Community Garden/Gamestate

The Plant Keeper

The current Plant Keeper is Nyhilo

The Plant

The Plant is currently 34 cm tall.

Its total length, including all branches, is 46 cm.

The Plant currently has 37 leaves.

There are 9 bags of fertilizer available.

34                       &|&
33                       &|&
32                        |
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02                        |
01                 _______|_______
                   \             /  
                    \           /
                     \         /
Plant Legend
& Leaf
-,/,\ Branch
° Bud
@ Flower


The current Plant Keeper is Nyhilo.

Player Role
Nyhilo None
Trungle None
Cat None
Wiz-gami None
Ganzom None
Temper None
Klink None
ATMunn None
Snail None
Nameko None
Oily Bee None
4st None
JKB None