User:Xenon dichloride/Competition Nomic

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  • Tournament of Nomic games.
  • Players randomly allocated into teams of 2 and each team is paired with another.
  • These players will play a game of Nomic.
  • The winner of this Nomic game has their entire team win and these players advance to the next round of the tournament.
  • When a player wins, that player is awarded points based on the round of the tournament and the time the game takes.
  • Teams that do not win play in the auxiliary bracket.

Tournament edit

The tournament is the primary focus of the (proposed) cycle.

Before the start of each round, players that were apart of a winning team in the previous round are randomly paired into groups of 2 (and groups of 3 if necessary). These are the teams for the round. Then, each team is randomly paired with another team to form the Competition Nomic games.

For the first round, all participating players are randomly assigned teams and games as normal.

When there are only two teams remaining in the tournament and will face each other, they are instead divided into single-player teams and the tournament progresses without teams (excluding the Auxiliary Bracket).

Auxiliary Bracket edit

At the same time as the tournament games, all players that has ever been apart of a losing team are randomly paired with each other (groups of 2 or 3 if necessary) to form teams for the Auxiliary Bracket. These teams are paired with another team and play a Nomic game. These games are not apart of the tournament and winners do not advance to the next round.

If two players both wish, they may be a team in the Auxiliary Bracket, not participating in the randomisation for teams.

Points edit

The team that wins a game sees each member gain 5M Points, where M is the round number.

In the Auxiliary Bracket, any winning team sees each member receive 10 Points.

Additionally, the player that wins the game gains 100⌊1.25-N⌋ Points, where N is the number of phases that have completely elapsed before the game ends. For multiple winners this is divided equally amongst them, rounding to the nearest integer if necessary.

Joining Games edit

If a player finishes their game before all other games have concluded, they may request to join a team from a game in the Auxiliary Bracket (sent as a proposal within that game and voted upon by current players). If they participate in this game, their win or loss does not count towards the tournament though they are still awarded points for winning.

Winning edit

The player with the most Points wins cycle 14 when all but 1 player is in the Auxiliary Bracket.