Round 10/Proposal Ideas/The Auction Casino Part II

Revision as of 23:28, 1 September 2021 by miraheze>Nyhilo (Add initial body of text, copied from Proposal_Ideas#Building the Auction Casino)
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The below text is copied verbatim from the previous attempt. I need to spend the time to trim out stuff that has already been implemented and reword things so they work with the current rules


This proposal aims to add a number of activities, called Tables, for users to take part in in an official manner in their down time. During this drafting process, comments will be left below in italics, and are not meant to be included in the final proposal.

But first, some groundwork:

Rename rule "Auctions" to "The Auction Casino"

In rule "The Auction Casino" add section "Participation" with the following text:

The "Participation" value of the Auction Casino is given by one of the following criteria, whichever is higher:

  • 10
  • 2 for every 3 players
  • 2 of every player who bid in the previous auction for card lots

In rule "The Auction Casino" section "Lots, amend the following text:

"Each lot consists of three cards. Each auction has the higher option of:

  • Ten lots
  • 2 lots for every 3 players
  • 2 lots for every player who bid in the previous auction"


"Each Auction in the Auction House has a number of House Lots in addition to any Player Lots that contain 3 cards each equal to the Participation value of the Auction Casino at the time the Lots are generated."

And the text:

"During any phase other than the Auction Phase, if there are fewer lots than the number specified above, any player may generate a Lot by generating a set of cards to fulfill that Lot."


"During any phase other than the Auction Phase, if there are fewer House Lots than the number specified above, any player may generate a House Lot by generating a set of cards to fulfill that Lot."

In rule "The Auction Casino", add section "The Auction House" with the following text:

During the Auction Phase, a player may put an item they own up for Auction as a Lot in the Auction House. During the Bartering Phase, so long as there are no existing secret or non-secret bids on any Lots, a player may take down an item they own from Auction in the Auction House, removing its Lot. If an item contained by a Lot ever ceases to exist, its Lot is removed from the Auction House. An item that is up for Auction remains up for Auction until it is taken down by its owner or until the Lot containing the item is won. If a lot containing a player-owned item is won at the Auction House, then a number of chips equal to the value of the winning bid is transferred to the owner of the item and the item is transferred to the player that placed the winning bid.

In rule "The Auction Casino", add section "Bidding on Works of Art" with the following text:

After the Auction Phase, but before the Revelation Date for bids, any player may generate the bid of a Third-Party Auctioneer on a given Lot containing a Work of Art. The bid of the auctioneer must be generated as a random integer between 75% of the Value of the Work of Art (rounded up) 150% of the Value of the Work of Art (rounded up).

If a bid for a Work of Art is won by a player and the Value of that Work of Art is less than the winning bid amount, then the Value of that Work of art is increased to match the winning bid amount. If a Third-Party Auctioneer wins the bid on a Lot containing a Work of Art, then the Work of Art is no longer owned by any player and is placed in the Gallery. Its Lot is removed from the Auction House.

Add rule "Tables" with the following text:

There are two types of Tables that players can sit down at, Limited Access Tables and Limitless Access Tables. A player may not be sitting at multiple Tables at the same time. Unless otherwise specified, a player may only sit down at a Limited Access Table at most 1 time in a given week. A player may sit down at a Limitless Access Table as many times as they like. A player may sit down at a Table by announcing their intent to do so in the appropriate channel (#tables, unless otherwise specified). A player stands up from a Table when Play at the table ends or when they announce their intent to stand up in the same channel.


Slots are a Limited Access Table that a player may sit down at at most 3 times per week.

When a player chooses to play the slots, they must put 6 chips in the machine (losing them in the process). A player may not play the slots if they do not have enough chips to do so. The player then rolls 3 times on the following table:

Roll Value
20 โ™พ
17-19 ๐Ÿ”บ
14-16 ๐Ÿƒ
10-13 โœจ
6-9 ๐Ÿค”
1-5 ๐Ÿฆ†

Afterwards, the player compares their 3 Values with the chart below and claim their payout, if any. Values of the same kind must be sequential in the rolls to count. If multiple payouts apply at the same time, they gain the effect of the payout higher in the chart. Play at this table ends when the payout is awarded.

Values Payout
๐Ÿฆ†๐Ÿฆ†๐Ÿฆ† Machine broke, you may not play the slots any more times this week. Gain no payout
๐Ÿฆ†๐Ÿฆ† Gain no payout
โ™พโ™พโ™พ Gain 100 chips
โ™พโ™พ Gain 50 chips
โ™พ Gain 25 chips
๐Ÿ”บ๐Ÿ”บ๐Ÿ”บ Gain 24 chips
๐Ÿ”บ๐Ÿ”บ Gain 20 chips
๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿƒ Gain 18 chips
๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿƒ Gain 12 chips
โœจโœจโœจ Gain 10 chips
โœจโœจ Gain 6 chips
๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค” Gain 3 chips
๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค” Gain 1 chips

The Studio

The Studio is a Limited Access Table that a player may sit down at once per week by announcing their intent to do so in #the-studio.

Works of art have the following attributes: A Title, a Description, and a Value

While sitting at the Studio Table, a player may spend 50 chips to create a single Work of Art in their possession. To create a Work of Art, the player must post a message to #the-studio, providing a Title for the Work of Art no more than 30 characters in length and a Description of the Work of Art no more than 200 characters in length. A player's attempt at creating a Work of Art fails if they do not have at least 50 chips to lose.

The initial Value of a Work of Art is determined by generating an integer between 1 and the Participation Value of the Auction Casino when the Work of Art is created, then multiplying by 4.


War is a Limitless Access Table that two players must sit down at in order to play.

Before the the war begins, both players must agree to the items each of them are wagering.

Once both players have agreed to the items they are wagering, both players draw a card. The winner of the War is the player who drew the card with the highest rank. If the ranks of both cards are the same, then the winner is the player who drew the card with the highest suit. If both suits are the same, then each player draws a new card, and repeats the process until a winner can be determined.

Once a winner is determined, the items wagered by the losing player are immediately transferred to the winning player. If a player stands up from the table before a winner can be determined, both players keep the items they wagered.

Off to the Races

Off to the Races is a Limitless Access Table that multiple players may sit down at by announcing their intent to do so in #the-raceway.

After a player sits down at this table, but before the Race begins, that player must choose to enter a Horse in the Race. To do so, the Player must select a Name (consisting of at most 18 characters) and a card they own to represent their Horse. A player may not enter a Horse in the Race that has the same name or is represented by the same card as another Horse.

When all players sitting at the Table have entered a horse in the Race, ensure that at least 4 horses have been entered in the Race. If there are fewer than 4 horses entered in the Race, then the remaining number of horses are generated by drawing that many cards. These are NPC horses. NPC horses have a name that is the name of the card drawn for them, and properties equal to the Suit and Rank of the card drawn for them. If an NPC horse has identical properties to a horse already entered in the Race, continue drawing cards until a valid horse is entered. Once the above criteria has been met, betting may begin.

When betting begins, any player (including those not sitting at the Table) may place bets on the horses they think will win. When a player bets, they lose that many chips. A bet fails if the player does not have enough chips to place that bet. The total sum of bets on all horses is known as the prize pool. When all players that have expressed interest to bet have done so, or after an hour has passed since the last bet was placed, 10% of the prize pool (rounded down to the nearest whole number) is removed, and the Race begins.

The Length of the Race is equal to the number of horses that have been entered in the Race multiplied by 2. A horse wins the Race when they have a Position that is greater than the Length of the Race. The Race ends when one or more horses win the Race. When the Race begins, all horses in the Race start with a Position of 0.

To progress the Race, any player with a horse in the race may perform a Race Action. The Race Action may be taken until one or more horses win the race.

Race Action: Draw a card, all horses in the race that share a suit, rank or color with the drawn card increase their position by 1. If no horses share a suit, rank or color with the drawn card, all horses' positions increase by 1.

A Lap Action may only be taken if, at any time all horses surpass a given position for the first time. When this happens, a Lap action must be performed once before another Race Action can be taken. Any player with a horse in the race may choose to perform the Lap Action.

Lap Action: Draw a card, all horses in the race that share a suit, rank, or color with the drawn card decrease their positions by 1.

After the Race ends, each player that had a winning horse in the Race receives an amount of chips as winnings. If multiple horses won, the prize pool is divided evenly among the winning horses (rounded down). The winnings each horse a player bet on is equal to (P/W)*B, where P is the amount of the prize pool allocated to that horse, W is the total amount wagered on that horse, and B is the amount of chips the player bet on that horse. If a horse wins that was not entered by a player, then the winnings for that horse are awarded to nobody.

If a player stands up from the table before the Race ends, their horse continues racing, but any winnings that player may have gotten go to nobody. Play for this Table ends when all players have stood up, or when the Race ends and awards have been given out.