Community Garden/Gamestate

Revision as of 19:03, 23 December 2021 by miraheze>Nyhilo (P h o t o s y n t h e s i s)

The Plant Keeper

The current Plant Keeper is Nyhilo

The Plant

The Plant is currently 13 cm tall. Its total length, including all branches, is 14 cm.

The Plant is in a Photosynthesis cycle until Thursday, 30th December, 2021 at 00:00 UTC. It is no longer in a photosynthesis cycle if it is after this time.

Position Features Attempts to Develop Bud
7cm 4 Leaves, 1 Branch 1
10cm 1 Leaf
11cm 1 Bud
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Plant Legend
& Leaf
- Branch
° Bud