User:4st/RPS Nomic
Players[edit | edit source]
Each player has 5 non-negative, integer attributes: - Health which starts at 3 - Stamina which starts at 3 - Rockiness which starts at 3 - Paperiness which starts at 3 - Scissoriness which starts at 3
A player also has a stat: - Wins which starts at 0
Death[edit | edit source]
If a player ever has 0 or less health, they cease to be a player, but they can become a player again immediately if they wish.
Weeks[edit | edit source]
Each week, each player gains 1 stamina. Once per week, a player can post to #game-actions to change eir attributes. Once per week, a player can spend 1 stamina to fight another player.
Changing Attributes[edit | edit source]
To change eir attributes, a player specifies their old attributes and their new attributes. The total of eir attributes must be the same before and after.
Fighting[edit | edit source]
In a fight, if a player's rockiness is greater than the other player's scissoriness, e gains 1 win, and the other player loses 1 health. If a player's scissoriness is greater than the other player's paperiness, e gains 1 win, and the other player loses 1 health. If a player's paperiness is greater than the other player's rockiness, e gains 1 win, and the other player loses 1 health.
Winning[edit | edit source]
At the end of 3 months, the player or players with the most wins wins the cycle, and the cycle ends.