Round 5/Initial Ruleset

Rule 1

Each player begins the game as a member of the world and as a member of one nation. Players must obey the global rule-set as well as their nation's rule-set.

Rule 2

If a player is not a member of the Red, Blue or Yellow nation, they may join a nation by having an administrator of this game witness them stating their intent to do so. The administrator shall then randomly assign that player to a nation that does not already contain more than 1/3 of the world's members.

Rule 3

There are three nations: Red, Yellow, and Blue.

Rule 4

When a nation amasses 100 points or more, the nation with the most points wins the game collectively.

Rule 5

Only rules in the global rule-set (this rule-set), may define win conditions or deal with points. If a rule in the global rule-set conflicts with a rule in a local rule-set, the global rule takes priority.

Rule 6

All players may propose changes to the global rule-set: new rules, or repeals or amendments of existing rules. Proposed changes are passed if more than two thirds of voters indicate their approval and take effect immediately.

Rule 7

Each time a global rule-change is passed, an administrator shall roll one six-sided die for each nation and each nation gains the respective amount of points.