User talk:Klinkplink/Shareholder Nomic

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Revision as of 01:28, 16 October 2021 by miraheze>Klinkplink (Shareholder fix things we need)
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A rule consists of a body of text, which continuously governs the state of the game and how it is to be interpreted and a symbol, which is a short code which is used to reference that rule.

  • very minor nit: I'd prefer to say a rule "has" a symbol, not "consists" of text and a symbol

When a new rule is created, the player whose proposal created that rule gains 6 shares of that rule, and the Bureau of Business gains 4 shares of that rule.

  • When a new rule is created by a proposal

When a rule is amended by proposal, a share of that rule is created in the possession of the owner of the proposal that amended that rule.

  • This incentivizes splitting changes in a proposal into multiple amendments Should probably be "When a proposal takes effect, for each rule that it alters, ..."

the Majority shareholder of the rule can issue a Shareholder Veto on the proposal

  • by what mechanism

If the proposal has not been withdrawn by the end of its voting period, the Majority shareholder must give 1 share of the rule to the Bureau of Business.

  • is this intended to be just if there's a veto or anytime a proposal amends a rule

When a player is a Majority Shareholder on two thirds of all rules in existence, they win the game and the Cycle ends.

  • "at least two thirds", and I feel like the "in existence" is overly broad

A trade between two players takes place when both players explicitly consent to the trade in #trades .

  • should add statute of limitations on trade consent

Proposals are bodies of text that describe changes to the gamestate, including rule changes. "Proposals are entities that have bodies of text."

  • I think the "describe changes to the gamestate" bit should be dropped because it means that if a proposal accidentally doesn't change anything then it's not a proposal (also the proposal itself should not be the body of text) “if the application of the proposal would create more than 1 rule it doesnt-”

The class of a proposal must be one of the classes listed below.

  • please don't use relative references like "below", I don't think we've previously held that ruleset order is actually part of the gamestate. "A player can create a proposal in #proposals by specifying the text and, optionally, the class."

Judges may make rulings on the Metaruleset, but those rulings shall only be effective within the bounds of the round.

  • can we strike this, I regret writing it in the first draft and I don't think it works

Ties are broken in favour of the player with the earliest text message.

  • earliest text message... in what scope? forever?

Pay 1 share of Bureau of Business to receive any 1 share owned by the Bureau of Business.

  • so I can pay one share of BoB to get one share of BoB owned by BoB