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Revision as of 05:47, 24 July 2021 by miraheze>Klinkplink (subproposal game idea)
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Sub Proposals nomic

A limited-proposals nomic idea that would include one weekly group-proposal to be voted on, composed of subproposals made by different players.

Assembling SubProposals

All players can submit 1 subproposal per week, at any time during that week.

All players have three tokens to assign to subproposals of their choice during the week. A player may not use their tokens on a subproposal made by themselves. A player can assign only one token to any given subproposal.

The tokens: 3 power token 2 power token 1 power token

At the end of the week, the five subproposals with the highest power are combined to form The Weekly Proposal. The Weekly Proposal is then put up for a vote from all players for the entire following week. All players must vote either for or against the Weekly Proposal.