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Boards[edit | edit source]

All players have a board. A board is a grid that is 10 nodes tall by 6 nodes wide. Each node on a board has a coordinate. The coordinate of a node is represented by (x,y), where x is the x coordinate of the node (with the leftmost column being 0, and each node to the right increasing by 1), and y being the y coordinate of the node (with the bottom row being 0, and each node above increasing by 1).

Each node on a board can either be on or off. If a node has a unit on it, it is considered to be on. If a node does not have a unit on it, it is considered to be off.

Pieces[edit | edit source]

Units are unit shapes which can cover one node on a board. Pieces are shapes formed by sets of units. A piece can either be possessed by a player, or on a player’s board. Once per phase, a player may gain the number of random pieces equal to their level. Players on level 0 may gain 1 piece.

A player may play any piece they are in possession of by announcing the piece they are playing, along with where on their board they are playing it. A piece may be played if it only covers nodes which are off, and all of its units are within the bounds of the board. When a player plays a piece, they may flip or rotate it any way.

The pieces are defined in the following table.

Name Description
Line Four units in a row
Square A 2x2 square of units
L Three units in a row with a fourth one off the side of an end
S A 3x2 rectangle with two opposite corner units removed.
T Three units in a row with a fourth one off the side of the middle unit

Levels[edit | edit source]

When the entirety of a row of a players board is on, all units on that row are removed, and they gain 1 point.

All players start at level 0. To level up to the next level, a player must get the number of points of the level they are leveling to. When they reach a new level, their points are reset to 0.

Winning[edit | edit source]

When a player reaches level 10, they win the cycle. Then the cycle ends.