
Revision as of 03:56, 11 July 2024 by FoolLime (talk | contribs) (created page and added ruleset)
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Dungeons (Nomic version) edit

When the game starts, a Dungeon is generated, and all players appear in the centre hex.

A dungeon level is the shape of the layout (? you know) in the image below vvv vvv

worlds smallest image (?). its the grid.

Generating a dungeon edit

When a dungeon level is generated, all hexes within it have their type of hex randomly selected from a weighted pool of options. The pool is as below.

Blank (weight= 8)

Stone Wall (weight= 5)

Pool (weight= 3)

Chest (weight= 2)

Enemy (weight= dungeon level (if level 3 is being generated, the weight of an entity hex is 3)

Pit (weight= 2)

Rope (weight= 1)

The centre Hex on all levels is always Rope.

Hex functions edit

Blank edit

A player can move to a Blank tile they are adjacent to as a movement or action.

Stone Wall edit

Players cannot move onto a Stone Wall hex.

Pool edit

A player cannot move onto a Pool Hex.

Chest edit

A player can move onto a Chest hex as an action. When they do so, they roll on the loot table three times, and add the results to their Pockets. When this happens, at the end of the round the Chest hex becomes a Blank hex, meaning multiple players may use the same chest hex in a round.

Enemy edit

When an Enemy hex is generated, a creature from the Enemy table is generated on that hex. It is otherwise a Blank hex.

Pit edit

A player can move onto a Pit hex as an action. When they do so, they are removed from the dungeon level and placed on the centre hex of the next dungeon level (if a player is on a Pit hex on level one, they are removed from level one and appear on the centre hex of level two, which is generated if it has not already been).

Rope edit

A player can move onto a Rope hex as an action. When they do so, they can optionally be removed from the dungeon level they’re on and appear on any hex they are permitted to be on (Blank, Rope and Chest) on the above dungeon level adjacent to a Pit on that level (if a player is on a rope hex on level three, they can move to a permitted hex on level two adjacent to any Pit). If they are on level one, the Rope instead lets them escape the dungeon.

Escaping the dungeon edit

When a player escapes the dungeon (see Rope hex) all items in their Pocket are moved to their Store. A player who has escaped the dungeon can choose to enter any dungeon that exists, appearing on the centre tile of that dungeon on level one.

Actions edit

Every period, each player can use up to three actions. They can use these to move or to use items. They can also do nothing on an action. Actions occur at the end of a period, and all player’s actions occur simultaneously but in order (player A moves twice, player B moves once, they both move once simultaneously, then Player A moves at the same time as Player B does nothing, then both do nothing on their third possible action)

Generating a new dungeon edit

If more than 2 players have escaped the dungeon and either a dungeon level with no Pit generated or more than five levels have been generated, a new dungeon can be generated. This does not remove the previous dungeon.

Enemies edit

The enemy table is a weighted table and is as follows;

Minotaur (weight= 2)

Minotaur edit

Minotaurs have one action. This occurs at the end of every period after all player actions have occurred.

A minotaurs action is one of the following

Charge edit

Move edit

If there is a player who is perpendicular to the minotaur on the hex grid, and there is no Stone Wall hexes between the Minotaur and the player, the minotaur will charge at the player, moving three hexes towards the player in one action. If there are multiple players who fill the above criteria, it randomly selects a player to Charge at.

Otherwise, the Minotaur will move to a random hex adjacent to it.

If the minotaur would move onto a Pool hex, Stone Wall hex, Pit Hex or the centre hex of a dungeon level because of an action that it would take, it instead does not do so, ending its action early on the previous hex it was on.

When a player is on the same hex as a Minotaur, they are removed from that level, and appear on the centre hex of level one. Everything in their Pocket is destroyed.

Loot edit

The loot table is a weighted table as follows;

Nothing (weight= 2)

1 coin (weight= 5)

2 coins (weight= 3)

Winning edit

The first player to get over 50 coins and have 5 or more more coins than any other player in their store at the end of a period wins.