Round 10/Reference

Revision as of 18:16, 14 August 2021 by miraheze>CodeTriangle (add some general information)

Auction Poker is a game where players compete in auctions in order to gain randomly generated cards each week, then present cards in the hand contest to receive prizes, including the ability to create proposals and fractions of victory itself.

This page will endeavor to teach new players how Auction Poker works.

Secret Actions

Because we operate on a sealed-bid system and because in real poker hands are not publicly displayed, we use something called secret actions. Essentially, to take a secret action, you write a description of the actions you want to take, then hash them using the SHA-256 algorithm, finally revealing them after the secret information's "maturation date." Make sure to save the unhashed text somewhere else. Hashes are an irreversible process. We post the unhashed text so that other players can independently create the same hash that you did so that we can verify it.


There are two "phases" in a week. The week starts on Monday (UTC). The first phase, the "auction phase" runs from Monday to Wednesday. The second phase, the "bartering phase" runs from Thursday to Sunday. In building this game, we have taken great care to ensure that players only have to check in at most twice a week to be on equal footing with everyone else. In this section, we will give a rundown of what actions you should take each phase.

Auction Phase

During the Auction Phase, you can submit secret actions for two events: the card auction and the hand contest.

In the card auction, we exchange chips for "lots," each of which contains 3 cards. Someone will draw cards before the week starts, and thereafter the cards will also be listed on the Gamestate page.

In the hand contest, we choose sets of cards from our inventories and submit them. The hand that gains the most points gets the top prize. There are seven prizes, and the seventh prize is given to everyone who submitted a hand but did not achieve any of the first six.

Bartering Phase

Weekly Income

How many chips you'll gain going into the auction phase, based on your wealth.
Wealth between this And this Gain chips equal to
300 319 100
320 339 95
340 359 90
360 379 85
380 399 80
400 419 75
420 439 70
440 459 65
460 479 60
480 499 55
500 519 50
520 539 45
540 559 40
560 579 35
580 599 30
600 619 25
620 639 20
640 659 15
660 679 10
680 699 5
700 719 0

Stuff we should probably add to this

  • An explanation of the hand system and hand math
  • An explanation of secret actions and what a hash is / how to hash with recommendations on storing the info reliably