
From Infinite Nomic Wiki
Revision as of 17:48, 27 May 2022 by miraheze>UnderSampled (Remove duplication; Bag of Compost -> Bag of Fertilizer)

Proposal Caretakers:

Under the rule Classes, add an additional class and class-specific actions:

 - Climbing the plant
 - Pruning the plant
 - Pollinating flowers

Under the rule Classes, add a sub-rule called Caretakers with the following text:

Caretakers are very small. When a Gardener becomes a Caretaker, they shrink down to a hundredth their size (generally somewhere around 1.75cm tall) before they do anything else. Because of their small size, Caretakers become fatigued very easily for even simple actions. If they are fatigued, a Caretaker is unable to do any action and must rest. Should they cease to be Caretakers, players return to the size they were before they became Caretakers.

Under the rule Actions, add a new sub-rule called Climbing with the following text:

Any Caretaker can climb to a specific location on the plant by posting their intent to do so as a single message in #plant-actions. If no location is specified, the player will climb to the lowest feature that is the tip of a branch. In the event of a tie, this feature is chosen randomly among the tied features. After climbing, a Caretaker will be fatigued for the rest of the day.

Under the rule Actions, add a new sub-rule called Pruning with the following text:

Any Caretaker can prune a feature at their current location on the plant by posting their intent to do so as a single message in #plant-actions. By pruning the plant, the plant will lose the feature at that location. If a Caretaker attempts to prune a branch, the thickness and hardness of the plant will cause them to become fatigued for the rest of the day, and their attempt to prune will fail.

If a feature is successfully pruned:
 - It falls below into the composting pile, stored as the kind of feature it was. This feature can be used as material to make one bag of Fertilizer, no matter what kind of feature it is.
 - The plant will become eligible for a coronation roll at the beginning of the next day.
 - The Caretaker who pruned the plant rolls 1d3. If they roll a 1, they fall off the plant, Though unharmed, this takes a lot out of a little Caretaker! If they fall of the plant, they become fatigued for the rest of the day, and for the entirety of the next day. If they do not fall of the plant, they still become fatigued for the rest of the day due to the hard work involved.

If the plant has been pruned at least once on the day previous to a day it attempts to grow, remove 1 entry of 'Nothing Happens.' for that roll attempt.

Under the rule Actions, add a new sub-rule called Pollinating with the following text:

Any Caretaker can pollinate a flower at their current location on the plant by posting their intent to do so as a single message in #plant-actions. In doing so, they get fluffy pollen from that flower all over them. If they had pollen on them from a different flower than the one they are pollinating, that pollen is removed from them, and the flower becomes pollinated. After pollinating, a Caretaker will be fatigued for the rest of the day.