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my least viable idea yet! the forms in here are examples for things i think you could do with them as ideas!


A form is an item. When a player is granted a form, it is unfilled. Forms can become filled.

Filling Forms

A player can fill in a form by posting a version of it with the empty spaces filled out in [dedicated channel, probably]. They can only fill out a form they have been granted.

The Office

Players can request forms from The Office by posting their intention to do so in [game actions, probably]. The requested form is granted to the player who requested it either immediately, in the next phase or in 3 phases from them requesting it (randomly selected).

Some Forms can only be requested if certain conditions are met.

Form A3

In order to win, a player must successfully fill out Form A3 (sample here) and have it successfully processed. In order to request Form A3, a player must have filled out Form K, Form XP, Form DNS, Form 11LC and Form T. Form K, Form XP, Form DNS and Form T must also have been successfully processed.

Form K

For a player to request Form K (sample here) they must have at least 5 coins in their possession. They must also remove 4 coins from their possession. Form K does not need to be processed, but can be.

Form 3A

Once form 3A (sample here) is filled out and processed, the player who did so is granted 1d6 coins. They are granted this once per each version of the form is filled out.

Form JN

In order to request Form JN (sample here) a player must have already filled out form K. The first player to process Form JN gains 6 coins.

Processing Forms

Some forms must be processed. If this is necessary, once a form is filled, a player must state their intention to process a form in [game actions, probably]. A form can only be processed once, and if a player needs to process a form multiple times, they must request, fill out and request it to be processed again. Once a player has requested a form be processed, it will be successfully processed and can be considered a processed form once either one phase, three phases, four phases or 12 phases have passed (randomly selected).