Round 10/Ideas

From Infinite Nomic Wiki
Revision as of 12:17, 9 May 2021 by miraheze>Wotton (retracting my own idea)

Write your initial ruleset ideas for Round 10 here. We can then make a poll in #announcements to pick one of them and write a draft.


Discussion so far:

The Council

A Mafia/Werewolf game where players can propose any change to the rules. There is one Outsider who plays in the team with hidden information and has veto power but may not veto a certain class of proposals.

Discussion so far:


A round where there's a Discord bot that holds the game state (as a database / set of files) and the rules (as Python code). And then proposals are Github pull requests and game actions are Discord bot commands. The initial ruleset can be anything (determined via a second round of polling). There's some code that's somewhere around halfway usable, it would need to be finished.

As envisioned the bot is canonical in the sense that errors in the bot code are not fixable except by convincing the bot to modify itself. We could add a "bot owner" or judge role with the authority to reset the bot if it gets too far off track.

Discussion so far:

Auction Poker

The Liar Game round, but for Nomic

Proposals can only be made by using a proposal-making item, and only a limited number of proposal-making items is available in each cycle. However, proposals always pass unless a [very high number or fraction] of players votes against it. To keep the game running despite these limitations, Ruleset and Gamestate adjustments can be made by judges.

At the beginning of a week, each player gets an amount of points and two randomly generated cards. All other cards are then put up for auction (each card being an individual lot) Once the auction phase is over, a bartering phase begins where players can trade points and cards. At the end of the cycle players present their hands and they are ranked from best to worst. Each player gets a prize according to their hand's rank (if they get a prize at all). Prizes could be proposal-making items, proposal veto items, guaranteed cards for the next week, etc.

I think this would work best if we only use high-cards or 2 card suits, otherwise the lots might not face enough competition during the auctions.

Doomsday Timer

There are two teams and a timer that counts down. One team has to get the timer to zero and the other has to stop it, but the timer can only be manipulated through a certain mechanic. One of the teams could consist of a single player.


re-run a previous round

Take the initial/final ruleset from a previous round and use it as the initial ruleset for this round.

Tribute Round

The initial ruleset contains one element from each previous round.