Search results
Create the page "Rulesets" on this wiki! See also the search results found.
- | Two teams with different rulesets / One player against everyone else || ...2 KB (143 words) - 02:09, 25 November 2022
- === Final Rulesets === ...3 KB (419 words) - 02:08, 25 November 2022
- ...n orderly and democratic fashion, giving due consideration to all proposed rulesets.</blockquote> '''Creating submissions by branching off from other rulesets is encouraged during this phase'''. Nomic is inherently collaborative, ever ...4 KB (739 words) - 16:24, 16 April 2023
- ...n orderly and democratic fashion, giving due consideration to all proposed rulesets. ...n when not explicitly described as a channel) in the metaruleset and cycle rulesets, refer to the channel with the appropriate name in the Discord Server. For ...9 KB (1,465 words) - 02:08, 25 November 2022
- ...rt of a Relations Council ruleset are known as Policies. Relations Council rulesets should be tracked separately from each other and from the Embassy Ruleset. ...3 KB (576 words) - 02:08, 25 November 2022
- [[Category:Rulesets]] ...15 KB (2,674 words) - 02:08, 25 November 2022
- ...hat are subject to the rule and protection of the Metaruleset. The initial rulesets used for rounds are traditionally created from scratch, though they often s ...103 KB (16,767 words) - 02:09, 25 November 2022