User:Klinkplink/Shareholder Nomic

From Infinite Nomic Wiki
Revision as of 22:01, 13 October 2021 by miraheze>CodeTriangle (change some symbols)

This is a branch of Trungle's Rules are Items Nomic

The following rules should be almost comprehensive.


  • Klink don't forget you wanted to do stuff with judges.
  • How do we approach subrules?
  • Should we split any of the rules up into smaller ones to make things more competitive?
  • Add rules obligations to track your own stuff.
  • ???
  • Profit

$INFO: Information

$TIM: Time

All times mentioned in this ruleset are in UTC. Days start at 00:00 UTC. Weeks start on Monday 00:00 UTC.

$PLA: Players

Only players may perform actions and vote.

Anyone may become a player by posting a message announcing their intent to become one in the channel #game-actions, provided they have not been a player at any point in the past seven days. A player may stop being a player by announcing their intent in that same channel or by leaving the Discord server.

$PHAZ: Phases

Each week is divided into two phases:

Phase I: Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday

Phase II: Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday

$RUL: Rules

A rule consists of a body of text, which continuously governs the state of the game and how it is to be interpreted and a symbol, which is a short code which is used to reference that rule. When a player joins the game, they agree to abide by the text of the rules.

$ITEM: Items

Items are entities described as such by the rules. Items are always owned by an entity, and they cannot be owned by any entity that the rules do not allow to own that item. Unless another rule states otherwise, players can own all items and when an item would otherwise lack an owner it is destroyed.

$ACT: Actions

A "game action" is any action a player may take that would alter the gamestate. All game actions in this section can be performed by announcing them in the channel #game-actions. Players are considered reputable if they have continuously been a player for the last seven days. Any action that the rules allow to be performed in a channel that is not #game-actions can be performed in #game-actions as well as those specified by the rules. Any action that the rules allow to be performed in #game-actions can be performed in any other channel so long as the message in which it is performed includes an unambiguous designation that they are intended to be game actions.

$TRD: Trade

A trade is an exchange or transfer of items between two entities, with each entity giving a specified finite set of items to the other. Reputable players may trade items with other reputable players. A trade between two players takes place when both players explicitly consent to the trade in #game-actions.

$SHR: Rule Shares

For each rule, there is a class of fungible items representing shares of ownership of that rule. When a new rule is created, the player whose proposal created that rule gains 6 shares of that rule, and the Bureau of Business gains 4 shares of that rule. When a rule is amended by proposal, a share of that rule is created in the possession of the owner of the proposal that amended that rule.

If an entity owns more than half of the shares of a rule, they are considered the Majority Shareholder for that rule. If a proposal contains an amendment that would modify an existing rule, the Majority shareholder of the rule can issue a Shareholder Veto on the proposal, raising the required vote percentage to two thirds. If the proposal has not been withdrawn by the end of its voting period, the Majority shareholder must give 1 share of the rule to the Bureau of Business.

When a player is a Majority Shareholder on two thirds of all rules in existence, they win the game and the Cycle ends.

$PROP: Proposals

Proposals are bodies of text that describe changes to the gamestate, including rule changes. When a proposal takes effect, its changes are applied instantaneously. Players can create proposals by sending the full text of a proposal in the channel #proposals.

A 👍 or 👎 reaction on a Proposal message at the time when the voting period ends constitutes a vote in favor or against, respectively.

At the end of its voting period, a proposal takes effect if it is popular (as defined for its type) and the message in which it was submitted has been neither deleted nor edited. If more than one proposal would otherwise take effect simultaneously, they take effect in the order in which they were created.

The class of a proposal must be one of the classes listed below. When a proposal is submitted, the submitter may specify its class. if no class is specified, the proposal class defaults to Standard.

$URG: Urgent Class Proposal

The voting period of an urgent proposal begins at the time it is submitted and ends two days after. An urgent proposal is popular if it has no more than two votes against it.

Any reputable player may make an Urgent Class proposal. Urgent proposals should only be used to correct the game to its intended state and to maintain playability.

$STD: Standard Proposals

The voting period for a standard proposal is the phase that started after the proposal was submitted. A standard proposal is popular if it has more votes in favor than votes against. A player cannot create a standard proposal if they have already created four proposals in that week or if they already own two proposals.

Each standard proposal is an item. When a standard proposal is created, it is created in the possession of the proposal's author. A single proposal can create up to 1 rule, and amend up to 3 rules, if the proposal exceeds either of these limits it is automatically withdrawn. When a standard proposal is withdrawn or applied, it is destroyed.

$BOB: Bureau of Business

There is an entity called the Bureau of Business which can own Shares and Proposals. When a Proposal or Share would otherwise lack an owner, it is transferred to the Bureau of Business instead of being destroyed. The Bureau of Business begins the game owning 30 shares of Bureau of Business and 20 Shares of all other initial rules. Players made trade with the Bureau of Business at the following rates by stating they do so in #bureau-of-business:

  • Pay 2 shares of any rule to receive any 1 share owned by the Bureau of Business.
  • Pay 1 share of Bureau of Business to receive any 1 share owned by the Bureau of Business.

One per week a player can gain 3 Shares of the Bureau of Business by stating they do so in #bureau-of-business