User:TotallyUniqueLily/Item Location Nomic

Revision as of 19:59, 22 November 2023 by TotallyUniqueLily (talk | contribs) (possessive instead of plural typo. get her ass (also worse bugs))
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Locations edit

Each player and items has a "location", which is either an item, or one of the game entities defined in sub-rules below.

Aside from items, the following are valid/possible locations:

Void edit

If a player's location ever cannot be reasonably determined, then it is the Void instead.

Bank edit

If an item's location ever cannot be reasonably determined, it is the Bank instead.

Movement edit

TODO: Prooobably make player movement and item movement have different terms. Pwobably call item movement "transfer"

Players can move themselves, or items they own, at any time. Doing so changes their (or their items') location to the one they "move to".

Players can move:

  • Items they own, to:
    • Items they own (including to itself)
    • the Bank
  • Themselves, to:
    • Items they own
    • the Void

Recursion edit

An item whose location is itself is known as Recursive.

Note: edit

A player purporting to merely "move" without specifying if they're moving themselves or an item, is moving themselves.

Items edit

All items are owned by players, or the Bank. If an item's owner at any point cannot be reasonably determined, it is instead owned by the Bank.

For an item to be created in [x]'s possession, is for that item to be created with [x] as it's owner.

The number of items an owner (each player, and the bank) had created in their possession is tracked. Starting at 0.

Properties edit

To allow unique identification of items (as well as other nefarious purposes) Each item has these properties:

Original owner edit

The player in whose possession this item was created, otherwise the Bank.

N edit

One higher than the amount of items created in the Original Owner's possession before this one. 1 for the first created item, 2 for the second, etc.

Thus, the first item created in the Bank's possession could be unambiguously called "Bank's 1"

Item list edit

The following are kinds of items:

Standard Proposal-Makers edit

Standard Proposal-Makers allow the owner (if a player) to make a Standard Proposal. When a Standard Proposal-Maker is used to create a proposal, it becomes a Spent Standard Proposal-Maker.

Spent Standard Proposal-Maker edit

The Spent Standard Proposal-Maker is also called the Spent-Maker (for brevity). It is not called a Standard Proposal-Maker by the rules (that would be confusing).

If the proposal created with a given Spent-Maker fails, it becomes a Standard Proposal-Maker (unspent). The Spent-Maker cannot be used to make proposals (until it becomes unspent again).

Winning the game edit

A player wins the game if (all of the following are true):

  • The player's location is a Spent-Maker
  • That Spent-Maker's location is second Spent-Maker
  • The second Spent-Maker's location is a third Spent-Maker
  • None of these Spent-Makers are owned by the player.
  • Each of these Spent-Makers is owned by a different player.

(draft note: alternative phrasing: If a player is in a Standard Proposal-Maker, which is in another Standard Proposal-Maker, which is in yet another Standard Proposal-Maker (that's 3 Proposal-Makers), and the player owns none of them, and they're all owned by different players, that player wins the game)