im not going to format this until i want to propose it (likely never)
Loops[edit | edit source]
A Loop is a period of time that takes 8 phases. Loops are marked by a letter. A loop starts when the cycle starts (Loop A, then 8 phases later, Loop B, then 8 phases later Phase C etc etc).
The phases within a loop are named as such: phase 1, phase 2, phase 3, phase 4, phase 5, phase 6, phase 7, phase 8 (tba).
There are two(?) phases in a week.
When phase 8 ends and the loop passes over into the next loop, it resets to phase 1. All proposals that have passed unless they have been made immutable or are part of the initial ruleset are reverted.
Proposals[edit | edit source]
Track which proposals pass during which phase. When a phase of the same name ends, these rules are re-added to the ruleset.
Only the two proposals with the highest percentage of [support votes] to [deny votes] within each “version” of a phase pass. If multiple proposals fit this criteria, randomly select two which from the pool of rules which fit this criteria. If a proposal has passed in the previous “version” of a phase, it automatically is not included in this pool. It automatically passes and does not count towards this. It does not need to be reproposed. !!!!I DONT KNOW HOW TO WORD THIS RIGHT NOW BUT YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!!!!