User:S4/Cycle16 Proposal Knucklebones
Knucklebones[edit | edit source]
In Rule Actions add a subrule Knucklebones reading:
A player can state their intention to join a game of Knucklebones. All details are controlled by the rule Knucklebones.
Commencement[edit | edit source]
Add a rule named Knucklebones with a subrule Commencement with the following content:
In each Rest Phase a Player can state their intention to join one or multiple games of Knucklebones. They can do so by announcing their intent in #battle-commencement. Their statement can name the opponent (or multiple) they wish to play a game of Knucklebones against. If naming multiple opponents, the statement must be specific wether they wish to play one game of Knucklebones against one of the named opponents or multiple games against any (sub-)set of the named opponents. If in this way the intent of two players is stated to play a game of Knucklebones against each other, for that two players a game starts at the beginning of the next Battle Phase. (Which does not mean it is only possible for two players to start a game of Knucklebones but for each possible pair of players.)
Field[edit | edit source]
To rule Knucklebones add a subrule Field with the following content:
For each running game of Knucklebones there exists a field. The field consists of 3x3 matrices, one for each participant in that game. The cells of each matrix are identified by the combination of their column number (1,2,3) and their row number (1,2,3).
Turn Order[edit | edit source]
To rule Knucklebones add a subrule Turn Order with the following content:
The turn order in a game is determined randomly.
Turn[edit | edit source]
To rule Knucklebones add a subrule Turn with the following content:
On a participant's turn they must roll 1d6 and choose a column of their matrix to insert the rolled dice (specifically its value) in. The row a dice is inserted in has no relevance to the game. Each matrix cell may only contain exactly zero or one dice. Once they have inserted their dice they must notify their opponent to take their turn. If 24 hours have passed since the notification of a participant to take their turn, they automatically forfeit and the their opponent wins this game of Knucklebones.
If a participant inserts a dice into a column and the corresponding (as signified by the column number) column of their opponent's matrix contains one or multiple dice of the same value as the newly inserted dice, all dice of that value in the opponent's column are destroyed and removed from the field.
Winning[edit | edit source]
To rule Knucklebones add a subrule Winning with the following content:
A game of Knucklebones ends when either one of the participants has completely filled all cells in their matrix. At the end of a game of Knucklebones the participant with the higher score wins. If the participants have the same score, the game ends without a winner.
The score of a matrix is the sum of all dice values in that matrix. If a column contains multiple dice of the same value, the score awarded for each of those dice is multiplied by the number of dice of the same value in that column.
The winner of a game of Knucklebones gains one Handy Pack and one Chip.
Dice[edit | edit source]
To rule Knucklebones add a subrule Dice with the following content:
Dice are items.
Dice a participant has in their inventory as a player of this cycle can be used by that participant once per game of Knucklebones. If using a dice, the dice's description explains its useage and effect. By using a dice in a game of Knucklebones it is not destroyed in the player's inventory.