Round 4

From Infinite Nomic Wiki
Official Start Date: 12/13/2019 UTC
Official End Date: 02/14/2020 UTC

Concept[edit | edit source]

Round 4 was a direct response to the incredibly high levels of bureaucracy in round 3. Where round 3 had each logistical function owned by a person with a job, round 4 would have a single monarch that owned most of the game functions themselves.

While the monarch was not able to write proposals themselves, they were the sole approver and denier of any proposals that were made by players.

The monarch was randomly selected from a group of 7 candidates using a dice roll, and the player that was selected was Random Internet Cat (also known as Cat, or now meatcat).

Initial Rules[edit | edit source]

There is a single person who is the Monarch. A proposal is a document submitted by a person other than the Monarch in a channel with the name #​proposals. When the monarch publicly states that they approve a proposal, the changes to the gamestate specified in the proposal occur, except that the Monarch cannot approve a proposal that would specify conditions under which any person wins the game.

No person shall modify or delete proposals.

The Monarch is: Random Internet Cat#6930

Legacy[edit | edit source]

Round 4 is known for its vaguely medieval theme, its large volume of proposals made over a relatively short period of time, and for being the starting point for the increasing textualism of Infinite Nomic, courtesy of Cat.

Round 4 had a total of 134 proposals made over its approximately two month run, but it is noteworth that 129 of those proposals were made in the first 4 weeks.