Zoneless Rules[edit | edit source]
Zoneless rules apply to all players, regardless of which zones they are in.
Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, zoneless rules take precedence over any other rules in a zone.
Zoning[edit | edit source]
Each zone has a set of rules, which only apply to players in that zone. If a player is in a zone twice, the rules apply to them twice, and so on.
Proposals must specify a zone.
Proposals specifying a zone can only be created by players in that zone, unless a rule in that zone specifies otherwise.
A vote on a proposal in a zone only counts if that player is in that zone when the voting period ends, unless a rule in that zone specifies otherwise.
A proposal can be voted with :trungYeah: to promote it. Promoted Proposals become zoneless after their first voting period, and enter a second voting period.
Players[edit | edit source]
Players have a location, which is a list of zones, and initially is just a list containing Chandelier.
Zones[edit | edit source]
There are 2 zones: Chandelier and Candlestick.
Chandelier[edit | edit source]
Movement[edit | edit source]
A player can change their location by replacing Chandelier with any Zone, if their location hasn't changed this phase, by posting to #game-actions.
Winning[edit | edit source]
If there are any players with 100 points, all players with 100 or more points win the cycle, then the cycle ends.
Candlestick[edit | edit source]
Points[edit | edit source]
A point is a fungible item.
Earning Points[edit | edit source]
Players get 1 point per phase.