current space, and any subsequent effects occur.
  • For each selected space, other than the last, in order:
    • Their location is set to that space. Then,
    • They are deemed to "pass" that space, and any subsequent effects occur.
  • Their location is set to the final selected space.
  • They are deemed to "land on" the final selected space, and any subsequent effects occur.


Crystals are fungible, non-transferable items.

If a player owns a number of crystals greater than or equal to 15 and at least five more than any other player, that player wins. Then the cycle ends.