User:4st/Cycle 13 Ideas
Here's a page of free ideas. Add or remove as you please.
Persistent Ideas
Optional Engagement
Players may choose to not obey an ephemeral rule by saying so in #game-actions. When they do so, they can no longer obey it for the rest of the loop as well. A player who doesn't obey a rule cannot change gamestate based on that rule. If changes to gamestate would affect a player who doesn't obey the rule those changes would affect, they instead don't. If said changes to gamestate that would affect that player would last beyond a loop, those changes begin affecting that player when the next loop begins.
Whenever a player is granted coins, subtract 1 from the number of coins granted for each orb in their possession.
A player may, by announcement to #game-actions and specifying a proposal in #standard-proposals or #transtemporal-proposals, revoke an orb in their possession. When the voting period on that proposal ends, count :heavy_plus_sign: and :heavy_minus_sign: reactions from that player on that proposal as an additional vote in favor or against, respectively.
Proposal Rewards
Whenever an standard proposal is adopted, grant 1 coin to the player who proposed it.
Whenever a transtemporal proposal is adopted, grant 2 coins to the player who proposed it.
Each player is a row and a column on a matrix that contains integers from -10 to 10. When the loop begins, all values in the matrix are reset to 0.
Ephemeral Ideas
Once per phase, any player may have any player randomly selected as the chosen one.
The chosen one may use :trungStonkUp: and :trungStonkDown: to vote in favor or against, respectively, on standard proposals that are in their voting period.
Once per phase in which the chosen one has been randomly selected, the chosen one can choose any ephemeral item, and it is granted to them, by posting to #game-actions.
Once per phase in which the chosen one has been randomly selected, the chosen one can choose any ephemeral item, and each player is granted one of it, by posting to #game-actions.
Once per phase in which the chosen one has been randomly selected, the chosen one may choose to not obey an ephemeral rule by saying so in #game-actions. A player who doesn't obey a rule cannot change gamestate based on that rule. If changes to gamestate would affect a player who doesn't obey the rule those changes would affect, they instead don't. If said changes to gamestate that would affect that player would last beyond the time frame they are disobeying that rule, those changes begin affecting that player normally when the time frame expires.
Once per phase in which the chosen one has been randomly selected, the chosen one must submit a standard proposal. If they don't, everyone is cursed, and all standard proposals for that phase are invalid.
Mana (singular and plural Mana) is an ephemeral, fungible, non-transferrable item.
Each phase, each player is granted 1 Mana.
Each player is a row and a column on a matrix (called the Graph) that contains integers from -10 to 10. Initially, all values in the Graph are 0.
Each row represents a starting point, and each column represents a destination. Each cell represents a directed, weighted edge from the starting point, to the destination, defined by the row and column that cell is in.
A path exists between a starting point and a destination if there is some set of edges with non-zero weight where every starting point in that set, other than the first starting point, is also a destination. Each edge in a path must be unique.
Masterwork Spell: Runic Circles
If a path exists that leads to the same node is created in the adjacency matrix, if N is positive, grant all players in that path N coins, where N is the total edge weight of the path. If N is negative, instead revoke negative N coins from all players in that path. If more than one path exists, grant and revoke coins for all such paths. Then, set all edges in those cycles to 0.
Spell: Charm
A player may Cast Charm by posting their intent to do so and revoking any number of Mana in their possession to #game-actions and specifying another player. When they do so, update the Graph at the row of the player who posted and the column of the specified player, to its current amount plus the amount of Mana revoked.
Spell: Chain Lightning
A player may Cast Chain Lightning by posting their intent to do so to #game-actions. When they do so, for each path to a player (called destination player) from the player who discharged (called the starting player), calculate the total edge weight of each path to the destination player from the starting player, and call it N. For each N, if N is positive, grant the destination player N coins. For each N, if N is negative, revoke negative N coins from that player's possession. Then, after granting and revoking these coins, set all edges in these paths to 0.
Spell: Absorb
A player may Cast Absorb by posting their intent to do so to #game-actions. When they do so, for each path to the player who absorbed (called destination player) from any other player (called the starting player), if N is positive, grant that starting player N coins, where N is the total edge weight of each path from the starting player to the destination player. If N is negative, revoke negative N coins from that starting player. Then, after granting and revoking these coins, set all edges in these paths to 0.
Spell: Fireball
A player may Cast Fireball by posting their intent to do so to #game-actions, revoking any number of Mana, and specifying any player as the primary target and any player as the secondary target. When they do so, update the Graph at the row of the primary target and the column of the secondary target, to its current amount minus the amount of Mana revoked.
Spell: Blood Magic
A player may, once per phase, Cast Blood Magic by posting their intent to do so and specifying another player. When they do so, update the Graph at the row of the player who posted and the column of the specified player, to its current amount minus one. If the Graph changes from casting this spell, grant the player who posted 1 Mana.