Round 3/Final Ruleset

Revision as of 11:13, 26 November 2023 by Aerievee (talk | contribs) (Created page with " Rule 1 (Strength=10) These are the rules of Infinite Nomic; all players must abide by them. The ruleset is stored on a page at: Rule 2 (Strength=1) Discord users may become players (join the game) or cease to be players (leave the game) by posting an announcement of this intent in #join-game. Rule 3 (Strength=9) No more than two times per calendar week (UTC), a player can submit a rule change proposal, w...")
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   Rule 1 (Strength=10)

These are the rules of Infinite Nomic; all players must abide by them. The ruleset is stored on a page at:

   Rule 2 (Strength=1)

Discord users may become players (join the game) or cease to be players (leave the game) by posting an announcement of this intent in #join-game.

   Rule 3 (Strength=9)

No more than two times per calendar week (UTC), a player can submit a rule change proposal, which specifies an addition, deletion, or modification of a single rule. Each proposal must include an ID (IDs start at 1, increasing with 1 for every new proposal).

If a player has 1 or more Prestige Points, they can instead make rule change proposals no more than three times per calendar week.

   Rule 4 (Strength=1)

There is a job called the Announcer. The Announcer reports to #announcements all pending proposals and all proposals passed since the last announcement. This must be done exactly three days each week, which days are determined by each Announcer upon taking the job. The first Announcer is @rosewinsall#5416.

   Rule 5 (Strength=1)

At the time of each announcement, the Announcer shall post all proposals submitted since the last announcement in #voting. Each 👍 reaction from a player on a proposal counts as a yay vote and each 👎 reaction from a player on a proposal counts as a nay vote. If there are more yay votes than nay votes when the next announcement is posted, the proposal takes effect.

If there are not more yay votes than nay votes when the next announcement is posted, the proposal is instead stored in a GitHub document called proposal-graveyard. This rule is retroactive.

   Rule 6 (Strength=1)

All rules have a trait called Strength. All rules that are created without a Strength or do not have a Strength at any time are given a Strength of 1. In the case of a rule conflict, the rule with the higher Strength takes precedence.

   Rule 7 (Strength=1)

There is a job called the Scribe of Rules who shall, once every time a rule change proposal is passed, update the copy of the ruleset that is specified in Rule 1; this copy is the official copy of the ruleset, but the state of this copy does not affect the actual state of the ruleset (which is determined solely by the actual effects specified by the rules). The Scribe of Rules is authorized to change the state of that copy of the ruleset in order to fulfill the requirements of this rule.

The first Scribe of Rules is @CodeTriangle#0726.

Any duties relating to GitHub tracking that no position is assigned to perform are to be done by the Scribe of Rules.

   Rule 8 (Strength=1)

If a jobholder has consistently failed to perform their job, any player, with the assent of two other players, can oust them from the position. Jobholders may also resign. If a job is vacant, any player, with the assent of two other players, can become its new jobholder.

   Rule 9 (Strength=6)

Each player has a number of Prestige Points. They are not tracked anywhere; instead it is the players' responsibility to verify that no player takes any action that they cannot given how many Prestige Points they have.

This rule specifies the following methods of gaining Prestige Points:

   Holding at least one job: 2 Prestige Points.
   Having submitted at least one proposal in the previous calendar week: 1 Prestige Point.
   Having submitted at least one proposal in the previous calendar week that was adopted: 1 Prestige Point.
   Having submitted at least one proposal in the previous calendar week that had no nay votes at the time of its resolution: 1 Prestige Point.
   Having at least one self-appointed title: 1 Prestige Point.

Other rules with strength equal to or greater than this rule may define other methods to gain Prestige Points.

Players with at least 3 Prestige Points can announce that they want to Superboost their vote on one proposal if they have not already since the last announcement. Their vote then counts as two votes on that proposal.

   Rule 10 (Strength=1)

A calendar week starts on a Monday at 12am UTC.

   Rule 12 (Strength=1)

There is a job called the Enforcer. If another jobholder has not taken the actions designated by their job within 24 hours, the Enforcer pings them with a reminder in #nomic. There can be a total of three Enforcers. The first Enforcer is @Klink#0666.

   Rule 13 (Strength=9)

There is a job called the Judge. If there exists a rule dispute, any participant in the dispute may ping the Judge, and the Judge looks over the rules and gives the interpretation that best represents the wording of the relevant rules. This interpretation is final. There cannot be more than one Judge.

A judge's ruling may be overturned within 96 hours with the assent of at least five players. If this happens, the ruling is considered void. A player whose judicial decision is overturned in this way loses their position as Judge (if applicable) and receives a -2 Prestige Point penalty for two weeks.

In addition, a Judge pinging themself does not allow them to give a ruling.

   Rule 14 (Strength=1)

Once per month each player can give themselves one new title each. These titles are meaningless and arbitrary until given meaning by future proposals.

These titles are different than server nicknames.

   Rule 16 (Strength=1)

This is a list of Game Words:

   Prestige Point
   Game Word

Whenever a Game Word is replaced by another word in this rule, all instances of that word will be replaced in all rules. If another rule specifies a word or phrase as a Game Word, it is added to the list of Game Words.

   Rule 18 (Strength=1)

If they have not done so in the current calendar week, a player may state their Prestige Points and claim ten times that amount of Tokens.

The Scribe of Tokens is a job. Their duties include updating the tokens github document to accurately reflect each player's token balance at least once a week.

   Rule 19 (Strength=100000)

Create a new strength-100000 rule, with text as follows:

Every instant that this rule exists, the following occurs (in order):

   Every Rule besides this one is destroyed, in ascending numerical order by ID.
   The Game of Infinite Nomic Round 3 ends.
   This Rule destroys itself.