Round 8A/Initial Ruleset

From Infinite Nomic Wiki
Revision as of 18:31, 17 October 2020 by miraheze>BelCavendishNY (→‎Elections)


All times mentioned in this ruleset are in UTC. Days start and end at 00:00 UTC.

Actions such as vetoing an election or proposal must be made before the proposal passes/the election ends, and the player doing the action must announce that they are performing it in the channel #game-actions.


Anyone may become a player by posting a message announcing their intent to become one in the channel #game-actions. A player may stop being a player by announcing their intent in that same channel or by leaving the Discord server.


For voting, each player's vote has weight 1 unless otherwise specified. The votes of all non-players have weight 0.s


Any player may make a proposal by sending a message in the channel #proposals. If that message is deleted or modified during its voting period, the proposal is retracted.

The voting period for proposals is 24 hours. At the end of a non-vetoed proposal's voting period, if the weight of valid votes in favor is higher than the weight against, the proposal takes effect. A vote is valid if, at the end of the voting period, the person casting the vote is an eligible player. A :+1: reaction on the proposal message is a vote in favor, and a :-1: reaction is a vote against.


At the beginning of each title's election day, all players who have that title lose it.

On a title's election day, a player can make a Declaration of Candidacy by posting a message stating their intent to do so in the channel #elections, specifying the title. Elections end 24 hours after the first Declaration of Candidacy for a title is made. From the players (whose candidacies haven't been vetoed) whose weight of votes is at least 3,the N among them with the highest weight of votes gain that title, where N is the title's maximum number of holders. If fewer than N such players exist, all such players gain that title. A :+1: reaction on a Declaration message by an eligible player constitutes a valid vote. Ties are broken in favor of players who made earlier Declarations.


Each player has exactly one title, and has the "Pawn" title if they would otherwise lack one. Upon gaining a title, all other titles are revoked from that player. No person other than a player may hold a title.

title election day max. num. of holders may vote on proposals can vote on elections for can veto vote weight 2
King Monday 1 proposals on proposals
Queen Tuesday 1 candidacies on elections
Rook Wednesday 2 𐄂 𐄂
Bishop Thursday 3 𐄂 𐄂
Knight Friday 3 𐄂 𐄂
Pawn - - only if made by 𐄂 𐄂