
From Infinite Nomic Wiki

Timeline[edit | edit source]

Each player has a timeline. A timeline is an ordered list of 24 events. All timelines are initially filled with the Idle event.

Events[edit | edit source]

An event is a special rule that can be placed onto a timeline, and it's effect happen instantaneously one time and only for the player whose timeline it is on when that position on the timeline is processed.

Idle[edit | edit source]

This event is always legal to place. Effect:Gain 1 point.

Work[edit | edit source]

This event is always legal to place. Effect:Spend 1 point, gain 1 coin.

Vote[edit | edit source]

This event is only legal if there is no other Vote event on the timeline. Effect: If this event has not happened for this player for this phase, that player, this phase, can vote on one proposal with one of :trung_stonk_up: or :trung_stonk_down:.

Recreation[edit | edit source]

When placing this event, you must spend a coin. Effect: Spend a coin, and if you do, gain 3 points. If you cannot spend a coin, lose a point.

Running with the Baddies[edit | edit source]

This event is only legal to place if you have negative points. Effect: Gain 2 coins.

Processing Your Timeline[edit | edit source]

Each phase, a player can once process their timeline by posting to #game-actions.

Processing a player's timeline causes each event to take effect separately, in the order of that timeline, and otherwise, immediately. Any die rolls, if any, are to be retroactively determined after the timeline is processed, and during the phase in which the processing is to occur. Failure to measure die rolls in this allotted time shall result in a retroactive failure to process the timeline, and that player will remain unable to process their timeline for the remainder of the phase, given only the option to measure the die rolls.

Before processing a timeline, a player's points are first set to 0.

Editing Your Timeline[edit | edit source]

Each phase, a player can once modify their timeline by posting to #game-actions and change one event on their timeline to a different legal event.

Winning[edit | edit source]

At the end of the 24th phase, the player with the most points wins.