To have your ruleset considered, please write a document containing mostly rule text that outlines most of your mechanic's unique ideas.

Overarching design ideas

  1. Fewer automatic actions to reduce logistical strain
  2. Set precedent that players are expected to track their own actions, or delegate them to a specific party if otherwise agreed
  3. Create specific game channels for actions that require tracking to allow better auditing (A cycle 10 example would be splitting game-actions into Bets / Hands / Trades)
  4. Implement an auto-idling system for inactive players

The Council edit

Returning idea from Cycle 10's planning. Additional discussion thread starts here.

Slow Background Nomic edit

Returning idea from Cycle 10's planning. Additional discussion thread starts here.

Branching Nomic edit

A nomic that splits based on the result of decisions: Branching nomic pitch

Subproposals Nomic edit

A nomic where multiple users work together to assemble omnibus proposals composed of individual subproposals: Subproposal ideas

Rules are Items edit

The rules themselves are tangible items that must be crafted, can be owned and traded, and possibly destroyed. Brief discussion happened here. This idea has branched into several:

Trungle's Draft edit

Describes a game where the goal is to own most of the rules, and rules can be stolen by amending them enough. Link: User:CodeTriangle/Rules are Items Nomic

Klink's Draft edit

A different approach, where owning the majority of a rule's shares gives you powers over the rule, including limited veto power. Link : User:Klinkplink/Shareholder Nomic

5D Nomic With Multiverse Time Travel edit

Rules are items, but also branching and time travel.

re-run a previous round edit

Take the initial/final ruleset from a previous round and use it as the initial ruleset for this round.

Drafts edit

Plantnomic edit

A minimalist slow-nomic intended to run concurrently with Cycle 11. Perhaps this is could be named Cycle 10.5 or some such.

Link: User:Nyhilo/Plantnomic