Round 8B/Ruleset
Info[edit | edit source]
General[edit | edit source]
All times mentioned in this ruleset are in UTC. Days start at 00:00 UTC.
Players[edit | edit source]
Only players may have titles. Only players with the proper titles may perform actions, vote, and possess items.
Anyone may become a player by posting a message announcing their intent to become one in the channel #game-actions. A player may stop being a player by announcing their intent in that same channel or by leaving the Discord server.
Actions[edit | edit source]
All game actions in this section can be performed by announcing them in the channel #game-actions.
Veto[edit | edit source]
Vetoing a proposal or Declaration of Candidacy has the same effect as retracting it. Proposals made by Dictators can not be vetoed.
Trade[edit | edit source]
Players may give or exchange items in their possession with other players. The exchange or act of giving items takes place immediately after both players explicitly express their consent to the trade in #game-actions.
Flip a Coin[edit | edit source]
Each player may only be perform this action once per week, on Sundays.
The player performing this action must use a random generator to roll a D2. If the result of the roll is 2, one "Coin" item is immediately added to that player's possession.
Write a Permit[edit | edit source]
To perform this action the player must specify whether they are writing a Veto Permit or an Impeachment Permit. Once this action has been performed, an item with the name "[Player's name]'s Veto Permit" or "[Players name]'s Impeachment Permit" is added to that player's possession.
Use Item[edit | edit source]
Players may only use items in their own possession. The player performing this action must specify which item they are using. Once an item is used it's removed from that player's possession.
Veto Permit[edit | edit source]
Using this item has the same effect as vetoing a proposal made by the player who created this item. This item may only be used if the player using it specifies which proposal they are vetoing.
Impeachment Permit[edit | edit source]
Once this item is used the player who created it immediately loses whatever title they currently have.
Purchase[edit | edit source]
To perform this action, the player must state which item they are purchasing in #game-actions and pay any costs specified by the item. Items without a listed cost cannot be purchased.
Shield[edit | edit source]
Item: Shield
Cost: 3 coins
Effect: The purchasing player must specify a Declaration of Candidacy or a Proposal. The specified Declaration of Candidacy or Proposal cannot be vetoed.
Divine Decree[edit | edit source]
Item: Divine Decree
Cost: 5 coins
Effect: Once this item is used, the player specifies a Proposal or Declaration of Candidacy. The players vote has +1 weight on the specified Proposal or Declaration of Candidacy.
Voting[edit | edit source]
For voting, each player's vote has weight 1 unless otherwise specified.
A :+1: reaction on a Declaration message or Proposal message at the time when the voting period or election ends constitutes a vote in favor.
A :-1: reaction on a proposal message at the time when the voting period or election ends constitutes a vote against.
Proposals[edit | edit source]
Any player may make a proposal by sending a message in the channel #proposals. If that message is deleted or modified during its voting period, the proposal is retracted. Players may only make proposals if none of their proposals were vetoed within the last 24 hours.
The voting period for proposals is 24 hours. Once a proposal's voting period ends, if the weight of votes in favor is higher than the weight against, the proposal takes effect and the player who made that proposal gains one 'Coin' item, or two 'Coin' items if they hold the title King or the title Queen. Players who do not hold the title King or the title Queen may only gain a Coin in this manner once every 24 hours
The voting period for proposals made by players with the Dictator title ends once all players with the Dictator title have voted or 24h have passed. Only players with the Dictator title may vote on proposals made by players with the Dictator title.
Elections[edit | edit source]
At the beginning of each title's election day, all players who have that title lose it.
On a title's election day, a player can make one Declaration of Candidacy by posting a message stating their intent to do so in the channel #elections, specifying the title. If that message is deleted or modified during its corresponding election, the Declaration is retracted.
Every week, on a title's election day, an election for that title starts as soon as a Declaration of Candidacy for that title is made. Elections last 24 hours.
Once an election ends, the corresponding title is awarded to players with Declarations for that election. For each election, no more instances of a title may be awarded than that title's maximum number of holders. If there are more Declarations than that title's maximum number of holders, the players whose Declarations have the highest weight of votes gain the title. Ties are broken in favor of players who made earlier Declarations.
Titles[edit | edit source]
Each player has exactly one title, and has the "Pawn" title if they would otherwise lack one. Upon gaining a title, all other titles are revoked from that player.