
Revision as of 22:43, 1 May 2024 by FoolLime (talk | contribs) (→‎Ascending: more that 3 that fit criteria)
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pretty sure this is almost totally unelectable in IN but ill do anything to not have to play cheel

Classes edit

When this rule passes, two categories are established, Lower Class and Upper Class. Players are then randomly sorted into either Lower Class or Higher Class evenly. If there is an odd number, Lower Class is given the “extra” player. When a new player joins, they become Lower Class.

Players who are in the lower class cannot make proposals of any sort. Players who are in the Upper Class cannot vote on any proposals.

Ascending edit

Every [4 phases], the [3] Lower Class players with the most coins and the [3] upper class players with the least coins swap classes immediately before tax is applied. if there are more than [3] people who fit these criteria, the necessary number is randomly selected from players who fit the criteria.

Tax edit

Immediately after an Ascension occurs, all players are taxed. Every player has all of their coins removed from their inventory if they have less than 10 coins. Otherwise, they have all but 3 coins removed from their inventory.