User:CodeTriangle/Chess Wheel

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Chess Wheel, loosely based on User:Veganzombeh/BigChess.


  • Each player has their own chess board.
  • All chessboards share the eighth rank.

Boards[edit | edit source]

A Board is a 2-dimensional grid of discrete size. Each position on the grid may contain a single Piece. The rows of the grid are called ranks and the columns are called files. Ranks are indexed with subsequent letters, starting with A. Files are indexed with subsequent numbers, starting with 1.

Boards may share spaces. When board A shares space S with space T on another board B, pieces that exist at space S on board A exist at space T on board B and may move to spaces on board B accessible from space T or to spaces on board A accessible from space S.

Standard Board[edit | edit source]

If a player has not done so in this cycle, they can create a board with 8 rows and 8 columns, called their standard board by saying so in #board-actions.

If a player has not done so in this cycle, they can create a king and a pawn on their standard board by specifying two distinct locations, one of the king, and one for the pawn. When they do so, the king and pawn are created in their specified locations in the possession of the player who created them.

Spaces on the eighth rank of a standard board are shared with spaces with the same rank and file every other standard board.

Turns[edit | edit source]

The turn list is an ordered list of players. Any player who has created their standard board can add themself to the end of the turn list by saying so in #joining.

When a player is at the start of the turn list, it is said to be their turn. When it is a player's turn, they can do all of the following in order, known as taking their turn:

  • If they have pieces, take a piece action with one of their own pieces.
  • Remove themself from the turn list.
  • Add themself to the end of the turn list.

If a player has not made a move in 24 hours since their turn began, then any player can remove them from the turn list.

Winning[edit | edit source]

If only one player owns a King, that player wins.

The above win condition does not come into effect until multiple players have created a King.

Pieces[edit | edit source]

Pieces are items. Each piece has a list of piece actions.

When a piece moves it is removed from its current location and placed to a new location.

When a piece takes another piece it moves to the position of the other piece and the other piece is destroyed.

Pawn[edit | edit source]

Piece actions:

  • The pawn moves to a specified unoccupied space in its same file and adjacent rank.
  • The pawn takes a piece in an adjacent rank and file.

King[edit | edit source]

Piece actions:

  • The King moves to an unoccupied space in an adjacent space.
  • The King takes a piece one space in an adjacent space.