User:Xenon dichloride/Card Rework

From Infinite Nomic Wiki

Multiple Colours and Suits

For every entry in the table in Modifiers that contains "has only the", replace this text with "gains the". Then append "This modifier is then removed." to that entry.

Simplify Cards

Replace the table in Cards with the following table:

The obtainable species of cards are
Name Value(s) Suit(s) Colour(s) Type(s) Effect(s)
Ace 1 - - Special, Rare Select another participant. They draw 2 cards from their deck.
2 2 - - - -
3 3 - - - -
4 4 - - Special Select a battler and a card in their hand. Swap this card with a card in your hand.
5 5 - - - -
6 6 - - Special Can be played upon a card of odd value. Only an even valued card can be played atop a 6.
7 7 - - - -
8 8 - - Special If you drew cards as a result of the previous turn's actions, take an additional turn immediately.
9 9 - - - -
10 10 - - - -
Jack 11 - - Special, Face The next participant in the turn order must draw 1 card from their deck.
Queen 12 - - Special, Face, Rare Select a participant and a card in their hand. This card is destroyed and they must draw a different card.
King 12 - - Special, Face, Rare Select up to two participants. Each must draw 1 card from their deck.
Joker - - - Special, Rare Can be played upon anything but only cards of an opposite colour can be played upon them.
Jester - - - Special, Rare Can be played upon anything but only cards of the same suit can be played upon them.
Credit Card All natural numbers - Green Special, Rare Can be played atop anything if you have at least 3 vertebrae. You lose 3 vertebrae and the owner of the previous card on the pile gains 3 vertebrae.
Go to jail monopoly card 2 - White Special, Rare All owners of creditcards that have been played on the pile lose 3 vertebrae (if possible), you gain 3 vertebrae. If an owner was unable to lose 3 vertebrae they skip their next turn.
Amalgam - - - Null -
Exploding Kitten 0 - Red, Black Special, Rare A random card in your hand is destroyed.
Coup Duke 3 - Magenta Special, Rare Select a player. If that player has at least 3 Vertebrae, grant yourself 3 Vertebrae and revoke 3 Vertebrae from that player.
Lotto Ticket 1000000 Diamonds Cyan Special, Rare Roll 1d100. If 1, you forfeit. If 100, you win the game of Exoptosis.
Uno Reverse - - - Special, Rare The turn order is reversed before your turn ends. If there is only 1 other player, take an additional turn.
Quantum 5 - Transparent Special, Rare The card and all other Quantum cards are destroyed. Any player whose Quantum card was destroyed recieves 1 Vertebrae. A random active player has a Quantum card added to their inventory.
-1 of Blight -1 Blight Magenta - -
1 of Vitality 1 Vitality Green - -
2 of Blight 2 Blight Magenta - -
-2 of Vitality -2 Vitality Green - -
Orb of Blight -3 Blight Magenta Special, Rare Select a participant. A '-1 of Blight' is added to their hand.
Orb of Vitality 3 Vitality Green Special, Rare Select up to three cards in participants' hands. Each card is replaced by a '1 of Vitality'
Duality of Life 0 Blight, Vitality Magenta, Green Special, Rare If able select 4 cards from your deck to be destroyed. If you did so, all other participants must each draw 2 cards.
7 of Clocks 7 Clocks Yellow - -
7 of Stars 7 Stars Blue - -
9 of Clocks 9 Clocks Yellow - -
9 of Stars 9 Stars Blue - -
Prince of Clocks 11 Clocks Yellow Special, Face, Rare If played atop a card with the Clocks suit, the turn order is reversed before ending your turn.
Princess of Stars 11 Stars Blue Special, Face, Rare If played atop a card with the Stars suit, within the battle the next time you would draw a card, you may select a player and draw a card (of your choice) from their deck.
Goddess of Clocks 13 Clocks Yellow Special, Face, Rare The next participant to play a card without the Clocks suit must draw 1 card.
God of Stars 13 Stars Blue Special, Face, Rare The next participant must draw a card with the Stars suit. If their deck has no cards with the Stars suit, all cards in their deck are instead destroyed.
Two 2 - - Special Draw up to 2 cards, then select a number of cards from your hand equal to the number of cards you drew this turn. Destroy these selected cards.
-1 -1 - - - -
Zero 0 - - - -
1 1 - - - -

Rare Cards

Replace the content of Handy Pack with:

Handy Pack is a card pack. When opened, that player gains 2 random cards and 1 random rare card.

Replace the content of Deck Pack with:

Deck Pack is a card pack. When opened, that player gains 4 random cards and 1 random rare cards.

Replace the content of Legendary Pack with:

Legendary Pack is a card pack. When opened, that player gains 3 random cards drawing modifiers from the Common (40% chance) and Rare (10% chance) collections, 2 random rare cards and 2 random cards with random modifiers from the Rare collection.