User:Xenon dichloride/Archipelago

Isolated in the vast oceans lies a mysterious land, unscarred by the wrath of nomican kind. Volcanic eruption is a regular hazard of the region, completely reorganising the seabed. Rumour has it that a curse is to blame. Now you - of the skeptical kind - stand on a beach, crystal waters lapping at your heels as you gaze out towards the dormant volcano towering above the peaceful isle. Recalling this, a laugh escapes your lips.

The Archipelago is composed of a grid of hexagons, with each hexagon representing a variable tile. Initially The Archipelago is _________. Each player must select two starting locations (vertices) before performing other game actions. They place a settlement at each, then place two roads (see Construction).

Tiles edit

The following types of tiles exist:

  • Grassy - Produces Sheep
  • Forestry - Produces Wood
  • Grainy - Produces Wheat
  • Mountainy - Produces Stone
  • Clayy - Produces Brick
  • Sandy
  • Wet

Resources edit

The following resources exist:

  • Sheep
  • Wood
  • Wheat
  • Stone
  • Brick

When a player joins for the first time they recieve 2 Wheat, 1 Wood and 1 Stone.

Values edit

Each tile except for 'Sandy' or 'Wet' is randomly assigned an integer value between 2 and 12 (inclusive) from a pool of 4 instances of each number, without replacement.

Every day, one player may roll two six sided dice. The result determines which tiles produce resources.

Production edit

When a tile is determined to produce resources, all players with settlements on a vertex of that tile receive 1 of the resource for each settlement, and 2 for each city, on a vertex of that tile.

Construction edit

Players can construct buildings at any times provided they have the resources to pay the cost. A player can only construct buildings adjacent to their other buildings. No building can be constructed on an edge or vertex of a 'Wet' tile.

The following buildings can be constructed:

  • Settlement - Costs 1 Sheep, 1 Wood, 1 Wheat, 1 Brick

Must be connected by at least two roads two another settlement or city, placed on vertexes. Grants 1 Victory Point (VP).

  • Road - Costs 1 Wood, 1 Brick

Placed on edges.

  • City - Costs 2 Wheat, 3 Stone

Replaces a settlement. Grants 2 VP.

Trades edit

Two players may trade resources at any time.

Seasons edit

After 3 Phases have passed (a season), The Archipelago resets. The player with the highest VP gains 4 Reputation Points (RP), second 2 RP and third 1 RP.

After 12 Phases (4 seasons), the winner of the Cycle is the player or players with the greatest RP.

The player with the highest VP of the previous season may choose to randomly generate a new Archipelago of a size they choose, or create one. Another player must choose their starting locations before the past season winner.