
Revision as of 03:23, 8 April 2022 by miraheze>Klinkplink (→‎Bot functionality: Clarified bot language)

Customary things

Miraheze Wiki

The Miraheze Wiki (also referenced as simply the "Wiki" or the "Infinite Nomic Wiki") is a reflection of the current rules to our best knowledge, but not an official source of truth. We maintain the Wiki in order to increase the accessibility of the ruleset in one centralized location, however the official source of truth for all cycles and side projects of Infinite Nomic is the Discord server.

As such, a change made to the Miraheze Wiki does not legally change the ruleset or gamestate of a cycle in truth. Legal changes to a cycle's ruleset and gamestate are only able to be actioned through the discord channels specified in that cycle's ruleset. Additionally, a change made to the Miraheze Wiki does not legally change the metaruleset in truth. Legal changes to the metaruleset are only able to be actioned through the metaproposals channel on the Discord server.

Links to specific revisions of a page are often used as a source of immutable information as well.

Bot Usage

Bots (Discord or otherwise) should be used for accessibility and utility, to simplify or automate the manual processes outlined in the rules.

In order to have as few tool-dependencies as possible, rules should not be written with the assumption or requirement that a Bot will perform any action.

Bot things

....sanctify (thread ID) (insert explanation text here)

other people please add things here