Rule 6: Triple Votes edit

Every time a rule which is numbered with a multiple of 10 is added to the official-rules, all active players are given a TripleVote. A TripleVote can be used by telling a @Moderator, and upon being used, the next vote of the player whose TripleVote was used, counts as 3 votes.

Rule 7: Coins for passing proposals edit

After a player's proposal passes, they receive 40 Coins.

Rule 9: Coins for voting against proposals edit

Whenever a proposal is accepted (adding of a rule, removal of a rule or ammendment of a rule), all the players who voted *against* the proposal receive 10 Coins.

Rule 10: Debates edit

Instead of making a proposal, a @Current player may start a debate. To initiate a debate, a player submits the opening proposition that will be debated in the channel #current_debates. The same player should then immediately submit the opening statement in favour of the proposition in #debate_discussion titled "Opening Statement For the Proposition". The next input into the debate should be written by another player, a player who rejects the proposition. This input should be titled "Opening Statement Against the Proposition". The two sides then alternate rebutting each other's arguments, titling each input into the debate "Rebuttal X" (X being the next consecutive number for each side).

Debating continues on the day the debate is initiated and for two days after that. On the third day after the debate was initiated, each side submits an input titled "Closing Statement", summing up one's position and arguments. At the end of that last day, all players who submitted at least one rebuttal or statement receive 80 points. Furthermore, players can tell a moderator that a particular argument changed their mind on the matter at hand, for which the player that wrote the argument gains an additional 30 points. This should be done within a reasonable time after the debate, but not necessarily immediately after.

A player can report an input into the debate for being too low-effort. If a moderator considers the input to be trolling, not comprehensively written or not containing sound argument(s), the moderator shall remove rebuttal or statement in question and notify the author that so has been done. If not, the report is dropped and the concerned players are notified

Rule 17: Economy edit

All players who have a negative amount of points immediately have 100 points when this proposal passes.

Everyone lose all their TripleVotes and balloons. Rule 15 is removed from the game by getting a strikethrough. Balloons and TripleVotes will still be a thing, but they can be achieved in new ways (see paragraph 12 of this rule).

The game word "points" will hereby be reffered to as "Coins" instead.

A new channel will be added to the server when this proposal passes, called #shop. Only people with the @Moderator or @Merchant roles can write in this channel. The channel will be an overview of all items it is possible to buy in the game.

Proposals can define a new item that is added to the #shop. Proposing a new #shop item must include these three things: an item name, a price for buying it, an amount of the item that will be put into the #shop, and an effect the item has upon being used (consuming an owned item can be done by messaging a @Moderator). Once such a proposal passes, a @Moderator or a @Merchant will add it to the list of #shop items, using this template::

- [Name] - Cost: [Cost] - In stock: [Quantity] - Effect: [Effect]

Each time an item is bought, the item's number in the "in stock" section is decreased by 1. An item can not be bought if this number is lower than 1.

When this proposal passes, an election will happen where a @Merchant is chosen (someone @Inactive can never be a @Merchant. If the @Merchant becomes inactive or loses the Merchant role in any other way, a new election will be initiated).

When a new item is proposed, the @Merchant will vote in place of the @Leader. Judges are not allowed to vote "Nay" on #shop item proposals.

If a player wishes to buy something from the #shop, they may choose to message a @Merchant publicly saying explicitly that they wish to buy an item, including the name of the bought item. It is impossible to buy an item if the player does not have an amount of Coins equal to or greater than the price of the requested item, except if the item's description states otherwise.

All Coins that are spent on buying items from the #shop are not simply removed from the game - they are instead put into the Bank (a section in #shop showing an amount of Coins). This action will be performed by the @Merchant.

Rule 18: Voluntary inactivity edit

You may become inactive whenever you like by using the command !inactive. While you are Inactive, if you would like to become active again, you can use the command !active to remove the Inactive role.

Rule 19: Vassals & Lords edit

Effective with this rule, each player gains a property, Allegiance, that is initially set to “Free.”

A player (hereafter “the vassal”) may swear themselves to another player (hereafter “the lord”) if the lord assents. To do so, the vassal and the lord each message a moderator indicating their intentions, whereupon the vassal’s Allegiance becomes “Lord <lord’s nickname>.” (e.g. “Lord Raven James”)

A vassal may only have one lord, but a lord may have any number of vassals.

In this allegiance, the lord gains coin, while the vassal gains clout. When a vassal makes a proposal that goes to an open vote, the lord must vote there in favor of the proposal. When a vassal gains coins, they must give one tenth of those coins, rounded up, to their lord.

Either player may unilaterally annul the allegiance by (a) failing to perform their duty of allegiance or (b) messaging a moderator indicating their intent. In addition to these, the vassal may annul the allegiance by swearing allegiance to new lord.

Rule 20: Unconstitutional incidents edit

If a player spots an unconstitutional incident and notifies players on #nomic-discussion about it, specifying the specific parts of the rules that make it unconstitutional, he/she gains 150 points if what he specified is deemed unconstitutional by a @Moderator .

If a player makes an action while it is deemed unconstitutional, he/she loses 150 points. Deeming an incident as unconstitutional is made after 3 people, including at least 1 @Moderator agree that the specified incident is unconstitutional.

Modifying a rule that an action is related to, triggers a "constitutional check". A constitutional check, is checking if a previously-related-to-an-unconsitutional-incident-but-now-modified rule can still trigger the unconstitutional incident. If it doesn't, the action is no longer deemed as unconstitutional.

Rule 21: Tax edit

Every Monday when a @Moderator updates the game (currently 20:00 CET), every player loses 30 Coins each. The two players with the highest number of Coins lose an additional 30 Coins.

If a player has fewer coins than they owe when tax is to be collected this day, they will instead lose all their Coins and be put at the bottom of the "Next" section of #turns. All Coins collected because of this rule are added to the "Bank" section in #shop by a @Merchant.

Rule 22: Redistribution of wealth: edit

Every Tuesday, when a @Moderator updates the game, 10% of the coins currently in the bank (rounded up), are split equally among every active player who does not have the most amount of coins. Any coins that cannot be split equally, return to the bank

For example, 3 active players on a Tuesday with 185 gold in the bank: 19 coins would be split among the 2 active players with the least amount of money. However, since we cannot have half a coin, each of these 2 players gets 9 coins and the bank loses 18 coins to a new total of 167 gold. If 2 or more players tie for the highest amount of coins, none of these players would get any coins.

Rule 23: Proposal ID'S edit

Proposals have ID numbers. Whenever a player submits a proposal to #proposals, they shall label it with its ID number. Each proposal's ID number is the last proposal's ID number plus one.

Rule 25: Errata edit

Players can, if they believe that they have found a mistake in one of the gamestate tracking channels, submit an erratum to #errata. The player who maintains that channel shall either accept the erratum and fix the incorrect portion or deny it. After an erratum is accepted, the player who posted it gains 5 coins. The player who maintains a channel cannot submit errata about that channel.

Players cannot file errata about github documents.

Rule 26: Loans edit

Any @Current player who is not a @Merchant may forgo their proposal and request a loan from the bank instead, equal to or less than the current amount of coins in the bank, or less than 200 coins, whichever is less. If they do, the @Merchant can choose to approve or deny the loan within 24 hours of that player's request. If they deny the loan, nothing happens and the turn of the player who requested the loan is skipped. If the loan is approved, the amount of coins specified is removed from the banked, and the player who requested the coins adds that amount of coins to their balance. This is not considered as "gaining coins" for other rules. The player gains a loan value in the inventory equal to the amount of coins he got from the bank, is considered a "debtor" and gets the according role for as long as he has a non-zero loan value.

Any player who has a loan value, may request to pay back their loan at any time, by pinging an @Merchant in the nomic discussion channel and specifying what amount of their current loan they want to pay back. The amount of coins specified is removed from their current coin balance and their loan value.

Every Friday at announcement time, every player's loan value becomes 1.1 times their current loan value.

If a player's loan value exceeds 500, the bank gains coins equal to that player's coin value, that player's coin and loan values become 0, they lose the game, they become a "slave" and get the according role.

Rule 27: Feudal Actions edit

Once a day, a player may do a single Feudal Action. A player can choose to do a second Feudal Action on the same day by spending 10 coins. Feudal Actions can be created, amended, and repealed just like regular rules, however all Feudal Actions are listed in a github document titled "Feudal-Actions".

Rule 28: Pickpocketing edit

Any player may, as a Feudal Action, attempt to pickpocket from another player.

The pickpocketting player submits a name to a mod as their target. The target chosen must have more than 50 coins.

To succeed in pickpocketting the @Current player pickpocketting rolls a number between 1 and 10. If a number greater than 7 is rolled, the pickpocket attempt is a success and 7 coins are transferred from the target's coin amount to the coin amount of the pickpocketter.

If a pickpocket attempt fails, the @Current player pickpocketting loses 10% of their coins as punishment. This lost money is sent to the bank

Rule 29: Trades edit

To transfer coins or items from one player to another is for one player to lose the coins or items (as specified) and the other player to gain the same amount. If a transfer would cause a player to lose more items or coins than they have, the transfer does not occur.

A player may, at any time, offer a Trade with another player. This may be done publicly, or in a Discord DM. The terms of a Trade may include the transfer of coins and items, as well as agreements as to future game actions by either player, and fines (as a number of coins) for violation of any agreements.

The other player may then agree to the trade (publicly, even if the initial offer was private); in doing so, they must list any transferred coins and items, but need not list other terms of the trade. Upon agreement to the trade, the specified transfers occur.

Rule 30: Wealth limits edit

No player can earn more than 100 coins per turn. If a player's total amount of money earned in the day Redistribution of Wealth triggers exceeds 100, gaining money due to that rule takes precedence over other effects.

Rule 31: Rule Titles edit

Each rule may have a title in addition to its number. If the proposal creating a rule specifies a title for the new rule, then that becomes the rule's title upon the proposal's adoption. A proposal to amend a rule may specify a new title for the rule; that title becomes the rule's title of the proposal takes effect. If a rule ever lacks a title, any Github collaborator may give it a title.

If a proposal to create, amend or repeal a rule fails to include the title of the rule, 20 coins are transferred from the proposal creator to the Bank upon the proposal's adoption. If a proposal specifies a new title for a rule, the old title must be included as well to avoid the fine.

For the sake of clarity, the constitution's title is "The Constitution". All proposals that affect The Constitution must include the following note at the top: (This is a constitutional proposal, and as such goes directly to chamber voting tomorrow. This proposal requires at least 75% for votes to pass)

If a proposal affecting the constitution does not include this note, the proposals creator will face the penalty as if they had failed to include the title of the rule.

Rule 32: Feudal Surge edit

If you are a @Current player, you may lose 20 coins. If you do, you may make 3 feudal actions today.

Rule 33: Weapons edit

At the time of this proposal becoming a rule every active player and future active players gets a weapon for uses to be specified by future rules.

The weapon given by this rule will be a dagger.